My vision is different

Chapter 310 Texas is the Poorest

Chapter 310 Texas is the Poorest

"Only ten games?"

Larry Bird, who was informed of the final results of the alliance, said disdainfully.

Although this punishment seems very severe, in reality, if a white player utters some insulting words aimed at the old black, it is a punishment of several games.

As a native of China, Lin Shaojie's ten-match suspension definitely gave him enough face.

But Larry Bird is also clear, if the Chinese are replaced by Judas, ten games?Just kidding, it will make you get out of the NBA immediately believe it or not!

So Larry Bird was very dissatisfied. He heard it clearly from Lin Shaojie's mouth, and the cause and effect were clear at a glance.

But no matter how angry he was, it was useless. He originally stayed in Polis, but also rushed to San Antonio because of the team's recent turmoil.

Now that the alliance has officially released the test and processing results, the subconscious words are to let everyone live in peace, and this matter has been exposed.

Those who should be punished have already been punished, the kind that is very face-saving, can you continue to make trouble?
"I think what Michael said is very reasonable. Although we want Paul George to get better statistics this season, form the Indian City Twin Stars with you, and be selected as an All-Star at the same time, but his current cold is not so thorough. I I think it will take at least two or three days.

In the next game against the Spurs, you can completely take over the offense, how about it?Want to try 50+ or ​​even 60+ opportunities?The winning streak is enough for us. "

There is something in Larry Bird's words, and the meaning is quite obvious, that is, you can give up the winning streak for Lin Shaojie's personal data, and use "Big Bird" to recognize Lin Shaojie's ability, such a thing can be done.

Isn't it just to increase the right to shoot?What a simple thing.

Most importantly, there is no shame in losing to the Spurs!
On the other hand, it was Rose's torn meniscus, and the reimbursement for the season reminded the Pacers and even the teams in the league.

For the future of the team, there is no need for players to "fight with injuries." Rose was seriously injured again in the game at the end of last month and early this month, and finally announced that he will be reimbursed for the season, which has become a haze on the Bulls' head.

Larry Bird didn't want the "Second Master" to be too busy with such things. As for Lin Shaojie, he was the most concerned object of the team doctor. After all, Rose didn't have any injuries in the first three seasons, but after that, they continued one after another.

And the meticulous inspection of Lin Shaojie, maintaining a high degree of physical attention, coupled with the rotation in the team, ensured his health and efficiency!

In the next game, Larry Bird's words seemed to "unseal" Lin Shaojie!
It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just let go!

"Thank you, I will decide according to the form on the court!"

Lin Shaojie nodded to express his gratitude. If he came to San Antonio from Salt Lake City, if it weren't for the disturbing media, all the Pacers could relax.

But it's not possible now. There are crowds of reporters outside the hotel, and even the staff of the Pacers are interviewed.

Larry Bird issued a gag order, prohibiting anyone from being interviewed. He wanted to let the incident subside and let the focus of the players return to the game.

And Lin Shaojie's "peace" mentality is particularly important, and Larry Bird, who got up, even patted him on the shoulder.

"I know you have been wronged. Although I can only do this, but when the Pacers become a giant, then he has enough power to speak, and no one dares to insult you easily, understand?"

Lin Shaojie nodded, got up and left.

What "Big Bird" said was right, but Lin Shaojie felt that this sentence should be added. Why did it happen to be a wealthy family, not a wealthy family and a core?
A fine is a small matter, but a ten-game suspension is a major issue. This is already a rare punishment in recent years, and because it is Kanter's own trouble, the team will not bear it for him. Calculated based on his salary, the loss The income will make him laugh again this season.

This can also be regarded as a wake-up call to other players. It doesn't matter how you fight on the court, whether you are head-to-head or not, but don't be brave in language.

When Lin Shaojie arrived in San Antonio to prepare for the game, the Lakers also played away against Washington.

Kobe, who is still self-cultivating, held a grand press conference with the team in Washington, officially announcing that he and the Lakers have completed their contract extension.

This will also be his last contract with the Lakers or his career.

A two-year contract of nearly [-] million US dollars!
This was a decision made after Kobe and the Lakers negotiated for a long time. This news instantly covered up the "dispute" between Lin Shaojie and Kanter, and also cooled down the topic of discrimination.

You know, this is a veteran who is over thirty-five years old. When the contract ends, a veteran contract who should have retired at the age of thirty-seven can still have such a great value?
Everyone knows Kobe's "gold content," such a contract is by no means purely based on competitive ability, on the contrary, the influence off the court, Kobe's significance to the Lakers and many other aspects.

After Kobe completed his contract renewal, the evaluation of this by various media was also mixed.

Too many people in the media said that Kobe's contract extension caused a butterfly effect for the Lakers, which created great difficulties for their future signings.

Some outspoken experts even said that the Lakers will be insulated from the championship after renewing Kobe's contract.

Because of Kobe's high contract extension, next year's Lakers will only have a salary space of more than [-] million US dollars at most, which will make it difficult for them to move forward in the free market.

They can only sign a superstar at most, and then sign a free agent with a mid-level contract.

Gasol's contract expires next summer.
As the person involved, Gasol was the first to send a message of congratulations, and so was Lin Shaojie. After all, the relationship between Kobe and the Lakers can be considered to have a beginning and an end, and the story of one person, one city can be considered complete. Come back like the old hooligan!

But in fact, Lin Shaojie can only say about Kobe's contract renewal, "Under the interests, each other takes what they need."

Kobe got a big contract, and the team can also tell stories. The wool comes from the sheep, and Kobe will definitely have to pay in the end.

No matter how much Kobe earns, the Lakers will definitely not lose money.

The Lakers under the super metropolis have too many ways to make this money back.

But for other Lakers players, even all players including Paul Gasol, the honor of the team, etc., have to pay for this heavy contract.

Kobe's decline in competitive level is recognized, the team wants to continue to maintain competitiveness, Gasol is the only choice inside.

However, this season's annual salary is close to [-] million US dollars. If Gasol wants to stay in the Lakers, the only possibility is to cut his salary, otherwise.
Lin Shaojie didn't understand that when he and Kobe made a fortune together, they made a lot of money. Although no one would think that there was too much money, at the end of his career, the salary was cut to retain strong players, and he made money off the court by virtue of his honor on the court. , isn't it a better thing?

Why is this so?
The enjoyment of life, in any case, except for a very few top-level luxuries, under normal circumstances, [-] million dollars can almost taste everything in the world until the end of life.

It can be realized in the sky and in the sea, and the delicious food and beautiful scenery of the world are close at hand.

Lin Shaojie felt that his judgment of human nature was a bit too hasty, even for his friend Kobe in the NBA.

He didn't believe that the veteran who had been in the alliance for many years didn't know the consequences of this incident, so he could only say:
"Earn every last bit of profit!"

It is precisely because of Kobe's blockbuster contract extension that Gasol understands that he wants to stay with the Lakers and continue to partner with Kobe, so with the Lakers' current financial resources and usual operations, he——Paul Gasol I will definitely cut my salary.

Lin Shaojie watched Kobe on TV and made it clear that this would be the last contract of his career. The handsome face of the old black race said "I can go through fire and water for the Lakers", and the fans wept.

At that moment, Kobe said that it was still some time for him to return from injury, but he would also use his ability on the court to prove that those who questioned him were wrong.

On the other side, it was Gasol's heart and soul in the interview with reporters.

"I will cut my salary, yes, I decided to cut my salary to stay with the Lakers and spend the last professional time with Kobe."

Gasol, who made a major decision, showed his kindness and righteousness, and the brotherhood was vividly displayed under the money.

This season, Gasol averaged 15+ points and 11+ rebounds per game, becoming the Lakers' leading scorer and rebounder, dragging the Lakers forward in the days when Kobe was no longer.

But when the reporter passed these words back to Los Angeles, Kupchak, the general manager, expressed hesitation.

"We are not currently in any negotiations with Paul, we are not yet certain of the future direction, we have many different situations."

Having said so much nonsense, it can be summed up that the Lakers are very cautious about Gasol's contract extension, and they cannot give a definite answer yet.

After all, Gasol's salary this season is close to [-] million US dollars. Even if he cuts his salary and makes sacrifices for it, the Lakers can't cut it in half. Also old.

Lin Shaojie knew the news when he saw the news here. No matter what decision the Lakers made in the end, Gasol couldn't keep it after knowing the news.

Based on my own understanding of the Spaniard, Gasol, who has been caught in trade rumors for the past two years, has not been able to improve his status in the eyes of the Lakers executives.

Whether it's D'Antoni letting Gasol play as a substitute, or the arrival of "Warcraft" Howard, they have been reducing Gasol's status in the team. If it wasn't for Kobe's support, Gasol himself might plan to leave.

If it weren't for Howard's "Rocket Trip," I'm afraid that the top executives of the Lakers would try their best to keep "Warcraft," and then drive Gasol away.

Now Gasol has "begged for perfection" to cut his salary to stay, and Kupchak couldn't express his position at the first time. If he were any ambitious player, he would not stay.

As the saying goes: a broken mirror reunites a ghost.

It's chilling, not because he doesn't want to stay, but because he can't stay.

Last season, Lin Shaojie probably communicated with Kobe, Gasol and others from time to time, whether it was on the phone or in other ways, he always seemed to talk a lot.

Nowadays, everyone doesn't need to talk so much to each other. Everything is kept silent. After staying for a long time, you will know what this alliance looks like.

At the very least, Gasol, who has two championships in hand, has no regrets. The future of the Lakers is not on him, and he will not stare at the Lakers.

When Kobe was there, there was still friendship. When Kobe finished his two-year contract, Gasol might have to continue his dream.

Without anyone, the earth will keep turning.

If given the chance, Lin Shaojie would also like to partner with Gasol, but it is a pity that the Pacers have only completed the contract extension with Paul George this season, and with the high salaries of Hibbert and West, they want to introduce Gasol again , It is definitely unrealistic, unless the team is willing to pay a luxury tax!

Lin Shaojie also knows that when he is strong, everyone will revolve around him, wanting wind and rain, but one day when he starts to slide.

Flowers and applause will turn into tears and ridicule, it is normal to step on the ground and hold high.

On December 12, the Pacers' penultimate recent road trip officially began in San Antonio.

The Pacers challenge the Spurs away!
Paul George knew before the game that he would get half of the playing time in this game. Although he felt good about himself, the team doctor still expressed cautiously. Facing the Spurs, Paul George still tried his best to play in the limited time. Inside, reduce breakthroughs and increase some COSCO shots.

Frank also didn't want Paul George, who had a bad cold, to consume him too much. The regular season has not yet passed halfway, and the team still needs his continuous combat ability.

Lin Shaojie also chatted with the "opponents" in the ATT Center during the warm-up before the game. Unlike those who pretend to be false, Lin Shaojie has a good relationship with everyone in the Spurs. Although there are not many opportunities to meet each year, they always sit together Eat a little, drink a little, talk a little.

So when facing the old man, Lin Shaojie took the lead in thanking Popovich for his "support." Of course, what Popovich valued was his competitive spirit on the court. "Medicine man," the Spurs are unlikely to lose to such an opponent.

Occasionally a game is very possible, but there are seven games in the finals, so high-intensity, with an average of more than three hours before and after each game, to be a medicine man in full view?
Just kidding!
In the pre-match interview, Popovich even praised Lin Shaojie's recent achievements on the court, but what he said more was Lin Shaojie's wisdom on the court.

"After Lynn retires, he will definitely become a great coach. His mentality is very mature, which is completely different from other players. This can be seen from entering the league.

Frank is very lucky to have an apprentice like him, he understands the game deeply, is good at interpreting the game, and can listen to his teammates, let his teammates stand with him, he is the coach of the Pacers on the court”

Popovich's words of praise can be regarded as setting a "peaceful" tone for the game!

How could Lin Shaojie not know?
Of course, Lin Shaojie was most grateful to Parker, the little French sports car. He didn't care about it, and immediately sent a message of support. Needless to say, he must go all out in this game to show his gratitude.

For Lin Shaojie's statement, Parker felt relieved and uncomfortable at the same time, facing a Lin En who went all out?

Although he was prepared, but he was a little uncertain!

As for Ginobili and Duncan, the former said that Lin Shaojie's "stealing teacher" Eurostep skills are better than blue, while the latter didn't talk much, just wanted to touch Lin Shaojie's hair.

How could the Pacers 13 let him get what he wanted, the Argentine is by his side, a living example, of course he avoided it!
On the contrary, "Kawaii" seemed a little silent and a little stunned. When he saw Lin Shaojie, he took a long time to say a word.

"I believe you!"

Lin Shaojie responded with a smile, lightly hammered Leonard on the chest, and then hugged the big guy.

I haven't seen him for a while, and his shoulders are thick again. When Duncan and others are getting old, he has gradually grown up and become an indispensable member of the Spurs!
Between jokes, the game officially started.

The Spurs sent a familiar lineup, Parker, Danny Green, Leonard, Duncan and Splitter.

Although the tone had been set before the game, Popovich never let up.

The West is strong and the East is weak for many years, and this year it seems to have reached a critical value.

In the East, apart from the Pacers' current unbeaten record in the league, only the Heat and the Eagles in the East have a winning percentage of over [-]%.

The New York Knicks have sunk, I don't know if they can get up;
The highly anticipated Nets are also a model of "old clubs";
The Celtics are full of injuries, and Rondo is really sitting on the coach's bench directing the "battle".

The West is the other way around. There are only three teams with a winning percentage of less than [-]%, namely: the Timberwolves, the Kings and the Jazz who were just defeated by the Pacers.

Even the Lakers, who have a scary record this season, are nine wins and nine losses. They are ranked fourth from the bottom in the East, but they are fourth from the bottom in the East.

From this point of view, apart from the Pacers and Heat in the East, they can be regarded as strong teams, and the rest are all weak.

The Pistons and the Nets are considered to be the two biggest signings this season. The former has Jennings and Smith, while the latter snatched the Celtics.

The two teams are strong on paper, but after the major change of blood, it is extremely difficult to run in. The Pistons are currently eighth and barely squeezed into the last train of the playoffs;
The poor Nets spent nearly [-] million dollars, and the final outcome was to be in vain.

As for the rebuilt Bucks without Jennings, the Magic without Howard, the Celtics have already been separated from Germany, without the Big Three.
The dark road to reconstruction is still in the dark, and it is going to be poor, draft, continue to be poor, and continue the road of reincarnation of draft.

It seems that after the Pacers enjoyed the sweetness in the draft, many teams feel that this road can be successful, but no one knows where the future lies and whether it will be successful.

For next year's draft, most teams in the Eastern Conference this season have become "fish and meat" on the "daozu" and let them be slaughtered!
After the start of the regular season, the Bulls were full of momentum, but in the end, Rose was once again reimbursed for the season after a brilliant month.

Maybe they can break into the playoffs, but the dream of a dynasty revival is out of the question.

As for the Knicks?
That is purely a chronic disease of history. Stoudemire's famous "bad contract" fell into his hands, which is more tasteless than chicken ribs.

The "old money" in the East seems to be no match for the endless injuries and power struggles. The end can already be seen, and I don't know if Anthony, after the contract expires, is still willing to stay there to waste time.

Popovich took one step and looked at three steps, evaluating the Spurs' opponent in his heart, and finally raised his head to look at the unshakable starting five tigers on the opposite side.

In such a bleak east, there is such a wonderful flower as the "Pacers". Popovich himself did not expect that it seemed that the Pacers took away the luck of other teams and became one of the "flower gardens". A special case that blooms alone.

The undefeated record is something that the Spurs have not achieved. Although it has been experienced once last season, it has become synonymous with miracles. Now that it is happening again, Popovich no longer recognizes that this is a miracle, but Strength dictates it!

The Pacers are now on par with the Spurs.

Among the starting five Tigers, Lin Shaojie is not the tallest, nor is he the most muscular.

Compared with last year's trial training, he is obviously longer, and his lean body is full of infinite strength. Players in the team, including Ginobili, Parker and even Duncan, have clearly stated.

Don't be fooled by Lynn's thin-looking body, it is full of strength and speed, almost the ceiling of the league's physical fitness, even in the eighties and 90s, it can be counted.

In Popovich's impression, LeBron is still a little bit behind. At least in front of Duncan, LeBron can't jump up. A sense of ease.

After all, one is the rising sun, and the other is the setting sun.

Leonard's increasingly generous body made LeBron a little uncomfortable and even deflated when facing this rising star.

However, when the Pacers' No. [-] faced Leonard, although he didn't face other players, he was still able to calmly score points without embarrassing himself like LeBron.

Popovich knew very well how exaggerated Leonard's progress was under his own training, if it weren't for the Pacers' No. [-] show in the league, the Spurs in a small ball market, and Leonard's low-key style.

Then this player is the most future, at least Popovich thinks so.

But even with Leonard, a player with immediate combat power and more future value, Popovich still has some regrets:

If he had been ruthless last year, the Spurs would have the core for the next decade!

The team that has always had Leonard and Lynn is looking for a successor to Duncan, as long as it is enough, if this continues, three consecutive championships will be the minimum, right?

But even if you are the Spurs, the Spurs have always been the one that counts and counts in a small ball market. The Texas three are "poor." No, among the top three in Texas, maybe only the Spurs are the most pitiful!
In the past odd-numbered championship years, Duncan can only rely on Duncan to support his face in the All-Stars, and the presence of other players is extremely low.

If you choose Lynn, not to mention other things, just in terms of commercial value, you can let the Spurs rebuild a team. Look at the Rockets when they were in the little giants, they absolutely wiped out and left no profit!
The standard "juicer!"



If I could do it all over again, I would choose Li Bai, no, I would choose the future—Lin En!
(End of this chapter)

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