My vision is different

Chapter 4 My Vision is Different

Chapter 4 My Vision is Different
On the riverside at midnight, the damp breeze blows away the heat of the noon.

Earlier, it was his father who sneaked out without telling Lin Shaojie, but now, it was Lin Shaojie who waited for his father to fall asleep, and then sneaked out alone.

The pitch-black surface of the river is like a monster devouring people. Occasionally, a cargo ship sails across the water, causing waves of ripples and slapping the embankment by the river.

The final score of the college entrance examination was nearly [-]% lower than expected, and some people in the classmate group popped up from time to time:
"It's a mule or a horse that comes out for a walk," "Some people just can't get on the table with dog meat buns."

Lin Shaojie knew exactly who he was talking about.

"People make mistakes, and horses make mistakes. If you pass the test yourself like a bird, how dare you criticize others? Rubbish."

This is his friend speaking for him, Lin Shaojie also knows.

"Who are you calling trash?"

"Whoever says it is clear!"

Taking another look at the news about the turmoil in the classmate group, the distraught Lin Shaojie didn't bother to "join the war," but just clicked the "X" in the upper right corner.

The harm caused by aunt's words between relatives is far more vicious than the ridicule of classmates. Seeing those sarcasm, Lin Shaojie is also a little calm and unrestrained.

It sounds good to see it, the endurance has improved, but in fact it is lying flat, you can ridicule it as you like, anyway, everything is wrong when you have no strength.

Although the college entrance examination has passed for a long time, Lin Shaojie remembers it very clearly. He has checked the name and the like, and there is no such problem;

The answers to the test papers were also completed on time, and I did not overestimate my scores when I checked the answers afterwards.

Why is this happening?

Did I do something wrong in my previous life?

Thinking about the test during the day, Lin Shaojie only felt disgusted now. Since it had been settled long ago, why bother to act in such a play again?
It's just to accompany the prince to study, I don't know who will read it in the end?

Lin Shaojie fiercely kicked the stone under his feet, causing ripples in the river.


Seeing the violent shaking in the river, Lin Shaojie took a closer look.

Under the flood control embankment, someone’s fishing net was not taken away, and some duckweed and dead branches were hung on it, which looked tattered.

A big fish leaked half of its body and struggled there.

Thinking of his recent situation, Lin Shaojie felt more pity.

"You little brat, if someone sees you, I'm afraid you will become someone else's dinner."

The fishing net was pulled very deep, leaving quite a few shallow marks on the fish, it may have been some time.

Lin Shaojie was a little worried that his violent actions would scare the fish in the net, so his hands slowed down even more.

On the contrary, the fish became much quieter, occasionally wagging its tail in the water, as if knowing that someone was saving him.It took Lin Shaojie a lot of effort to untie the fishing net from the big fish.

Lin Shaojie leaned over and realized that this fish is not a "little guy", but it is clearly a big guy who is about to mature.

Red and yellow scales, a figure of more than one meter and nearly two meters long!
"Let's go, I hope you are not as unlucky as me!"

Lin Shaojie looked at the big fish in a daze, the fishing net was untied, and he was still there, looking up at himself.

Fortunately, those fish eyes are quite small and chic, otherwise it would be quite creepy to be stared at by such a fish at night.

"Big fish, you say that life is suffering, but why do some people live freely, while others live in extreme pain? Just like you, trapped by this 'fishing net', this life is so miserable It's boring."

As he said that, Lin Shaojie seemed to be venting, but also seemed to be lamenting the injustice in the world, and told what happened in the recent period.

Memories are an endless road, taking away your innocence and leaving you a mess, but some people call this - maturity.

Lin Shaojie, who was in a better mood, pushed the silly big fish with his hands.

"Let's go, don't be seen again. You can sell a lot of money if you catch it like this. What about me? I plan to go home tomorrow. My father is not in good health and my mother is too hard to bear. I'd better come out to work early , test or something? I give up."

"What if I could help you?"

"In this world, only you can help yourself, but I no longer have confidence."

After Lin Shaojie finished speaking, he suddenly realized that he was the only one in the empty riverside, and who said that voice.

The slightly icy river water slapped his feet, and Lin Shaojie realized that he had actually stepped off the embankment, and if he took the next step, he might fall into the river.

In this river that runs straight to the East China Sea, there are countless dead bones buried under the water.

Lin Shaojie only felt a chill coming from his tailbone to his forehead.

"Crash evil?"

The previous "sorrowful autumn" was wiped out in the face of such inexplicable, unclear, and possibly life-threatening situations.

At this time, Lin Shaojie just wanted to escape back to the cramped musty hotel and return to his father's side.

But those feet soaked by the river water couldn't move, as if they had taken root on the ground.

"Then I will give you confidence!"

A deafening sound rang in Lin Shaojie's ears, and a bolt of lightning suddenly struck down from the sky, and the dazzling flash lit up the pitch-black surface of the river.

The big fish in the water even raised its tail and slapped the water surface vigorously.

A water curtain draws an arc from bottom to top, rushing into Lin Shaojie's eyes;
at the base of the neck;
Drenched him thoroughly inside and out.

When Lin Shaojie came back to his senses, there was still that big fish on the river, and he didn't even know where the fishing net was caught.

On the cargo ship in the distance, there were some curious voices faintly, as if they were looking for something.


Lin Shaojie, who was already planning to "go back home", rushed back to the hotel with his whole body wet after realizing that he could move.

After a simple wash, I fell asleep.

Father Lin woke up the next day and looked at Lin Shaojie's changed clothes.

"Did you go out yesterday? Was it raining?"

Lin Shaojie didn't answer, and a "hmm" was regarded as a response.

"Let's go!"

"where to?"

"Jiangnan University!"

"Don't go!"

"Not going to try?"

The stubborn father pulled the reluctant son, and the two checked out of the room after hastily eating breakfast.

Lin Shaojie, who changed into a suit of ill-fitting clothes, followed behind Father Lin indifferently, facing the strange gazes of others.

Broken cans, broken, anyway, it's like this, let's treat it as the last day in the provincial capital.

Lin Shaojie, who has the mentality of returning home wholeheartedly, has long since lost the anticipation he had when he came, and his mentality is even more peaceful.


Maybe it's pessimism and despair!A feeling called "mourning" filled Lin Shaojie's heart.

Get off the bus and look at the gate of the campus where students are also coming in and out.

Lin Shaojie, who was slightly short-sighted at first, suddenly found that his eyesight was much better, and he could always see other people's strange eyes in his peripheral vision.

I vaguely remember that under normal circumstances, the angle of view of human beings can exceed [-] degrees, or even [-] degrees, which means that some things standing behind people can be noticed, but when you concentrate, it is difficult to exceed Thirty degrees, maybe even only five or ten degrees.

It almost means "looking only at the moment".

But what about Lin Shaojie?

I am tall and thin, wearing ill-fitting clothes, a bit strange, walking on campus always attracts strange eyes from others.

I can see almost all the people on the front and back sides, their clothes, their height and appearance, and even the acne marks on their faces.

Every move of pedestrians, every frown and smile;
frolic among friends;

The love between lovers is thick and deep, all imprinted in the mind, as if forming a full-frame picture.

(End of this chapter)

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