My vision is different

Chapter 355 Strong Is Really Strong

Brian Xiao slowly turned off the TV and looked at the coach and players sitting across from him.

"How about it, how do you feel after watching the game?"

Tomorrow, they will welcome the opponent on the TV screen at the Pepsi Center at home, the Pacers, a powerhouse from the East.

This is the team where the coach stayed last season, and it is precisely because of his successful experience in the Pacers that Brian Shaw successfully got the position of the Nuggets coach.

But in addition to changing coaches for the Nuggets this offseason, they traded out the team's core Iguodala.

Ever since, this western powerhouse actually fell behind and competed for the eighth place in the west.

They are also the team with the most serious decline in strength in the league this season, and last season's rhetoric of "winning the championship without a star" has become a thing of the past.

Regarding the words asked by Brian Xiao, the soldiers of the Nuggets drifted unconsciously from the bottom of their hearts.

"Lynn is strong!"

Yes, a group of professionals, no outsiders, no reporters, and no cameras.

Watched the game, looked at that player's stats.

17 points, 14 assists, 10 rebounds, 10 steals, 5 blocks
Of the Pacers' 25 assists, that guy alone accounted for nearly [-]%.

The tangible data against the invisible time shows that No. 13 plays a role on the court all the time.

In contrast, the Kings team only got 13 assists, most of which were obtained when that person was not on the court.

"This is the first time we have met the Pacers this season, and we have lost two games in a row. No one would believe that we can beat such a strong team."

Brian Shaw did not hesitate to expose his shortcomings.

"But from what I know about Lynn, as you can see, it's not so much the Pacers as it is Lynn's team.

I can tell you with certainty that this guy's ability is far stronger than what you have seen and imagined. "

As he spoke, Brian Xiao imitated Lin Shaojie's classic hand gesture, pointing at his eyes with his index and middle fingers and admiring.

"That's what I saw in the Pacers last season. His performance almost subverted my previous amazingness. He is a hexagonal fighter in the true standard sense. From my many years of experience, there is no one in terms of dynamic talent. He's better."

"And what about Jordan?"

Chandler in his seat asked in disbelief.

"Very good question, but I can't answer you, maybe my answer is the best answer."

Bryan's words surprised all the players. Under normal circumstances, it should not be "not as good as Jordan"

what?In this way, even Brian himself is not sure, but Lynn's talent is really unbelievable.

"How strong Lynn is, many of you have met last season, but it was only his first season, faster, better, stronger. I hope you don't ignore him because of the color of his skin, nor I hope you will be afraid of him because of my words, no matter how you say it, Lynn is also a person, not a god."

As he spoke, Brian directed everyone.

"I'm telling you this because I want to find a way to beat the Pacers. You don't know, but I know one thing.

This guy has a very strong assimilation ability on the court, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

As long as you have fought with him on the court, at most one month, you will be subdued by his court charm, whether it is in an official game or private training, he has this ability.

How should I put it, he seems to be able to read people's hearts, and always allows you to catch the ball in the most comfortable way, as if you know what you are going to do the moment you receive the pass.

Whether to shoot or dunk, the moment the basketball falls into the palm of the hand, it is already doomed. "

Brian Xiao's words surprised most people.

"You think I'm joking, Myth Lynn?"

Brian Xiao said disdainfully.

"Maybe what I said is the most obvious. In fact, during the time I was with him, including me, Frank and others, we would do a lot of tactical drills and arrangements, but on the court, it was only ten minutes at most. Even for a quarter of the game, as long as Lynn is on the court, the subsequent games will enter his rhythm.

Looking at the Pacers' winning streak this season, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't for Frank being forced to rotate for players' physical and mental considerations.I'm sure this winning streak will continue forever, as long as you give Lynn a chance, he can catch you back if you're [-] points behind.

You know, everyone, when I was training, I saw him only miss one shot in an hour of shooting practice, and it was not the robotic shooting like you imagined, he would be on the court. Random shooting, there are very formal, standard shots, and there are also juggling shots, very casual.

Don't doubt his shooting percentage. As the player with the highest active efficiency in the league, even with one hand, he can shoot more basketballs than you. "

Brian Xiao's words were slightly fierce.

"So do you know what we should do in tomorrow's game?"

The players fell silent.

"It's just to prevent that guy from dying. If one person can't do it, just two people, if two people can't do it, then three people, don't worry about the others, don't care about Paul George, and don't care about West or Hibbert. They have adapted to Lynn To create a comfort zone for them, you only need to do one thing, which is crazy double-teaming.

This is our home court, and the referee will help us. As long as you don't foul maliciously, some slight touches are nothing.

As long as you limit the Pacers' No. 13, then we will win. "

Chandler among the players raised his hand weakly again.

"Mr. Coach, do I need it too?"

"Of course, as long as Lynn dares to go deep into the three-point line, you will punish him severely, even if he fouls, don't let him ride on your head and dunk!"

Chandler nodded in a daze: Are you really going to be so ruthless?
"You think I'm too cruel to Lynn?"

Brian Xiao looked at Chandler, then at the others.

"Hi, guys, don't care about other people, I made it very clear, as long as that guy is on the court, you are going to double-team like crazy, he is Frank's confidant, I know Lynn, and I know Frank Well, it's not us that's really preventing them from winning, it's Frank's love for Lynn, get it?
We want to let everyone on the opposite side know that if the Pacers deploy Lynn, we will keep that No. 13 on the court until the end of the game. Do you understand? "

At this time, everyone in the Nuggets understood Brian Shaw's tactics.

"Cut the 'Lynn' tactic?"

When other people left the conference room one after another, Brian Xiao sat in the office alone.

What I recall in my mind are all the glorious moments of last season, but unfortunately, this season he is not eligible to go to the White House.

Thinking of the sweet moment of last season, I thought of that Huaguo person.

"I'm so sorry, Lynn, I had to do this to win."

This is Brian Shaw's first season in charge of the team, but life is not easy for the Nuggets. When the western powerhouses are reduced to fight for a place in the playoffs, his coaching career seems to be in jeopardy.

Maybe everything will turn around after defeating the Pacers. After all, so far this season, only two teams have defeated the Pacers. If the Nuggets can be the third team, it will make Brian Shaw look good a lot of.

After all, everyone knows that he came out of the Pacers.

It is not the enemy who knows the opponent the most, but his own people. Brian Shaw is such a "one of his own!"

When the Pacers landed in Denver in the evening and began to adapt in advance, Brian Shaw also appeared in front of the visiting team, and the old coach took the initiative to invite several Pacers to the dinner together.

Looking at those familiar faces, a feeling that things are different from others came to everyone's hearts.

During the small gathering, Paul George and Hibbert were pistachios. Lin Shaojie didn't talk much on the court, and the gathering was brief but eager.

It was also a little bit sad when we parted.

After tonight, when we meet tomorrow, we will be enemies.

Brian Shaw knew it, and so did Frank, or everyone knew it.

None of us talked about basketball, and all we talked about were things off the court.

For example: the first child of Paul George and his charming wife;
For example: In the game the Pacers lost against the Clippers, Paul George didn't play well against Rivers. Do you feel ashamed?
A scumbag messed around outside while his fiancée was pregnant, and was caught raped on the spot...

At the dinner party, Paul George became the focus of everyone's discussion. After all, he is a veteran who hangs around flowers. Now that he has a child, he should start to calm down.

Brian Shaw, as a former teaching assistant and friend, some words are even more effective than Frank.

Lin Shaojie could feel that Brian Xiao at this time had a kind of "fatherly" temperament, just like other people's middle-aged old black.

Although most of them are somewhat irresponsible, when seeing the juniors, I still hope that they can be more responsible.

As for how to face Lin Shaojie, Brian Xiao belonged to everything in the wine. Lin Shaojie clinked glasses with Brian with a drink, and everyone was not surprised.

No one can force Lynn to drink, they have seen in such a long time.

After the banquet was over and Lin Shaojie returned to the hotel with the others, Frank suddenly reminded Lin Shaojie before going upstairs.

"Lynn, be careful tomorrow."

"Of course!"

Lin Shaojie responded with a smile.

"I don't want you to get hurt and I won't give you too much time."


After receiving Lin Shaojie's response, Frank waved his hand and went upstairs first.

Lin Shaojie, who sat downstairs for a while, watched the cars coming and going outside the hotel. There was not much difference in the city under the neon lights. In some years, the hotel became more popular because of the arrival of pedestrians, but it was a pity that the security was still very low. In charge, journalists who tried to sneak in to film were kept out.

Those people didn't know that the person they wanted to interview would sit downstairs and relax in front of the public, just a corner away from them.

The time we spent with Brian Xiao was not too long, and Lin Shaojie also responded with a smile when he laughed. Those jokes that belonged exclusively to Lao Hei did not attract Lin Shaojie's sympathy.

The trivial things that seem innocuous to those people are almost unforgivable on Lin Shaojie's side, just like the love life of "Pickled Pepper".

But behind the laughter with other people, Brian expected and valued Lin Shaojie, but he had to make such a countermeasure, which also made Lin Shaojie "look" inside and out.

This is the NBA, this is basketball!

For their careers, players will try their best to stand on the court;
Those who stand on the court hope that they can stabilize their position and strive to become the core;
Those who are already at the core will make themselves superstars. As for those superstars, they also hope to become superstars and become superstars.

It will be a success!

The same is true for the uniform team. Every coach has a coaching team. It is not easy for the coach who holds the power to kill the players on the field. There are sophistication everywhere, and there is also the necessary technical and tactical level.

Like Popovich, looking at the NBA is rare.

Even Frank can be regarded as trembling in the Pacers, the kind of future that cannot be guaranteed will force you to think of every way, or you will be eliminated.

Brian Shaw?
His life is not easy. The arrival of the Pacers may not change his performance this season, but it will make his resume look a lot better.

After a while, Lin Shaojie shook his head and entered the stage.

He said that he would be the last man standing on the court, but this also had a premise that the team coach did not replace him.

On the second day at the Pepsi Center, Brian Shaw, who got together last night, was warmly welcomed by the fans when he appeared on the stage, as if the fans were all welcoming the arrival of the champion coach.

They have already forgotten who sat on the sidelines and shouted the slogan "Bryan dismissed get out of class" when the season was not over half.

After all, the Nuggets' performance this season is really bad, and that kind of decline is unacceptable to the fans.

It's as incredible as Pacers fans watching the team one day make it to the playoffs.

It's just that at this moment, everyone seems to have forgotten everything that happened before. They watched the Pacers' starters and Brian Shaw greet each other with their own eyes, and the media were not stingy with the shutters in their hands.

The fans felt proud and applauded.

Soon, after the warm-up and greetings, the two sides officially entered the competition.

The Pacers played the familiar five-man team, and the Nuggets had Lawson, Foye, Hickson, Fareed and Chandler.

The Nuggets got off to a strong start. After winning the ball, Chandler made a sudden shot from beyond the arc and hit the three-pointer.

Looking back, after Hibbert's inside shot missed, Chandler and Faried completed the aerial link one after another, hitting two dunks.

The Nuggets caught the Pacers by surprise in less than two minutes and took a 7-0 lead.

Fortunately, Lin Shaojie responded in a timely manner, and quickly made a successful hit under the double-team, and returned a strong goal to the opponent.

Although it was only a three-pointer, the Pacers gradually calmed down because of Lin Shaojie's goal.

What Lin Shaojie didn't expect was that Bryan actually arranged for Chandler to shoot three-pointers. If there is such a big outside shooter in the league, it may be the biggest problem for a talented monster like him.

The second is that the Nuggets double-teamed him after the opening, which is rare.

Among the opponents the Pacers have encountered so far, someone has double-teamed, but they double-teamed him without opening.

The crazy double-teaming of Lawson and Foye is still quite uncomfortable for Lin Shaojie, at least these two people are very attentive on the defensive end.

It's just that Lin Shaojie doesn't know whether the Nuggets have so many players who can fight him head-on. The seemingly straightforward tactics require a lot of physical fitness. One person can rotate, two people?
Lin Shaojie looked at the Nuggets' bench from the corner of his eye. There was Nate Robinson and Fournier. Apart from these two, the Nuggets had no one available on the bench.

Looking at the Nuggets strikers on the court, they are far behind the Pacers in terms of height. There is no problem with Lin Shaojie playing the inside line. It is a pity that Hibbert failed to seize the opportunity at the beginning of the game, but it doesn't matter, there is West.

The old guy's experience on the road trip was not very good, but Lin Shaojie felt that he wanted to score and win. In the next few rounds, Lin Shaojie focused on West.

The Nuggets' double-teaming of him will inevitably lead to missing people. After West saw Lin Shaojie's intentions, the two had a tacit understanding.

Lawson and Foye on the court looked at coach Brian Shaw on the sidelines at the same time, and the latter nodded, indicating that the tactics would continue.

West hit one after another in the paint, playing a wave of counterattack frenzy, and the Nuggets had to call a timeout.

After the timeout, Lin Shaojie stayed off the court and Stephenson came on.

The Pacers' offense has also shifted from the inside to the outside. Not to mention, Stephenson's performance on the field is much better than before. This guy's impact is very good in front of the Nuggets' low lineup. Breaking in and scoring the ball can also have unexpected effects.

On the other hand, for the Nuggets, Foye became the main attacker, and COSCO shot back.

After the first quarter, the Nuggets ended the first round with a 22-18 lead. The high-flying Stephenson made another old problem, that is, he did not invest much in the defensive end.

But his stats are pretty good.

This made both Lin Shaojie and Frank frown.

"Although we are behind, I feel like I did a good job!"

Stephenson, who scored 5 points and 2 assists, was very happy.

Everyone understands how difficult it is to truly achieve both offense and defense, even if he is as strong as Paul George. If he wants to concentrate on defending LeBron, he must give up the ball in offense.

Lin Shaojie is the only one who can achieve such a balance in the whole team.

This is not just a physical issue, but also a mental issue.

Frank himself is a coach who advocates the balance of offense and defense. He even puts more energy on defense, and in offense, he has assistants or Lin Shaojie off the court and on the court to command.

Now Stephenson's data is getting better and better, and even like the core players, there are several games whose data is far better than George Hill and Paul George.

But who does the dirty work in the team?

The Pacers are not a giant, and everyone has to invest energy in defense.

Lin Shaojie ordered Stephenson while taking a break.

"Lance, your performance is great, but you need to guard against those little guys on the opposite side, you know? You have that ability!"

Lin Shaojie's words can be considered direct, and Stephenson, who was still laughing and playing, froze for a moment when he heard it, and then quickly responded.

"Understood, Boss, I will work hard, I promise to blow their ass drums up."

At the beginning of the second quarter, the two sides are still playing players in rotation. Stephenson also wants to work hard to do all this well, but when Nate Robinson hits three-pointers in a row, everyone can see it. .

At this time, it's not that Stephenson doesn't try his best, but that he can't do it.

Stephenson's static and dynamic talents are good, but facing the small Robinson, he is clumsy like an elephant.

The Nuggets scored 11-0 at the beginning of the second quarter and were scoreless in three minutes, forcing Frank to call a timeout and replace Lin Shaojie in advance.

And Lin Shaojie's playing is obvious, he is 1 centimeter shorter than Stephenson, but the dynamic talent is not something that Robinson can challenge, let alone Lin Shaojie's defensive strength.

The nimble little mouse - Nate Robinson seemed to be locked in a cage for an instant, and he could no longer score. The Nuggets' offensive was immediately contained.

The effect is very obvious, and everyone can see it.

Moreover, when the Nuggets were defending, they used Robinson and other guards' double-team tactics, which hardly caused any trouble to Lin Shaojie.

Even relying on his own bouncing, this little man who is less than six feet tall actually wanted to give Lin Shaojie a hard time.


Perhaps this is the dream of every guard in the league in the past two seasons. Everyone wants Lin Shaojie to try the feeling of being blocked.

But the fact is that Lin Shaojie's shooting is almost stagnant in the air. Robinson, who is nearly [-] years old, is not as brave as when he first entered the league. He jumped in the air and can only watch Lin Shaojie complete the shot.

3 1!

In the Pepsi Center, Lin Shaojie made a strong shot in the double-team of the Nuggets and completed a very confident shot.

After landing, Robinson fell to one side, Lin Shaojie stood upright, squinting at all this.

"Fuck! Director Lin's eyes are so domineering. If it were me, I wouldn't survive this street, and I would be beaten!"

On the TV screen, Lin Shaojie's behavior of squinting at people made Huaguo fans applaud.

Robinson on the court got up quickly with the support of his teammates, and said viciously.

"Next time I'll give you some color and see."


Lin Shaojie said softly.

Between offense and defense, Robinson dribbles. His size is doomed, and most tall guards will not want to complete the steal in front of him.

Lin Shaojie put him one step away, and Robinson wanted to jump up and shoot suddenly, but his short stature was also easily blocked by a player like Lin Shaojie, so Robinson seemed a bit blunt when he wanted to trick the defender.

The result of forced shooting can only be fruitless. After grabbing the defensive rebound, West immediately handed the basketball to Lin Shaojie. The latter suddenly made a shot midway while dribbling the ball. The Nuggets' players were still deploying defenses, and no one could have imagined that Lin Shaojie would make a move at that moment.

The basketball was hit from an incredible angle, and the fans were silent.

"Teaming, I said double-teaming!"

An exasperated Brian Xiao stood on the sidelines and shouted.

"Don't relax your defense against Lynn, don't care where he is, as long as he is on the court, double-team him anytime and anywhere, watch him die!"

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