My vision is different

Chapter 333 Christmas Winner

Chapter 333 Christmas Winner
Lin Shaojie's foul tactics made the Nets' formation a little tricky, even though Kidd repeatedly urged him during the halftime break, but some things are not based on human willpower.

After the start of the second half of the game, the main players of both sides played together.

Lin Shaojie repeated his old tricks. Deron Williams had already fouled some outsiders. He tried to stop Lin Shaojie, but the No. [-] player relied on his core strength to keep from falling. Bring Deron inside and confront Garnett.

That kind of power, momentum, somewhat has the feeling of some LeBron bulldozers.

The display of serious power does not rely on speed and skill, but it is brought about by winning mang with strength.

At the moment of the last shot, Deron Williams, who was half hanging on Lin Shaojie's body, took the lead in fouling himself.

Kidd was a little helpless.

If you want to protect players like Zhu Garnett, you have to sacrifice on the outside, but Lin Shaojie directly fouled Deron at the beginning of the game, which is too cruel.

And compared to others, Deron is the key support object of the Nets, and Kidd does not want the core point guards in the team to be troubled by fouls.

When it was the Nets' turn to attack, Deron Williams, who played normally in the first half of the game, faced Lin Shaojie's close-fitting plaster defense, and suddenly felt that dribbling was a difficult thing.

Although Deron's dribbling is very stable, this kind of stability is different from Paul of the Los Angeles Clippers. In the eyes of most guards, Deron, who is physically superior, has the advantage of strength when facing a talent monster like Lin Shaojie. Already out of sight.

Deron, who had suffered a lot last season, even couldn't believe that there is such a monster level in the NBA. Under his seemingly thin body, he is as tough as bones, and his strength is not directly proportional to his muscle size.

This kind of body that does not affect flexibility but is full of strength is almost his natural enemy.

No wonder Lin Shaojie can become a bug-level player in the league. In the position of guard, Deron is eaten to death.

After all, Deron's strength is only relative to the back line, and Lin Shaojie's strength has already surpassed this position, except that his height talent does not have an advantage in the fourth and fifth positions, and he is simply placed in the first, second, and third positions. , that is also a player with top strength.

Faced with this situation of excellent strength and speed, Deron quickly lost the possibility of possession of the ball and was intercepted by Lin Shaojie's long arm.

Kidd, who was off the court, could see clearly, what age this is, and it is really rare to have such a player under such rules.

Just looking at this defensive intensity is a little scary.

Not only that, Lin Shaojie will also carry the Pacers' offensive banner in the future, and his super performance on both ends of the offense and defense shows that his physical fitness is also top-notch.

In Kidd's impression, this is the usual super giant level in the league.

The best defensive player;
Play the best defense.

Many of today's superstars have their cards, but their defense is too elegant, and they even stand with their hips akimbo, facing the opponent's goal and quickly spreading their hands.

As Mr. Triple-Double, Kidd despises such players the most.

So for Lin Shaojie, he really appreciates it.

But for such a player he admires to appear on the visiting team, it is simply a disaster for the Nets at home.

Why can't you learn from other superstars?

You are also a superstar!You have to stand up to your own identity and face up to your alliance cards.

Of course, Kidd also knows that Lin Shaojie is still an individual at this time and has not done his best. The No. [-] is just showing his skills on the court. overload.

Such a strange feeling made Kidd aware, and the Huaguo people still gave themselves a little face, otherwise, the gap between the opponent and Deron, the opponent with zero seals may be exaggerated, but it is still possible to keep Deron's score in single digits. did it.

Lin Shaojie didn't know Kidd's thoughts. He only knew that when he started to show off his offensive and defensive power in the third quarter, Deron fell into trouble with offense and defense.

Garnett is deep into the foul trap.

Players on both sides knew that it was fine if Garnett didn't foul. If there was another foul, Kidd would definitely replace him. Six commits end.

When the Nets' offense returned without success, they were stunned for a 24-second violation in this round, which shows the Pacers' defensive pressure.

Everything came from the three fouls in the first quarter. No one expected that Garnett just took a nap for a while before he was put on the foul "rope". For this Christmas game, the referees were trained individually Yes, this cannot happen.

The occurrence of such a situation can only show that Garnett's foul is unavoidable, and someone from the Pacers is too badass!

Seeing this situation, Kidd quickly dispatched a big killer and let Pierce play. It is really that when other players face this kind of defense, they cannot play their due strength.

On the contrary, a veteran like Pierce can show his strength in the face of pressure.

Kidd pinned his hopes on Pierce, hoping that he and Garnett could play the tacit understanding of the veteran.

But it's a pity that Pierce on the offensive end is old and strong, able to help the team stop bleeding in the low post, a master of floor flow, and a really good offensive kaleidoscope.

But on the defensive end, Pierce is full of strength, but he really can't keep up with his flexibility.

"Fighting is afraid of being young" can be applied to any event. After professional players reach their physical peak, they exercise day and night just to maintain and prolong this peak.

Some people even live this kind of life like an ascetic monk. Ten years have been like a day, and this is the peak of many years.

Otherwise, with the intensity of the NBA, the result of indulgence is that the situation will decline in a year or two.

Taking LeBron as a positive example, his talent is indeed good, and it is indeed rare to be able to perform stably for several years. One can imagine the sweat that needs to be paid behind it.

But younger and more attractive young people will always appear in this arena. They can burn their talents recklessly, even if they have not reached the peak and start to decline, but facing a retired veteran, after all, they still have some strengths in some aspects. prevailed.

There are not many players who are at their peak when they debut, and they are all negative examples.

George Hill is certainly not such a young man, he is a model of inspiration, but his flexibility is still unstoppable by Pierce at this time.

When George Hill ignored Pierce one after another, turned away from him, and completed mid-range shots in the paint, Pierce was furious.

If it's Lynn or Paul George, it's fine. After all, they are highly talented players touted by the media.

Those players who haven't been slapped in the face by Lynn are not good players, but you George Hill, who is just an abandoned son of the Spurs, dare to treat him like this?

Lin Shaojie found that George Hill was in good condition, he felt hot, and he sent the pass in time.

When George Hill scored 7 points in this quarter and pierced Pierce for a layup for the fourth time, Pierce suddenly used a chokehold to force George Hill from midair. pulled down.


Lin Shaojie, who was "fighting" Garnett inside, didn't have time to help, and could only watch George Hill on the other side fall heavily to the ground.

The heavy sound, and the back, shoulders, back of the head, etc. are in contact with the ground. For a player with such strong core strength as Lin Shaojie, it is useless to face Pierce's mid-air chokehold.

George Hill, who was fouled, lay motionless on the ground for an instant, so quiet and scary!

Even Garnett was a little shocked by Pierce's "ruthless hand". After all, the Nets' loss of the game has become a foregone conclusion, and the rest is just the result of losing more and losing less.

Judging from the past grievances between the two sides, as long as Kidd withdraws and replaces the main force, the Pacers still have to give this face, and Pierce is completely unnecessary to do so.

Perhaps, this is just the last stubbornness of a former super giant on the basketball court?

Lin Shaojie shook off Garnett's blocking hand, and headed towards the crowd that had already begun to hustle and bustle.What is stubbornness? Pierce is murder. Does he want to kill his opponent in a real PK on the court?
Standing in front of him, Deron Williams, still clamoring that this is the Barclays Center, didn't care that they were the loser.

"Little Fatty" was very aggrieved in the fight today, and Pierce's blow almost gave him a reason to vent.

"Who is stopping me?"

Delong, who was pushing and shoving, turned his head and looked at Lin Shaojie, who had a calm and unwavering expression, and the ferocity on his face instantly froze.

Without saying a word, Lin Shaojie swung his long arms away and pushed Delong aside like an iron rod. The crowd confronted each other in twos and threes, protecting Pierce while besieging Pierce's crowd, and gradually quieted down.

Lin Shaojie who broke in squatted down and looked at the doctor.

"How's it going?"

"Should have a slight concussion, must end! Let's talk after checking."

"Then as soon as possible!"

With the help of doctors and teammates, George Hill was carried out of the field on a stretcher.

The sharp whistle from the referee's mouth sounded as soon as the foul was committed.

At this moment, Lin Shaojie stood up and looked at Pierce not far away.The Nets subconsciously surrounded Pierce in the middle.

Garnett opened his mouth, wanting to explain something, but finally said nothing, looked at Lin Shaojie helplessly, and looked at Pierce regretfully.

The referee was afraid that there would be another disturbance between the two sides, so he hurriedly urged Pierce to leave the field, and at the same time comforted Lin Shaojie with his eyes.

This is the Christmas War, the last face of the alliance.

Both Kobe Bryant of the Lakers and Anthony of the Knicks were unable to play due to injuries. This game received the highest attention among the three games.

The gimmick is there, and the enthusiasm is enough. Although the Pacers were so imposing in the previous game, they still saved enough face for the Nets in terms of scores. They are not like facing the Rockets and Celtics. Such a disparity.

However, Pierce's foul changed everything. Lin Shaojie, who was as quiet as water, just stared at Pierce in a daze, watching the opponent finally turn around and leave, disappearing from the player tunnel.

A second-level malicious foul caused the veteran to leave the game, and the combined playing time was just over ten minutes.

The player with high hopes disappeared, and Kidd's heart hung up.

Everyone understood that there was a volcano hidden under the seemingly quiet expression of No. [-], and the two sides who had a tacit understanding were probably going to have a real fight.

Garnett didn't know whether he was envious or spurned. The departure of his old friend made him face the No. [-] alone.

He is very aware of the gap in absolute strength between himself and the opponent at this time. Based on his own experience, the Chinese of the Pacers are just playing with him on the court and showing off their skills.

If it is really head-to-head, Garnett is no longer in the Timberwolves period, nor is it the time when the Celtics won the championship.

The peak is not there!

Sure enough, when the Pacers made free throws and regained control of the ball, Lin Shaojie went straight to the inside, startled, and Garnett, who had no scruples, wanted to save some face.

The ruthlessness and boldness of the strike made Lin Shaojie stumbled in mid-air, but completely different from George Hill, Lin Shaojie's talent was much better.

After obviously losing his center of gravity, under his adjustment, the super strong core strength made him as stable as Mount Tai after landing, and the basketball in his hand spun around the basket and fell straight into the net.



The sound of the goal was also accompanied by the whistle from the referee, and Garnett knew that it was time for him to end the game.

Looking up, Kidd's face was full of helplessness.

Garnett was substituted and Brac reappeared.

For Kidd, this game is no longer a question of whether it is difficult to play. It is real to be able to leave enough face at home.

The fans of the Nets have already seen that the momentum of the two sides is the same as the point difference, and it is getting wider and wider.

After George Hill went off the court and Stephenson came on passively, the Pacers seemed to open their mouths wide, baring their fangs, and roared angrily at the Nets.

And Garnett's fate is just a small part of this silent "war". The "Wolf King" has long since abdicated. Who cares about an outdated old guy.

Rely on Deron Williams alone?
Also want to withstand the Pacers' rounds of impact?

You know, there is still one section left in the game.

Su Zhen, who was sitting on the sidelines, was originally smiling with a relaxed mind, but seeing George Hill's tragic state when he fell to the ground and was fouled by a malicious foul, his heart was greatly shaken.

It's not that she has never seen such a scene, even Lin Shaojie himself had a similar scene.

But Lin Shaojie handles it very well and can always save the day.

But in this dense arena, there are always times when you can't take care of it, or when you encounter such passionate and malicious fouls, no matter how good you perform, you will encounter fouls by your opponents by all means.

Su Zhenzhen, who is no longer a rookie on the basketball court, knows very well that when it comes to the playoffs, it will be the real sword and gun, and he cannot relax in every game.

She couldn't imagine how uncomfortable Lin Shaojie would feel when he encountered such a situation on the court.

Even unconsciously, there was a move to escape.

Su Zhen knew very well that Lin Shaojie was no longer one of those players who relied on this salary on the court to live. He had already achieved financial freedom, and there was no need to fight for injuries.

Besides, she is not vain, those family members of the players who are used to living in the spotlight can sit here just because Christmas is coming, and she wants to live a two-person world with Lin Shaojie, that's all.

Accompanied by the exclamation and screams of the fans, Su Zhen raised his head.

On the big screen above his head, Stephenson actually hit two consecutive three-pointers from the outside after his debut, widening the gap between the two sides.

The Nets had to invest energy in the best sixth man of the Pacers. As a result, Deron Williams had to face Lin Shaojie's offense alone.

The Deron who "eats, sleeps and beats Paul" is no longer the heavy guard who beat Paul.

He has already been psychologically shadowed by Lin Shaojie on the court, and he had teammates to help him before. Now he wants to defend his opponent, which is tantamount to a dream.

Lin Shaojie dodged his defense, a simple big stride was enough.

Blatche, the big insider, had to face the impact of Lin Shaojie.

From dodging Deron's defense, to facing Blatche's one-handed slam dunk, Lin Shaojie's movements seemed to be smooth and flowing, and he was done in one go, which was very enjoyable.

Even the away fans had to applaud.

This is why there are more and more fans of Lin Shaojie, even if you are a "foreigner," you have to love that kind of style of play that is both beautiful and domineering!

Just now I lamented that Lin Shaojie might have been hurt, and now Su Zhen feels sorry for the victim under her boyfriend's crotch.

Blatche, who was buckled, was a little embarrassed. He knew that he had suffered pain that did not belong to him, but when Garnett was not present, he was the one who suffered the storm.

Fortunately, after being dunked twice, Kidd was still human, and finally remembered that Kirilenko, as Lin Shaojie's good friend, could bear the other party's pain.

When Kidd made such an arrangement in the fourth quarter, Lin Shaojie adjusted, and he stopped playing inside.

Standing on the outside and playing Deron with one hand has become an unavoidable scene in this game.

Lin Shaojie, who held the ball with one hand on the outside line, made a seemingly breakthrough move, but after he suddenly stopped, Deron's subconscious retreat gave Lin Shaojie plenty of room to shoot.

After jumping, it's not something that Deron can catch up with if he loses his defensive center of gravity.

Lin Shaojie's shooting movements are also natural and flexible, and his voice when he enters the frame is quite pleasing to the ear.

In the next round, Lin Shaojie played another fake pass, which attracted Lin Shaojie who was double-teamed, and passed the ball behind his back to Paul George inside the free throw line. The Pacers' second leader took off directly. Ke stepped aside immediately.



Paul George also began to wreak havoc on the rim.

Kidd had no choice but to replace Garnett. Except for him, the Nets had a little bit of strength inside, and all other players were useless. When facing the Pacers, no one could hold back.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. Seeing Garnett come up, under the bombardment of Lin Shaojie and Paul George, "Wolf King" persisted for three minutes, and soon committed six fouls.

Then Kidd replaced Deron Williams, who was unwilling but had no choice but to accept the fact of failure.

The point difference between the two sides has reached 29 points, and a big defeat is inevitable. In order not to become the next Rocket or Celtic, Kidd raised a white flag and begged to let it go.

Lin Shaojie saw all this from Kidd's eyes, and also saw the meaning of "forgiveness and forgiveness" in the eyes of the referee. After hitting a long-distance three-pointer, Lin Shaojie, under Frank's call, walked Off the pitch.

The fans of the Nets were full of emotions, looking at Lin Shaojie who was sitting on the edge of the bench, his girlfriend was nearby.

Everyone knows that the most exciting match in the Christmas War ended early.

Unsurprisingly, the Nets lost to their opponents at home. For the Pacers, they became the ultimate winners.

(End of this chapter)

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