My vision is different

Chapter 344 Glory

Chapter 344 Glory
"I didn't think we were going to lose in this way. It sucks to be in the crowd and not be able to participate. I hate injuries. I want to fight Lynn on the court."

As an "old actor," Owen is very handy in answering reporters' questions.

The reporters sympathized with the "sorrow" shown on Owen's face. They were like a group of witnesses, watching the myth of the Pacers about to be shattered, but at this damn time, the Pacers once again caught the "youthful" Tail," successfully making himself attractive to the Goddess of Victory.

Relying on the extraordinary performance of the Chinese man at the last moment, the Pacers left the vortex of failure. Could it be that the Chinese man is the child of the goddess of luck?
There are many people who are secretly doubting this.

In the video after the game, it is self-evident how difficult Lin Shaojie's back is.

Whether it's the height of the flight or the magnitude of the fallback, as well as the pressure exerted by the defender.

Everyone understood that if the Pacers hadn't won in the end, according to the normal penalty, Lin Shaojie would still get another chance to free throw.

But there is no essential difference between winning 1 point and 2 points.

But for the Pacers, for people like Larry Bird, he can already feel the malice towards them from the upper echelons of the league.

Fortunately, Lin Shaojie made a successful hit this time, what if he didn't?
Will there be such a penalty?
Don't even think about it, it definitely doesn't exist.

And compared to the backward movement, Kobe, who can inherit the technical movements of the trapeze after being the leader of Joe's gang, has the greatest influence on his backward movement.

The TV station quickly released the two people's backward shooting movements. In comparison, Kobe relied on speed and rhythm for his backward shooting, and the rapid take-off shooting made it too late for the defender to block the shot;

Lin Shaojie's receding relies on the distance. Under the same rhythm, his receding makes the defender not only too late, but also out of reach.

The exaggerated receding range is not just this time. In many previous games, Lin Shaojie can see similar receding movements. Even among those 100% lore shots, at least [-]% come from receding.

So under such a comprehensive comparison, Lin Shaojie's reclining is actually more elegant than Kobe's. After all, he jumps higher and has a larger reclining range. Coupled with those big hands that defy the sky, his stability and beauty are much higher.

Under Li Dacheng's guidance, Lin Shaojie also saw similar comments.

It can only be said that because of his dynamic and static physical talents, he does have more advantages in this regard.

Of course, Lin Shaojie didn't want this matter to create any bad reviews, especially if some people wanted to use this attack to belittle Kobe, it was unnecessary.

After returning to Indiana from Cleveland, Lin Shaojie was also the first to tweet @KOBY.

"Thanks to Kobe for his guidance. He taught me how to use the recoil correctly. Of course, I am now 'the blue is better than the blue,' and I will compete with you when you recover from your injury, Kobe."

Look at what this said, wouldn't Kobe be happy seeing such remarks?
Even if 100% of the people say that Lin Shaojie's back is more beautiful and outstanding than his, but so what, he taught it.

But just when Kobe was about to reply, no one expected that the "old rascal" Joe's gang leader would intervene at this time.

"Hi, young man, have you forgotten who taught you to lean back and back that night?"

Lin Shaojie had no choice but to respond to the old rascal's words.

"Thank you, thank you to everyone who has pointed me out, including this, the God of the Alliance--Joe Gangzhu."

Lin Shaojie's words made the old hooligan smile. Anyway, after Kobe and Joe's response, many people stood up and said that they had given Lin Shaojie advice.

Including but not limited to "Masked Man" Hamilton, Lin Shaojie of course eagerly responded to and praised these people who had really pointed out, and he ignored those who were purely hype.

Not all famous players can mess around.

Of course, the queen of the music scene also said that she taught Lin Shaojie to sing. I really don't know if I should respond to this kind of thing. After all, the two of them sang at the same concert. In the end, Lin Shaojie did not lose each other's face, but remained silent Liked it.

This is all right now, the feeling of "resurrection of old love" made many people feel that there was something wrong inside, and even the host Yu looked at Lin Shaojie in the wrong way, but Li Dacheng knew it well and there was no such thing at all.

At this moment, all the people flocked to Lin Shaojie frantically. The closer the relationship, the more benefits. All of them combined, there is nothing else, because after defeating the Cavaliers, the Pacers have already completed their winning streak. By 33 games, they have tied the Lakers' historical record.

At this time when the record was about to be broken, many people turned their attention to the Pacers and Lin Shaojie.

Everyone knows that the Pacers, at the end of their strength, have reached the brink of collapse, not physically, but mentally. Players who have experienced winning streaks have this feeling.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the current Pacers are supported by Lin Shaojie alone. Under tremendous pressure, Lin Shaojie can perform stably in these few games and lead the team to victory. This is not inferior to those teams that are full of injuries. It is a core capability.

At such a time, if you can rub it, no one will doubt the attractiveness of this popular fried chicken.

Of course, Xiao Tianhou's behavior of biting the bullet and stalking up is a bit too "awkward" like a commercial bragging, and it is easy to misunderstand that there is something hidden. Such a thing is not even as good as "doctor" teaching Lin Shaojie to learn rap Come more realistic.

On the bright side, Lin Shaojie is a popular fried chicken in the league. In terms of off-site business activities, the short video "Show Time" is even more aggressive in the field of short videos. Because of the precise positioning of users' habits, this video has changed from the original "short The time version of "Utubi" has evolved to the status quo that can affect the status of "Utubi".

But Li Dacheng knows another thing, that is, when the "Doctor" introduced Lin Shaojie to become the major shareholder of Big B Headphones. No background, just put on a "fashion" label, a headphone brand that lacks background.

No one expected that the doctor's trick of "leading wolves into the house" was so successful. Although he gave up his position as a major shareholder, it did not affect the popularity of this emerging headphone brand in this niche market.

The earphone that Lin Shaojie wore on his head when warming up before entering the arena has become a brand that is highly sought after by young people. From the moment he became a shareholder of that earphone company, this is a niche brand of "Old Black". There is a trend that a single spark can start a prairie fire. Among the young people in the streets, no matter men or women, you can always see such a brand earphone with the letter "b" from time to time.

Is it his sound quality?

Is it because of his deep background?

Everyone knows that this has nothing to do with Big B, just one word to describe it.


When young people recognize him, this brand represents infinite possibilities.

When Lin Shaojie returned to Indianapolis, together with Li Dacheng and Host Yu, they were preparing to attend the Lin family's dinner party. No one expected that an uninvited guest came to the Lin family. His arrival broke the tranquility of the past.


Well, this Cook is that Cook.

Although his reputation is not comparable to that of another "Gang Leader Joe", those who can be called "Gang Leaders" in a certain field are all giants. As the successor head of a technology company, Cook can quietly The sound appeared at the door of Lin's house.

Li Dacheng feels that it is reasonable. After all, he has seen Paul Allen and Ballmer on the rich list with his own eyes. It is nothing to see Cook now. He has seen Mr. Qiao. , that is the daytime hell.

Li Dacheng didn't have a good impression of Gang Leader Qiao. After all, when he was in power, although he enjoyed a high reputation in the professional field and had many disciples, his neglect of the Huaguo market was far more direct than that of Cook in front of him.

Li Dacheng, a person with strong self-esteem, of course would not sell his soul just because of an electronic product.

On the contrary, Host Yu had bright eyes, but unfortunately, the people around Cook prevented him from taking pictures.

Even Cook himself did not expect that Lin Shaojie actually had a reporter with him, and even a team like Yangma.

As the head of an international capital, he certainly knows the power of Yangma.

In the eyes of the host who wanted to explore, it was Lin Shaojie who took Cook to the study. In the room of less than [-] square meters, through the glass window, the host could see the two talking happily and full of curiosity. The eyes can hardly be concealed.

But it is a pity that the camera team behind the host can only sit obediently and cannot take any pictures.

It was only when the two parties finished chatting and were about to say goodbye, with the permission of Cook and Lin Shaojie, the host Yu took a few group photos of the two, and the background was blurred, making it hard to tell where it was.

Even if these photos are leaked out, everyone will think that this is a combination of technology and basketball. The head of a well-known company "summoned" a basketball superstar as a fan, which is roughly the same guess.

Only the host Yu watched Cook's car drive away slowly with excited eyes.

"This is definitely a big deal!"

Li Dacheng's words made everyone in the Lin family look at Lin Shaojie with twinkling eyes, and the host Yu's eyes seemed to be shining with a different kind of brilliance, but Lin Shaojie concealed it with a slight smile.

"This matter needs to be kept secret, let's talk about it later."

Host Yu felt a little lost when he heard this. After another thought, after all, he is the host of a sports channel, not a colleague of an economic channel. This kind of thing will be used as a talking point at most in the future.

And what Li Dacheng said at the dinner table was much more interesting than this. What Lin stayed at the old hooligan's house in Charlotte, it was a friendship made of money, and the first face-to-face between the shareholders and the money-absorbing weapon.

There is also the encounter with Allen and Ballmer in Portland, which is a contact between super giants across classes and capital, with the attribute of winning glory for the country.

Anyway, after Li Dacheng drank some wine at the dinner table, he was pretty good at bragging.

Only Lin Shaojie knew that as his friend and reporter, Li Dacheng was helping him out.

In the evening, after Li Dacheng bid farewell to Host Yu and his group, the old couple of the Lin family and Su Zhen's mother and daughter sat on both sides of the sofa. Lin Shaojie was like a suspect awaiting trial.

"That's Cook!"

This is what Su's mother said. As the current head of "Fruit", that person's status is far more exaggerated than Ballmer, who is on the verge of retirement. This is because the power of the county magistrate is not as good as the current management.

As for Paul Allen, although he is a big capitalist, he hasn't been on the front line for a long time. His status as a playboy is far more popular than his status as an investor. Mother Su doesn't want her son-in-law to be friends with such a person. Will bring down his son-in-law.

But Cook is different. In the eyes of Su's mother, he is a gentle and elegant old white, whose social status is equivalent to the standard upper class.

Associating with such a person, even if the wealth of the other party is not as good as that of your husband or son-in-law, social status is not equal to economic income, which will greatly help the status of your son-in-law.

Mother Su marveled at Cook himself, and Su Zhen was also curious about it. Of course, more curiosity came from the identity of the successor of "Joe's Gang Leader".

After Joe's death, everyone speculated that the fruit would decline, but the reality is that under Cook's leadership, the fruit's performance has reached new highs year after year. No matter what the outside world brags about, the current Cook lacks the creativity of Joe. , Vitality, the fruit is dead, something to burn paper.

But these so-called bad-mouthings can't block the huge lead of Fruit in the era of smart phones. Fruit is the best device in the age of smartphones. Based on the foundation of Qiao Gang, Fruit's mobile phone has become their flagship product and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In the past, under the smart camps such as fruit and Android, Nokia didn't even produce waves of resistance, and it disappeared.

Nowadays, the second generation who is in charge of fruit appears in the Lin family, so of course he is taken seriously.

Lin Congrong and his wife didn't know much about these things, many of them were said by Su's mother, they just felt a little proud, but since Su's mother was interested, they also joined in the fun.

Lin Shaojie sat on the other side, glanced at Su Zhen, and then at the three old people.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that Guoguo has taken a fancy to Big B's earphones and thinks it fits their fashion concept very well, so they want to buy Big B"

Su's mother was a little shocked. This was not the first time she had discovered such a thing. She felt that his son-in-law's investment was like stepping on a point, which always made it easier to make money from money.

When the original accumulation has reached a certain level, the difficulty will increase exponentially if you want to maintain a stable growth. When the son-in-law is relying on his influence to achieve the first small goal, think about such a stable growth. It is a very difficult thing. After all, investment has losses and gains, and it is impossible for one person to take all the benefits.

But the facts are in front of her eyes. Su's mother feels that doing business has never been so simple. It is something her husband has never encountered for many years. Is her son-in-law lucky?

"What do you think, what did Cook go to Lin's house for?"

On the way back, Host Yu couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart.

"What else can you do? You can ask Xiao Linzi to be the spokesperson for Guoguo. Although I have never heard of it, Guoguo has found any celebrity as a spokesperson, but I think with Xiaolinzi's current appeal, it is not a loss for Guoguo to find him as a spokesperson. !"

Li Dacheng had a lot of intentions and said cheerfully.

"Lao Li, do you think it is possible that they will have other cooperations? I heard that when Coca-Cola acquired that beverage company, their head was also involved."

"It's impossible, it's impossible!"

Li Dacheng retorted.

"I believe in Xiao Linzi's business vision. He bought a stake in the taxi-hailing software company in Silicon Valley. Could it be that Guoguo has taken a fancy to it?
This is possible, and it is very convenient to hail a taxi with a fruit phone;
Or a short video?

That thing is very popular in Lao Bai's side now, and many young people want to become Internet celebrities on it. I heard that the money comes very quickly, so it's very popular."

Li Dacheng said one thing, and the host Yu shook his head, he always felt that it was not the case.

Fruit's software is really good, but after all, the hardware is more familiar to the public.

"You said, is it possible to take a stake or acquire Big B Headphones?"

"Impossible, how is this possible!"

Li Dacheng retorted shaking his head again and again.

"I believe in Xiao Linzi's business vision, and I have made a lot of money following him, but I don't think it is reliable for him to invest in the big B earphones.

You haven't seen that so-called "doctor." To be honest, that circle is really chaotic in private. I think if it were in our Huaguo, one of the people would be shot and the other would be wronged, but one would be shot every other. There must be fish that slipped through the net.

I think 'Big B' has nothing but the brand. In my opinion, it is a three-nothing product created by a group of grass-roots teams. In terms of sound quality, it is completely incomparable with Sennheiser and the like, let alone the private order of the Lin family. If it weren't for Xiao Linzi's ability to promote, there would be a group of old blacks wearing them all day long.

I used to think that group of people were very stupid, isn't he hot in summer? "

"But I always feel that's the way it is!"

Host Yu said casually, and then shook his head: "I'm also dazed, what does this matter have to do with me, now I'm waiting for Pacers to go to the White House in a few days, Director Lin is the first one to be interviewed by the Grand Commander The core of Huaguo?"

Although the championship teams of the four major leagues were received by the owner of the White House, Sun Dasheng and the others left the team in the second year, so they did not go to the White House.

More importantly, Lin Shaojie is the absolute core of the Pacers and the boss of the locker room. The status of the core and the substitute is completely different. In addition, the commander-in-chief has interacted with Lin Shaojie on Twitter. A brother in the Chinese sports world.

"Indeed, Xiaolinzi is the first one, a big scene of honoring our ancestors!"

Li Dacheng also said enviously: "If the Pacers can withstand the pressure and win the next two games against the Eagles and the Wizards, it will not only be a matter of interviews, but he will also go to the White House with record-breaking prestige. The appeal and commercial value are self-evident."

While talking, Li Dacheng and Chairman Yu looked at each other.

"You said, is this the idea that Cook won't make?"

If Lin Shaojie is holding a fruit phone on such an occasion, this kind of "obscurity" drainage will definitely have immediate results. If Lin Shaojie shamelessly advertises his own products, the effect will definitely be sky-high!

(End of this chapter)

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