My vision is different

Chapter 338 Beauty Is Justice

At the press conference after the game between the Pacers and the Cavaliers, the Cavaliers lamented that it was too difficult to be a "ball player", while Frank on the other side seemed to be a "Zen Master" who was used to responding with a smile without saying a word.

Of course, for the reporters who want to interview the Pacers, whether Frank is present or not is the same. Their only goal is Lin Shaojie sitting in front of the stage.

As the coach of the team, Frank only has great influence in the Pacers team, but he is not a very topical old coach like Popovich. Certainly not on him.

Li Dacheng was sitting in the group of reporters. If it is said that Yangma enjoys the first "right to choose a spouse" for interviews after the game, then he is the "zero batch" priority "admission" right, which is given to the young reporters who fought together back then respect.

Li Dacheng in the crowd also followed the crowd and raised the microphone in his hand high, but Lin Shaojie was the first to point it up.

"Lin Guidance"

As soon as Li Dacheng spoke, Lin Shaojie looked over and quickly made a "stop" gesture.

"Stop, stop, old Li, with our relationship, there is no need to be so polite. If you have any questions, just ask. Why don't you tell me what you want to eat tonight? You can't have a sports meal like me, can you?"

Lin Shaojie's words made all the reporters at the scene look at Li Dacheng with envy.

When a sportswriter can walk in and out of a top player's home and sit down for dinner, his career path is well established.

Especially for a top player like Lin Shaojie, no matter what his future is, as long as he can make connections now, there will be countless inside information and roads to promotion.

As Lin Shaojie's queen reporter, Li Dacheng felt the scorching gaze. He knew that Lin Shaojie's seemingly impolite behavior made himself the focus of attention.

The cameras at the scene were recording everything that happened at the scene, especially the one from Yangma.

Maybe many years later, such a scene will appear in Lin Shaojie's personal documentary.

After all, to show Lin Shaojie's comprehensiveness, there are always multiple evidences. He, Li Dacheng, is the best portable reporter.

"Then, Xiao Linzi, I still want to eat some biscuits."

Well, as a good friend, Li Dacheng is not "coquettish and coquettish," but he is very measured.

After all, his age is here, he is much older than Lin Shaojie, it is not too much to eat some snacks from Dongtong County.Not to mention that Lin's father and Lin's mother can do it, and they do it often, which is convenient and fast.

It's always right to want to eat some taste of hometown after being away for a long time.

When the press conference was over, Li Dacheng and Yangma's colleagues got into Lin Shaojie's car together with the envy of everyone, and drove out of the stadium slowly.

Today, Yangma's people specially asked Li Dacheng to do an exclusive interview with Lin Shaojie before the All-Star Game.

Most of these materials will appear in this year's All-Star special.

Compared with the little giant period in the early years, there are more ways to see Lin Shaojie now. Sometimes Lin Shaojie can play casually with other residents on the neighborhood court in Polis, and he can be on the hot list of short videos or Twitter superior.

For his own products, Lin Shaojie did not hesitate to "sell himself" to attract people.

Of course, Yangma can't let go of such a good opportunity, and they must continue to expand their influence.

The car slowly left the arena and drove towards home.Walking on the snow-cleared road, there is a section of the repaired main road that seems to have varicose veins. If it is not for the top-end Mercedes-Benz sedan, the up and down bumps are still a bit uncomfortable.

As far as the current infrastructure level is concerned, the ever-changing Huaguo has really begun to widen the gap with the beautiful country in major cities.

The infrastructure maniac began to renovate the city after the 08 Olympic Games with a big stride in the way of one year and three years.

As if in an instant, the gap between internal and external infrastructure was reversed.

For example, the Big Apple City, and even the subway, have decades of nearly a hundred years of history, dilapidated, and many scenes of horror movies can be directly shot in the middle of the night.

Some domestic tourists who came to the beautiful country couldn't even believe what they saw.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that there are no good things. There are also many bad things in China, but they are always changing, and you can see hope.

But the money in the beautiful country is rarely poured into this area. Anyway, the few people sitting in the car are complaining a lot, especially some highways connecting the outside world, under the banner of free, are far inferior to the quality of domestic provincial roads. .

I think when I took Highway [-] in California, the so-called most beautiful highway, I found that the road conditions were not as good as I imagined.

It takes no more than a quarter of an hour to drive home from Conseco, which is a very short distance.

If it wasn't for the large number of guests and the inconvenient equipment to carry with him in winter, Lin Shaojie would definitely walk or run back.

Turning from the main road to the community along the Baihe River, he soon saw the Lin family at the end of the street.

At that corner, from the point of view of feng shui, it is definitely a good place for "gathering wealth" and "gathering power". Anyway, Su's mother and Su's father are quite satisfied with this place.

A group of people got out of the car early, fiddled with the equipment, and started shooting before the night fell.

It’s not the first time that some people from Yangma have come to Lin Shaojie’s “luxury house.” Well, this is just an exaggerated statement. After Lin Shaojie had a child, the inside and outside of Lin Shaojie’s home has long been a home style, obviously aimed at Go away warmly.

"Why does this yard have two to three thousand square meters?"

Standing behind the camera, the new photographer looked at the picture in the camera and had to sigh.

In the current shot, although it is a snow-covered winter day, you can look at the spacious courtyard at the door and those outdoor toys that belong to children.

Because the children are still young, they can't play at present, but in a year and a half, those swings, slides and other objects full of childishness will definitely be full of children's laughter.

Although he had been here before, he only had a quick glance and didn't look carefully.

Li Dacheng stood aside, watching his colleagues fiddle with the equipment, and responded in a low voice.

"More than that, it used to be close to [-] square meters. Later, the house next to it was bought together with the yard, and the two were combined into one, which leads directly to the Baihe River behind. The total area is at least more than [-] square meters."

As he said that, Li Dacheng gestured with his mouth, and the "small" boat about ten meters behind the house stood quietly by the pier.

"Here, the newly built pier is only convenient for their boats to dock. If you count that area, it will be at least five or six thousand square meters."

"I'm afraid it cost a lot of money?"

The cameraman said enviously, who doesn't have the dream of "a peasant woman, a mountain spring, and a little field"!
Yangma's people are no exception!

"To be honest, there are really not many!"

Li Dacheng shook his head instead and said: "Compared to the real estate prices in the imperial capital, the real estate prices in Indianapolis are like a younger brother, this place is really worthless.

In the Lin family, the most valuable thing is the boat. Whether it is the purchase and modification, or the later maintenance, it is more expensive than houses and courtyards.

The community where this house is located is a middle-class community, and it is not considered a real luxury house. Compared with those luxury houses of tens of acres, in this community, except for a larger area and a larger activity space, there is nothing else that can match a luxury house of. "

Li Dacheng lived here for a while, but if Su Zhen hadn't come over, and people from the Lin family and the Su family, he would still be living here and didn't want to leave.

The main reason is that the scenery is good on weekdays. The park green space not far away and this block are separated by a white river, so the sight line is not affected, and the scenery is nothing to say.

From a distance, the mountain is not high, at most it is a slope of dirt, but there are mountains and waters, so you can support people just by looking at it.

In the camera, after arriving home, Lin Shaojie got out of the car and greeted his neighbors in a distant voice.

Take a closer look, young man, in the glass room in the courtyard, isn't that Lin's father, Lin Congrong?Actually playing chess or go with an old white man.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the sun room in the courtyard is fully heated. If it weren't for the powerful defrosting and dehumidification, the glass windows would have already been covered with water droplets.

At this time, the two old men were fighting in full swing, and Lin Congrong didn't notice his son's return.

Walking into the compound with the camera, turning a corner and looking into the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, the women at home are busy with dinner, and the young and beautiful figure is holding the baby and talking about something.

The little guy's face must be hard to see clearly. Thinking about it, the looks of Lin Shaojie and his wife are not much different.

When Lin Shaojie entered the room, the camera followed closely.

The people in the house saw that it was Yangma's logo, and Li Dacheng at the side spread his hands, with a helpless expression, everyone knew it well.

With Lin Shaojie's success in the NBA, this house is well-known in the country. Many fans from Huaguo who are now working or studying in the beautiful country come to the house from time to time to ask for a group photo. .

Especially in some key games, these enthusiastic fans are indispensable.

Not to mention the media who want to interview, and it's not the first time for Yangma, everyone is very familiar with this scene.

The Lin family, who bought the house and courtyard next door, made good use of the geographical advantages here. If you don't walk in through the gate, you really can't see anything just by standing on the road.

At this time, secretly looking at everything in the house, the cameraman found that it was indeed a family full of warmth, as Li Dacheng said.

The interior decoration is not up to the standard of a mansion, it is just an ordinary residence, but the details can be seen with care, at least it is a ceiling-level decoration for living at home.

Li Dacheng carefully reminded his colleagues that if the security system at home had not been turned off today, if a few people like them came over, especially some strangers, the alarm would definitely sound.

Due to Lin Shaojie's influence and financial strength, he is a well-established invisible boss in this neighborhood. He has socialized with city hall officials and security personnel, and he is a "VIP" customer!
The security system at home is the standard configuration of the top luxury houses.

After all, unless Lin Shaojie leaves the Pacers, if he moves out of this block and says something bad, the housing prices in the entire block will definitely drop. It's so domineering and sharp.

Some departments that live on the fees paid by this block, of course, have to take good care of the donor's father, and they have done a good job in this regard.

As for the "Wooden Warehouse" attack every day, it doesn't exist here at all. Those who behave suspiciously after entering this community will be listed as suspects and questioned, let alone want to break into private houses this kind of thing.

This is a neighborhood dominated by the upper middle class. You can find all the beauty you can imagine here, but there is a premise that you must have the qualifications to buy a house. After all, it is small money.

Otherwise, the same apartment type will be at least [-]% to [-]% cheaper two or three blocks away. Why should people spend more money to buy this place.

But yes, in addition to living here, the attributes of the "school district housing" are also full. In Indianapolis, the school district housing belonging to the first-tier schools is honorable!
Lin Shaojie's return and friends from the media made the house lively.

Lin Congrong, the old father, found out that his son was bringing guests, so he also hurriedly ended the chess game. The old man refused the dinner invitation with a smile, and walked back alone.

Lin Shaojie knew that the foreign old man was a "celebrity" in this community, a strange person who could run fast at a very old age and wanted to donate all his property after death.

Lin Shaojie thinks that he can't be such a bachelor. Such people are scarce resources everywhere, and they belong to the group that is looked up to.

His father Lin Congrong and him have never been able to communicate with each other in language, and can only communicate with gestures. Now they can barely say a few words such as "Have you eaten?" "The weather is really nice!"

From time to time, the two old people can fish together, go for a run, etc., and they are also good friends!

As soon as Lin Congrong saw Li Dacheng, and then saw the arrival of Yangma's people, he was also very enthusiastic. He was better at coming than his son, and immediately entertained everyone who ate and drank.

After opening two bottles of Moutai, the previously restrained photographers became acquainted after a few glasses of wine, and the whole shooting became lively and interesting.

Lin Shaojie's dinner was not large, and he and his family ate separately.

His share was done alone.

Looking at the bland vegetables, fruits and meat, Lin Shaojie also specially prepared a portion for Yangma's people, asking them to taste it.

Although he knew that this food was healthy and nutritious, the photographer was just embarrassed after entering it and passed it on to other colleagues.

To be honest, it looks okay, but the taste is really bad, tasteless.

In the final analysis, there is a lack of seasoning. Only relying on the original taste of the food can not stimulate the taste buds. What can you eat with white boiled meat.

It’s still a little fresh to try once in a while. Thinking of eating these every day, can you eat white rice without side dishes every day?
That thing is not as sweet as white rice after rejecting it.

Anyway, in the eyes of the photographer, it is probably so!

After the meal, Lin Shaojie and Su Zhen got together for a while, the young couple took a walk in the courtyard with the baby in their arms, and Lin's mother and Su's mother cleaned up the housework.

Lin Congrong took Li Dacheng and others to visit the Lin family, which is what Lin Congrong can do.

For Comrade Lao Lin, besides being in the beautiful country, the current house has Chinese elements that can be seen everywhere in the house. When his daughter-in-law Su Zhen spent a lot of thought on the second renovation, the money may not be too much, but it must be enough. Carefully.

There is no psychological burden for the photographer to shoot these pictures in front of him.

They have also filmed similar scenes before, and those so-called luxury outfits look resplendent and resplendent, even if they don't look like hotels, they look like heaven and earth.

Luxury is enough, but it lacks some human touch. It must not be so comfortable to live in. Everything in front of me is very good. It belongs to the dream of living at home, the kind of life where the wife and children are on the bed.

If these recorded images are released during the All-Star period, the fans should be very comfortable watching them.

After spending a lot of time waiting outside, Lin Shaojie took his wife and children upstairs, first accompanied them to sleep, then went back down to the study after spinning around.

The photographer looked at the translucent study room with some puzzlement. Lin Shaojie was typing on the keyboard, obviously something was wrong.

Li Dacheng knew about it, but it was inconvenient to say it. Lin Congrong, the father, did not shy away from it, and explained from the side.

"No, there were fewer things to do in the past, but now there are more things to do. There are a lot of emails to deal with every day. Xiaojie uses his evening time every day to deal with some business matters first. Anyway, he is full of energy and takes the opportunity to digest food."

The photographers suddenly realized that the "Show Time" short video is in full swing in the beautiful country, and it is conquering the mobile market. A sports star's game ticket product has abruptly made a bloody way on the Internet. I don't know how many people in China are envious.

Not far away, Su's mother also took a look at her son-in-law. The two families have lived together for such a long time, and she knows who they are.

Let alone her daughter's studies, she is still getting tired of being with her sweetheart day by day, and life is enjoyable.

Besides, Lin Shaojie, a self-disciplined son-in-law, has nothing to say. It is a necessary skill for a successful man, and his husband when he was young is unmatched. Tell me, why are all the young people nowadays so powerful.

After waiting for more than an hour, Lin Shaojie walked out of the study, and then plunged into the gym.

The original gymnasium at home was well-equipped, but with the increase in Lin Shaojie's training programs, it was obviously not enough.

Previously, taking advantage of the merger of the two courtyards into one, an auxiliary building was built next to the house, and the entire gym was moved there. As a result, there was an extra activity space in the home, which was converted into a children's room.

Li Dacheng took the photographers into it, from strength to speed, from dynamic to static training, the gym is like a small factory building, with complete facilities, and even an attached indoor swimming pool.

Under the eyes of the reporters, Lin Shaojie was constantly doing various trainings.

Look at another half of the basketball court that was planned, and there are many dummies on it as imaginary enemies.

After completing all the basic training, Lin Shaojie quickly started to fight on the court, shooting, dribbling, posting and so on.

It was nearly two hours back and forth, and there were no gorgeous movements, all of which were very basic and boring.

"Does Director Lin come here every day like this?"

The photographer and others couldn't believe it.

Just now they saw with their own eyes, as a basketball player, how exaggerated Lin Shaojie's strength training is, not to mention domestic weight, it is the only one in the NBA.

Can you believe this is a point guard?

The center can't do more than this amount of training, right?
"It's about the same. Anyway, most of the games at home are the same. Xiao Linzi is an energy maniac. Just like that, he can sleep up to six or seven hours a day. His success comes from these self-disciplines!"

Li Dacheng patted his general belly while praising him: "Not to mention anything else, if you really have this self-discipline, you can succeed in anything you do."

After Lin Shaojie washed up in the bathroom beside him, Lin Shaojie, whose hair was still a little steamy, appeared in front of everyone again with a completely new look.

Seeing the fair-skinned and handsome Lin Shaojie in front of him, Yangma's people glanced at each other.

"Fortunately, I didn't bring a female colleague, otherwise I would have to shout 'I love it.'"

Anyway, the one in the camera looks like a big boy next door, but the No. 13 player with excellent temperament, even if you are a man, you can't deny his outstanding appearance.

Show is a real show, and the male species present can't even feel jealous, it's just too good.

It is said that white covers all ugliness, why is his skin so good?

Of course, Lin Shaojie could feel the envy from the other side, what could he say?
This is what he looked like after he got hooked up, and he couldn't find any acne marks when he was young. If he brought cosmetics on Twitter or "Show Time", they would definitely sell like crazy.

It is said that Laobai's skin is rough and Laohei's skin is delicate, but judging from the people Lin Shaojie has daily contact with, it cannot be generalized. Laohei has more acne, and finally it depends on the skin quality.

Anyway, on the whole, the Chinese people are far better than them, the point is not to look old.

The girlfriends of some black football stars, no matter they are black or white, can’t meet people without the cover of cosmetics. Nightlife is almost the biggest killer of skin damage.

Lin Shaojie has a regular schedule, can eat and sleep, and his skin is of course better.

After leaving the gym, Lin Shaojie returned to the house and sat in front of the camera. Li Dacheng became the assistant at this time, and this time the host was replaced by Yangma's.

This time, many people actually came to Yangma, and they were divided into two teams, one focused on Lin Shaojie's daily filming, and the other was mainly composed of the reporter and host.

They want to dig into the story of the Pacers and Lin Shaojie from various perspectives, which are of great interest to fans.

After this round of the game, host Yu stayed at the Conseco Stadium and interviewed other Pacers players.

He came late before, but was picked up later by Li Dacheng. Although he didn't see Lin Shaojie dealing with business matters, he saw the daily training in the evening.

Lin Shaojie was already familiar with the person in front of him, but this was the first time he met a real person.

After all, he is a familiar face, and he has seen it on TV many times before. Of course, Lin Shaojie belongs to the expression of "I have admired my name for a long time, and I have been friends with him for a long time".

The person on the opposite side also had a sense of pride. After all, Lin Shaojie is the only player left in the NBA. He used to sit in the studio and comment on his games.

Sitting at Lin's house at this time, and looking at Lin Shaojie who was freshly washed, as the host, he had to compare the celebrities and celebrities he had seen in "Big Underpants" before, and finally he had to say something with emotion.

"This kid is so handsome!"

Not only the appearance, but mainly the skills.

Pulling out this kind of shape alone can only be superficial, but coupled with his actions on the court, it is very handsome.

Think about it, if Kobe had grown up like an alien, would he have the momentum he is today?
JR and Crawford are not bad at the game, and their movements are beautiful, but compared with Kobe's influence, it is too far behind.

It is really rare to meet in the league in ten years if you want to find someone with good skills, honors, and appearance. It is no wonder that the league now promotes him as a top player.

If I were Stern, I would do the same. Whoever makes people nowadays, regardless of gender, are so superficial, and in an era where appearance is justice, such a scarce product can be produced on the court.

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