The Pacers' last game before the All-Star break was at home against the Dallas Mavericks.

The Pacers at home are waiting for work, and the Mavericks in the away game have just experienced the game against the Bobcats.

In yesterday's game, even with Nowitzki present, losing to a team like the Bobcats made the five-game losing streak for the Mavericks a "tragedy" team second only to the Lakers.

The Dallas Mavericks used to be recognized as the top three in Texas. Unlike the pseudo-strong teams like the Rockets, the Mavericks and the Spurs took turns at their peak. Before winning the championship, they overwhelmed the Rockets. strong team.

But Feng Shui took turns, and as the "driver" got old day by day, Maverick became an "old cow" and began to be bullied.

It's like the Rockets this season belong to the "rising star" in the sky in the league. Although the Spurs are old, they are steady and can sneak attack from time to time, occupying the first place in the league.

After experiencing a series of twists and turns, the Spurs stood firm in the No. [-] position in the Western Conference for the first time before the All-Star Game.

On the contrary, the Mavericks among the top three in Texas have become the weakest team, and now they are vying for the place in the playoffs.

However, with the Mavericks' configuration, even if they enter the playoffs, they will be at the bottom of the list at most. Whether it is the Blazers, the Thunder, or even the Spurs, the Mavericks are the miserable "old and cute."

When facing the Bobcats yesterday, the German chariot only scored 16 points, which was still the highest in the team, while Jefferson of the Bobcats scored the most 30 points and 8 rebounds. It was 22 points in the account, and the Mavericks lost all their confidence, and the loss was a mess.

So when I came to Conseco today, the news that the Mavericks are about to usher in their six-game losing streak has already spread.

As the last game before the All-Star game, everyone believed that the Pacers, the number one in the league, could not allow themselves to participate in such a game with failure.

Lin Shaojie wanted to entertain the Mavericks last night, but was rejected by the opponent. Not only was Nowitzki tired, but other players also had no intention of participating.

Lin Shaojie just felt that it was a pity that Mavericks was obviously old, except for the driver, Calderon was an old acquaintance.

"Hacker" Marion;

Vince Carter
It seems that except for the younger Monta Ellis in the core, everyone else is a bit too old.

Even the once king of the Warriors, Monta Ellis, is only at the level of a star player. Although the difference is only 20 and 20-, the living conditions in the league are very different.

Monta Ellis, who was driven away from the Warriors, felt a sigh of relief, and now he is back in the West, and he is still the starter in the veteran team Dallas Mavericks.

Ellis, who wanted to regroup, was as good as ever in the previous game, but it was a pity that the Mavericks dragged him down at this time.

Perhaps until this time Ellis did not understand why the Warriors executives would choose that "primary student," thus giving up his promising star who was willing to work for the Warriors.

Is there no true love in the alliance?

At the match scene the next day, Lin Shaojie glanced at Ellis while greeting his "friends" before the match.


The latter obviously doesn't have a very good three-point long-range shooting talent, but today's warm-up is actually based on three-pointers.

Seeing him and thinking of Curry, it can be said that it has been [-] years in Hedong and [-] years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor.

In the NBA where the feng shui turns, the younger brother of the year is now an All-Star starter, and the big brother of the year is now doing his best in a declining team like the Mavericks.

Comparing the two horizontally, after the Warriors played against the Spurs in the playoffs last year, they can be regarded as successful. Whoever said that they can’t kill people without guns, no, whoever said that they can’t kill opponents with three points.

If it weren't for the Spurs' three-pointer, in last year's playoffs, it would not be so simple for the Spurs to kill the Warriors.

So this season, watching the Warriors play steadily, and going a step further, if the Warriors' record is placed in the Eastern Conference, it will definitely be the top three.

Now in the West, if the core is not damaged, it is not a problem for the Warriors to enter the playoffs.

Of course, the Warriors entering the playoffs must avoid colliding with strong teams like the Spurs, Thunder, and Clippers. After all, those are difficult masters.

Even if it is in the East, as long as the Pacers and Heat are avoided, it is not too difficult for the Warriors to face other teams.

The indescribable allure of that youthful storm, coupled with the extension of a big city like San Francisco, many people really look forward to them.

After Ellis was abandoned, it was somewhat tragic.

Fortunately, he didn't say anything stupid like "I thought Curry was here to help me", otherwise it would sound extremely embarrassing to the person involved.

For most Pacers fans, they didn't think too much about this game. After all, the All-Star Game is about to be held, and the enthusiasm of the fans is almost all there.

Besides, the Pacers' opponent is the Mavericks. If they were a few years ago, they might have had some speed. Now that they can watch the Mavericks, the rest is just feelings.

This also shows that the Mavericks' market has declined all the way after winning the championship.

Fans are like stockholders, chasing ups and downs.

The team's record was not good, and those fake fans outside the circle began to flee. There is nothing more humane than this, which is almost a true portrayal of "the rich have distant relatives in the mountains, and the poor have no one to ask".

However, the performance of the Mavericks after the opening somewhat broke everyone's impression.

You can't say that the Pacers played poorly. In fact, the Pacers played very steadily. Lin Shaojie also slowed down the rhythm of the game from the perspective of observation.

After all, this is the first collision with the Mavericks this season, and he also wants to see how the Mavericks are doing this season.

Compared with the slow pace of the game in the past, even the confrontation between the players is relatively peaceful, but this is not the reason why the Pacers are behind at home.

From the beginning of the game, as the Pacers' second-in-command, Paul George's unstable shooting began to be exposed.

When the wind is going smoothly, he can score all kinds of fairy balls, but Paul George is a little dangerous when encountering some rough and rough.

Both Lin Shaojie and George Hill wanted to try to see if Paul George could rekindle his touch, but obviously, Paul George in this game did not bring hope to everyone. The upcoming All-Star game also made the players less impetuous.


Even Paul George himself, standing on the court, smiled bitterly after throwing a basketball that smashed out of the basket.

As the Mavericks' champion coach, Rick Carlisle didn't have much glory when he was a player. After all, he was Larry Bird's teammate, and he was surrounded by teammates like McHale and Robert Parish. The media spotlight will not fall on him.

The infinite glory of the Celtics period in the 80s has nothing to do with him.

Fortunately, after retiring early and becoming a full-time coach, Carlisle's coaching career was far better than his player period. The record of success and failure in the Pistons (without winning a championship) allowed Carlisle to win the championship in two seasons. Later, he was invited by "Big Bird" to join the Pacers.

In the regular season record of the first season, Carlisle achieved excellent results, but unfortunately, just like the reason for his resignation in the Pistons, the Pacers still stopped in the Eastern Conference Finals and could not win the championship.

In the four seasons in Indian City, Carlisle's winning percentage declined year by year, and finally left in [-], came to the Mavericks, and became the latter's ninth coach.

Compared with Carlisle's coaching period, the current Pacers are already beyond recognition.

It stands to reason that Carlisle should not be as familiar with the Pacers as Brian Shaw, but as a former champion coach, perhaps because of his good relationship with Larry Bird in private, Carlisle is far more familiar with the Pacers than he is. Outsiders think better.

Before the match between the two sides, Carlisle had a close communication with Larry Bird who was present on the court. "Big Bird" even introduced his favorite work - Lin Shaojie to him. It can be said that the meeting between the generals of the opposing sides is very special. friendly.

In fact, Lin Shaojie and Carlisle had already had contact last season, but it was only a one-sided acquaintance. This time, under the introduction of Larry Bird, it can be regarded as a further step.

Carlisle's starting lineup is Ellis, Nowitzki, Marion, Calderon, Dalembert.

Lin Shaojie, who is in charge of the team, is quite familiar with this.

Those players are all former acquaintances, and now they are blended together under the commercial operation of the league.

Seeing Ellis, Lin Shaojie thought of Granger.

They were all former team leaders, but now they can only live in exile.

But compared to the unknown future of Granger, after Ellis airborne the Mavericks, life is much better than that of the former "Son of Indian City".

Lin Shaojie heard from others that Granger's trial training with the Clippers after buying out his contract was very good, but the Clippers have always been worried about his potential injury and doubts about Granger's use. Now it's like Bynum's days in the Pacers, it's not certain when he will play.

Bynum needs to prove himself again in training, and Granger is the same. The feeling of waiting is hard to imagine.

After the game started, Lin Shaojie, who wanted to slow down the pace of the game, also made the first four minutes of the game between the two sides show a see-saw situation. Paul George's hand feeling was not good, and the opponent was also slow, so it was not much better.

After Lin Shaojie changed the direction of attack, he began to take the lead.

Hibbert played in the interior, a series of interior offenses, you can see that the Mavericks' interior lineup is difficult to resist the Pacers' offense.


During this period, Paul George used too much force when defending, which made the originally gentle Mavericks very angry. Calderon didn't know why, and he and Paul George began to get serious, and the two were chattering on the court , The non-stop trash talking made the atmosphere of the game a bit subtle.

A point guard and a small forward start to compare?
In the process of scrambling for the ball, there were some aggressive pushing and shoving actions. The referee even hit [-] boards each, each with a t, which calmed down the players on both sides.

"Haha, it seems that the referee is a strict law enforcement level, and he doesn't want any accidents between the two sides before the All-Star game."

The host said in a joking tone.

You know, the Mavericks only had Dirk Nowitzki selected for this season's bench lineup by relying on Yu Wei, while the Pacers were in full swing, Lin Shaojie, Paul George and Hibbert.

Two starters and one substitute, when it comes to the star flavor of the All-Stars, it is better than the down-and-out Mavericks.

The referee didn't want any disturbances in this game, and it would cause chaos for the next All-Stars.

The turmoil among the players did not stop Lin Shaojie from snooping. He could clearly feel that Ellis of the Mavericks had great ambitions. Perhaps with his scoring level, he didn't even have an All-Star substitute. Very uncomfortable.

After all, Curry has already played first, why doesn't he even have a substitute?

It is also strange to say that sometimes it is not necessarily who the alliance wants to praise or trample, but it often follows the trend.

Some players are very popular after entering the league. Players like Kobe who have "three ups and three downs" are rare.

Look at Ellis again, even if the state has declined, he is still close to the level of averaging 20 points per game, which is not bad at all, but in the voting, he just can't squeeze into the All-Star lineup.

Sometimes fan preferences are such "fans."

Is it the skill or the reputation that is important? Perhaps "I am in this mountain, I don't know where the clouds are deep"!

The Pacers had an advantage in the interior, and Ellis of the Mavericks also fired from the outside to tie the score. Then, Nowitzki made consecutive shots and overtook the Pacers.

If it wasn't for Lin Shaojie and George Hill with one three-pointer and a 22-22 tie in the first quarter, the Pacers would have fallen behind their opponents.

After the start of the second quarter, Lin Shaojie sat on the sidelines. As the main player of the All-Star, he would definitely be used by the league. If not, Frank really didn't want his disciples to have more consumption on the court.

He had already served as the Eastern Conference coach in last year's All-Star game. Under the rule that he could not be re-elected, the coach of this season was taken by Spoelstra of the Heat.

That being the case, it is not clear whether Lin Shaojie can make a difference. Instead of this, it is better to have fun and focus on participation.

However, it is clear that the league's uniform team has communicated with the Pacers in advance, blocking their thoughts. If Frank has the confidence of Popovich, he may be able to resist it, but he is not Popovich.


Larry Bird was fine, but "Big Bird" was a fine person, so he just tried to comfort Lin Shaojie and let Lin Shaojie have a good time in New Orleans, don't work hard, and don't get hurt.

It can be regarded as acquiescing to the arrangement of the alliance!

Stephenson, who replaced Lin Shaojie on the court, took the lead in attacking in the second quarter, but unfortunately, the Mavericks' substitute, Vince Carter, was not inferior.

As Uncle Carter with a super long standby time, the deepest impression of fans on him is all kinds of power and beauty dunks, but in fact, Carter's shooting is really accurate.

How can he be the master of dunking every day when he can still stand on the court at his age.

Could this be the legendary survivor deviation?
Really when Carter can only dunk?

Look at Carter during the rotation. He took a total of 6 shots, hit 4 goals, and didn't have a dunk.

Stephenson only hit three goals in total, and scored 9 points with free throws. The old "Uncle Carter" has already scored 10 points, which is far better than the young Stephenson.

Coupled with Nowitzki's stability, the Mavericks actually overtook the Pacers by two points after the second quarter, ending the first half 51-49.

Taking advantage of the intermission between the two sides, the hosts began to comment on the first half of the game.

It is understandable that Lin Shaojie only played for about ten minutes in one quarter. After all, Lin Shaojie has already played a lot of time during this period, and with the All-Star game coming soon, it would be good to rest for a while.

But the Pacers and Mavericks played so anxiously, it is really outrageous.

After all, the Mavericks have been on a losing streak, and it is really unreasonable for this game to be played like this.

And Paul George, who took up a lot of shots, once again became the target of fire. In the past, it could be said that he tried his best to defend to cover up the omissions in offense.

There is no way to cover it up in this game. Paul George can still make sense when facing Marion. After all, the "hacker" didn't get any benefits in front of him.

But the confrontation with Calderon was confusing, and I got a t for nothing.

After Carter came on the court, facing Carter's various shots, Paul George instantly lost his defensive advantage, as if he was playing fake balls.

Uncle Carter had to experience the second master at the moment of abuse. He had had enough of the opponent's fake moves.

The fans at home also had to calm down and watch the second master in their hearts.

In the last season after Lin Shaojie joined the team, Paul George's sudden emergence became the greatest consolation for the local fans. It is different, the roots are red and the seedlings are red.

Many fans even said that the Pacers could try to give Paul George more possession of the ball instead of betting on Lin Shaojie alone.

This season, Paul George has the most shots in the team and many fans are excited, as if the Pacers heard their voices.

But halfway through the season, looking at the data list, the Pacers' No. 13 slipped away to occupy the top position, and looking for Paul George, everyone can obviously find that the efficiency of the team leader and the second leader is worlds apart.

All those words were swallowed back by them.

The Pacers were able to win a record of 38 consecutive victories. How many times they were saved by Lin Shaojie against the wind and rescued by the savior in danger.

Now that Paul George has experienced ups and downs, these fans are the ones who are most injured.

After the start of the third quarter, after Paul George received three passes from Lin Shaojie and returned in vain, he did not wait for the home fans to boo him. Paul George himself took the initiative to raise his hand to admit his mistake and started He dutifully defended.

The kind of performance that I can't open in the offense, you come, so that the fans don't know what to say.

The Mavericks, who took advantage of this opportunity, also took advantage of the situation to expand the score. The maximum point difference reached 7 points, but it was useless. The Pacers still have Lin Shaojie in the team.

The Pacers played very steadily, not at all chaotic.

That No. 13 has been standing on the court, and the Pacers can come back in the fourth quarter when they are 7 points behind. What is this small [-]-point advantage?
Lin Shaojie, who seemed to be in a scoring shortage, handed over the ball to George Hill, and he began to gallop across the court.

Upon seeing such a situation, Mavericks coach Caral quickly exclaimed.

"Look at that guy, double-team, double-team him!"

A scoring machine that can roam the court appeared, and I don't know if the old Mavericks can defend it.

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