My vision is different

Chapter 323 Be Graceful

Chapter 323 Be Graceful
The sound of "boom" made Paul George lie on his back on the floor, and the players on both sides were stunned by the momentary loss of consciousness. For a second or two, they seemed to be held down for a pause.

In just a moment, the auditorium began to erupt.

As Paul George's friend, Roy Hibbert strode forward, but was hugged by West.

"Stop this guy, don't let him cause trouble."

As he spoke, Hibbert turned his head and shouted, "Where's the team doctor? Come up quickly!"

Lin Shaojie immediately ran to Paul George, looked at him and asked, "How is it?"


Paul George, who let out a long breath, shook his head and nodded again.

"Suddenly! But it should be fine."


Seeing Paul George sit up slowly, the team doctor had already caught up, and Lin Shaojie got up and walked towards Pope who made a big mistake.

The outstretched finger was about to poke Pop's face.

"Rookie, this is a stadium, not a battlefield, understand?"

"Who are you, the referee doesn't care, can you control it?"

Who would care about this when the blood is hot? Pope, a green and immature player, looks at Lin Shaojie who is "about" taller than him, how can he be afraid?
Maybe other players will be afraid, but he will not!
Pope was like a proud wild donkey, howling in front of the fierce tiger Lin Shaojie.

But just as the words fell, the referee's voice sounded from the side.

"Are you provoking your opponent?"

The gloomy voice made Pope squeeze a smile out of his face: "No, I'm just saying that I was right, it was careless, I didn't mean it."

Although Pope repeatedly emphasized that he didn't do it on purpose, and his teammates were pleading for mercy, the referee still issued a first-degree malicious foul.

Because Paul George got up a little early, he didn't even seem to have any sequelae of concussion.

If he was a sinister and cunning person, he might cause his opponent to be directly kicked out of the arena by the referee.

Lin Shaojie did not relax because of the referee's penalty, and looked straight at the rookie.

The hand feeling that Paul George managed to develop with great difficulty was all fed by himself, but it was a pity that he was interrupted by this young man.

If you don't want to revive Paul George, the Pacers beat the Pistons, don't you just have your hands.

"Rookie, don't try to provoke me."

Lin Shaojie's sarcastic tone made Pope dare not speak out, but that angry expression had already told everyone that if it wasn't because the referee was in front of him, he would definitely say a few radical words.

"Hi Lynn, this is young man, young man, you get it."

At this time, the players coming from both sides had already separated the two sides that were confronting each other.

The teammates behind Pope stopped the hot-blooded "warrior" repeatedly.

Lin Shaojie is as evil as a dragon, and Pope is the dragon slayer who wants to defeat the evil.

Fortunately, Paul George was fine after the inspection, and Pope was only punished for a first-level flagrant foul. If he encountered a stricter referee, he might be driven off the court directly.

The fans at the scene expressed their dissatisfaction. On the one hand, the rookie of the visiting team fouled, and on the other hand, that guy dared to provoke their core?
This is unforgivable.

For most of the fans sitting here, Lin Shaojie has already taken off his rookie status in the league, and has already evolved into a "big boss" level, and that vague influence is no longer limited to the Pacers. team.

Everyone knows that Lin Shaojie is not the kind of player who makes trouble out of nothing, he is very rational, and even the referees respect his opinions on the court.

Now a rookie in the team actually wants to provoke him. Is it because he dislikes how much time he has played?
"Don't mess with him, Fuck, you know what I mean?"

After the timeout, Greg Monroe, who was still smiling before, stood on the sidelines and said fiercely to Pope.

"Shut up your damn provocations, that's not the target of your 'single fame' provocation, understand?"

Monroe, who was nearly seven feet tall, seemed to be transformed into a roaring beast off the court, roaring loudly at Kendavius ​​Pope, who joined the team this year.

After finishing speaking, he also said in a sarcastic tone to the newly appointed coach Cheeks this year.

"Oh my god, this rookie wants to find some sense of presence in Lynn. I don't know who gave him the courage to make him so arrogant. He can go to Paul George or George Hill. Even that soft guy Hibbert, but can he see the situation in front of him clearly, don't provoke Lynn for nothing."

Listening to Monroe's words, Cheeks also looked at Pope with a "stupid" look on his face and said,

Of course, some of Monroe's words must be exaggerated. No matter how soft Hibbert is, he is still a big man over seven feet tall. Of course, the rookie Pope who is over six feet tall will not go head-to-head. At most, he can compete with George Hill. Challenge it.

The "super rookie" selected by the Pistons with the No. [-] pick, a player who claimed to be [-]-foot-[-], but stood on the court and was obviously not as tall as Lynn. Although the two were similar in stature, everyone knew that they Far apart in strength and experience.

How can a rookie who averages less than 6 points per game and doesn't even have one assist have the guts to challenge the league's "super giant!"

If last year's Lin Shaojie played at a super giant level, but still could not be recognized by everyone. After all, many people were at their peak when they debuted. Then since this season, no one is doubting Lin En's achievements, unless injuries come to him, or It was the gossip outside the court that made him sink.

But looking at the media outside Indiana, even those "hostile" forces couldn't find any excuses, which can only show one thing, that is, Lynn is very clean, how could such a player be finished all at once.

Self-discipline has always been the confidence of super giants. Self-disciplined players may not be super giants, but super giants must be self-disciplined in the professional field.

Besides, even if Lynn lost his body, he would still be as popular as the "Stone Buddha" of the Spurs. After all, Lynn never played with his body alone, he played with his brain.

Does a point guard need a body to play?
Well, more or less is still needed, but as the "commander" of the team, no one will doubt how important the brain is in this position that requires golf intelligence.

Some teams want this player with a super high IQ. Just look at Rondo of the Celtics. Even after being injured, he is still regarded as a key training target for the team. More than emotional intelligence.

"In this case."

Cheeks thought about it, and Pope's expression became a little dark when he heard about it.In his heart, the coach's previous foreshadowing was to replace him!
"Then you stay on the field!"

Cheeks' words surprised everyone, and kept Pope on the court. Isn't this stimulating the players on the opposite side?

The coach who started from the Trail Blazers has had a hard time recently. The winning percentage of the team he has managed for many seasons has dropped again and again. If this continues, he may not be able to find a job.

When he was in the Trail Blazers, Cheeks was considered a good time to catch up. The team full of talented players made Cheeks mistakenly believe that the victory came from his command. The ending is obvious. The boss of the Blazers is not stupid. , I can see the reason at a glance.

In the end, Cheeks went to the 76ers, and he could no longer find the glory of the past. Under his leadership in the 08 season, the 76ers played a record, with a winning percentage of less than 76%. Although there are reasons for the [-]ers to "rebuild" year after year , but Cheeks "has a lot to offer!"

After five years, the Pistons once again "activated" the old man, which is also an operation in the underworld, which makes people puzzled.

The current record also shows this point.

So what about being a giant killer? Often a giant killer means an unstable record. Being able to beat a team with superior strength can also lose to an opponent who shouldn't lose. The winning rate is less than [-]%. Coupled with this unstable record, Whether the door to the playoffs is "open" is not certain.

But Cheeks is a coach who has enjoyed the "peak" after all. Although he did not win the championship, he also has the heart to end the opponent's undefeated record at the Pacers' home court. He did not say such a dream.

There were originally two undefeated teams in the league at home, one was the Pacers and the other was the Thunder, but unfortunately, the Thunder lost to the Pacers at home last week.

If the Pistons can defeat the Pacers at the Conseco Arena, it will not only end the opponent's unbeaten home game, but also be able to accomplish things that other teams in the league cannot do.

Cheeks even extravagantly believes that with this record, even if the Pistons are playing like shit this season, he can continue to be the head of the Pistons.

Just for this reason, he wanted to give it a try.

The players didn't quite understand Cheeks' arrangement, but Pope was happy.

It's just a pity that the coach asked Pope to stop trying to provoke the opponent when he was defending. His existence is to attract the opponent's "firepower," to make room for other players to shoot.

"Can this work?"

The Pistons players couldn't believe it.

After returning from the timeout, the short period of time somewhat calmed down the tense atmosphere, but for the Pacers, Paul George seemed to be fine, but his previous touch was really lost.

If it wasn't for the fact that the defense was still there, Lin Shaojie was so angry that he wanted to curse.

Two good passes were sent out, but Paul George responded with the sound of "boom" and "boom". Seeing this situation, the second head of the Pacers bluntly said that there is no need to pass the ball to him. The meaning of his existence now is to Lock up Josh Smith.

At this moment, please call me "Paul. Jagged Defense. George."

It doesn't matter if one of the Pacers' offensive "two knives" is broken, as long as Lin Shaojie is there.

Josh Smith himself didn't even think that it was Pope who should have been retaliated, but how he ended up being hurt by Chi Yu.

Paul George's defense against him is almost full-court pressing. Whoever let Smith score the most 20 points in the game, but even so, it's not enough!

However, the Pacers' offense fell back into Lin Shaojie's hands. Jennings' defense against Lin Shaojie was of the kind that would break at the touch of a touch. The difference between strength and body was too great.

After being crushed by Jennings, facing the culprit Pope, Lin Shaojie did not take any action of "respecting the old and loving the young". He flats out to the low post, then jumps up in front of his opponent for the shot.




Three consecutive post-up attacks and turnaround jump shots made Pope's defense look ashamed.

The three attacks were all "finishing" moves after crushing Jennings. Pope's long arm really wanted to cover the opponent's face.

Just when Pope couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to fight back with a foul in the next round, Lin Shaojie actually played a back.

The exaggerated receding range coupled with Pope's astonished expression has become a classic picture in the hands of reporters.

At that moment, listening to the "swish" sound of the goal coming from behind his head, Pope could think of the questions the reporter asked him after the game.

"Do you think you have the ability to fight Lynn?"

"Do you think you can defend against such an opponent?"

"Do you think you are qualified to provoke the number thirteen?"

There are too many questions lingering in Pope's mind, looking at the other party's quiet expression, it seems easy to defeat him.

Cheeks, who was sitting off the court, frowned. The Pistons were almost double-teamed, but the two guards couldn't defend at all. Could it be that the Pistons had three players?

It's not that Cheeks doesn't have this plan, but in this way, the Pistons, who are already at a disadvantage inside, can't consume the opponent.

Apart from Singer, Will Bynum, and Harrison on the Pistons' bench, they can't use it at all.

Billups, who is an important member of the Pistons' bench, is still in training and never came to Indiana.

I knew so
It's useless to replace Billups!
Cheeks still has this self-knowledge.

Billups is no longer the big heart of the "Pistons". When he returned to the Pistons, he just wanted a decent retirement. After all, he is a 38-year-old man, and he should have retired long ago.

It is strange to say that Billups averaged less than 10 points per game last season, but in the previous ten years, whether Billups was in the Clippers, the Knicks, or even the Nuggets and Pistons .

This guy never averaged less than 10 points per game, more often at 15+ or even close to 20+, a stable group.

The average number of shots per game is 10+ times. If you simply calculate the efficiency value, it is astonishingly high.

But all of this was pinned on two years ago.

A heavy voice sounded from the corner of the basketball court, and Cheeks followed the sound
Jennings was blocked by George Hill during the offense, and Pope went to meet him, but he didn't even touch the basketball. Lin Shaojie rushed over from the three-point line like a strong wild horse, Ning Si was slapped off before passing the ball.

At the same time as the steal, his body touched Pope without a doubt, and the rookie bounced off instantly like a car hit by a train, without any room for maneuver.

The difference in strength and physical talent between the two is too great.

That No. 13 seemed to have foreseen all of this. With the acquiescence of the referee, he rode Juechen, and then completed a dunk towards the inside of the Pistons.

From the steal to the dunk, it took only about three seconds. Smith, the defensive player of the Pistons in the middle, looked dull like a wooden man at this lightning speed.

Cheeks looks big!
The audience at the scene cheered and jumped for joy after the ball. The sharp attack and unrivaled momentum made the audience's blood boil with excitement.

"Oh my god, who else could have this speed and strength!"

"This is facing the old opponent of the Pistons, but who would have thought that this would be the Pistons?"

The fans don't know what to say. The standard [-] years in Hedong and [-] years in Hexi, the Pacers are really popular now, and the Pistons can only be at the bottom, looking up at all this.

Smith crossed his hips in the court, watching all this helplessly. As a member of the defenders just now, he defended with a "dumb" performance.

It's not that he couldn't do it, but that the kid was too fast, and the frequency and direction changes were made in an instant. If Smith wanted to keep up, there was no way to defend except for falling to the ground.

If he was four or five years younger, he might be able to fight head-to-head, now?Just look at that guy honestly!

Cheeks had no choice but to call a timeout, the Pacers were too imposing.

When he was off the court, Jennings' eyes were a little weak, and Monroe was even weaker. He only rested for a few minutes as a center. If this continues, the fourth quarter will definitely be soft.

From head to toe, the Pacers' inside line almost seized too many opportunities from an angle that everyone didn't pay attention to, and the Pistons' inside line sucked!

As for Pope, if Cheeks continues the previous tactics, it will definitely be impossible. The number 13 cannot be defended by accumulating manpower.

It is obvious that the league attaches great importance to Chinese people. In the kind of judgment that can be blown or not, it is obviously given a star whistle, which can be seen by a fan.

How can Lin Shaojie not see the "pleasing" eyes of the Pistons players.

As the old saying goes, you started the war first, and you decided to start it, but when it ends, I have the final say.

The stern Lin Shaojie responded to all this with silence.

After returning from the timeout, Lin Shaojie started the "big kill" mode, and Pope was pushed off the court by the coach, watching all this quietly.

Because of Lin Shaojie's impact, Smith had to return to the three-point line to help defend.

Hua Guoren's three-pointer is very sharp, but he did not rely on this to score. On the contrary, the post-up jumpers one by one made the Pistons feel the long-lost excitement.

Once upon a time, they also relied on tough defense and deadly mid-range shots to defeat their opponents.

Now, the Pacers are doing it again.




Although the continuous sound of entering the frame is only 2 points, the continuous rise and the occasional performance of the Pistons make the score on the court wider and wider.

Cheeks has already started to look down at his watch. Such a Pacer is invincible, and he only hopes to lose a little less.

On the court, Lin Shaojie felt like a fish in water, with the basket like the sea.

Everything can be done as you like, and the players' running positions can be seen clearly by yourself.
The league likes young, strong and healthy rookies. Such young people have great market potential and strong ability to absorb money. The Pacers' No. 13 is a popular fried chicken, which almost perfectly fits this point.

Lin Shaojie knew this very well.

Just like companies also like newcomers, men also like young bodies.

Whether it is a capitalist or an ordinary person, who doesn't like young people, don't you like people in their seventies and eighties?
So this is instinct, this is nature!It's like Lao Hei's traditional performing arts are bragging, talkative, innate.

Some said he knew LeBron, some said he was able to strike up a conversation with Kobe, some said he was a buddy with Anthony in a nightclub, and some said he drank with Rose.

Do you believe it?
Anyway, Lin Shaojie didn't believe it.

Take LeBron as an example, except for a very small number of people, it is impossible for others to get into LeBron. Even if LeBron himself agrees, the group of caring friends around him do not agree. LeBron is not just a player. That's a walking bank vault.

As for Kobe, well, not many people have entered his mansion, not even the "Mask Man", except Lin Shaojie and a few others!
There are too many old blacks who want to put gold on their faces, especially in the wine market, there are too many people who don't know their last name after drinking some horse urine.

But this is rare on the court. They are like the group of rich second generations. They have their own accounts in their hearts.

Otherwise, how did those "traditions" come about? You must know that No. 13 of the Pacers has never been a "good" person!
Not to mention that Pacer's "walking in the rivers and lakes" does not rely on being kind to others, a well-known grassroots, he just wants to be innocent, can he be innocent?

Nobody believes that!
The NBA is fundamentally the law of the jungle, the strong will always be strong, and the law of the jungle will be enforced.

Sitting on the sidelines, Pope's eyes have lost their luster. The team's big brother, Josh Smith, has a mountain-like body and was taught by the No. 13 man in the low post.

Can't even stop the pull and pull, the 2+1 move broke the Pacers;

Jennings, a player who is far more talented than himself, can't even keep up with his footsteps, and the gap in strength makes him feel helpless
Pope counted it carefully, no matter whether it was outside or inside, the number 13 on the opposite side seemed to be not afraid, even if it was inside, relying on the flexible steps under his feet, a big and tall man like Monroe was completely a wooden man.

It's almost the sense of sight of playing from the first position to the fifth position, and the heart sinks more and more.

Cheeks looked at Pope's dark eyes, got up and called a timeout.

Although there was still some hope before the game, the reality was in front of him, and he had to face it.

The unknown of Pope cannot solve the problems faced by the Pistons. It is already obvious, Pacers!
Lin Shaojie led the team and easily defeated the Pistons.

This team with the slogan and model of "Win Now" has no undisputed core at all. The road to comeback is far more difficult than imagined. The league is no longer what Cheeks thought it was. A new generation replaces the old.

The door to the playoffs has not been closed to the Pistons. The most they can do now is to disgust the opponent at the Pacers' home court. There is not much else they can do. I don't know how many rookies they have selected.


It's a foregone conclusion.

Lin Shaojie was enjoying the game on the court, but he never thought that Cheeks would surrender. After the point difference reached 15 points, he came on the bench cleanly.

There is still a long time before the end of the game, so raise the white flag?
Although Lin Shaojie didn't enjoy himself to the fullest, Pope had already been replaced on the opposite side. As a "super giant" player, Lin Shaojie wasn't so unmannered.

"Keep putting pressure on them!"

After secretly talking to Stephenson, Lin Shaojie sat back in his seat.

It's up to me to maintain my demeanor, and with such a long game time, it's none of my business how Stephenson and the others play.

Stephenson was ecstatic. Although it was a little regrettable that he couldn't be with the main players, this bench lineup has Scola and Gobert. What's on the opposite side?Nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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