Chapter 402
The spring breeze of April has already blown across the land of Huaguo. Except for some cities in the north and the plateau, most of them are lively scenes of green grass and blooming flowers.

Xie Zhenghe, who returned from the imperial capital to the Jiangnan provincial capital, completed the school work ahead of schedule.

As Lin Shaojie's "mentor", coupled with his previous working experience, it is not surprising that he successfully served as the deputy team leader of this "temporary" men's basketball world championship.

After learning the news, Jiangnan University fully supported it. After all, it is a teacher who came out of its own school, and it felt a sense of honor.

In the regular season between the Pacers and Spurs, Xie Zhenghe saw it more clearly than others, and the one watching with him was the little giant.

Xie Zhenghe is the vice-leader of Huaguo team in this year's World Championships, and the leader is the little giant next to him.

As the leader of the men's basketball team back then, the little giant moved from the front of the stage to behind the scenes. It is inevitable that he will continue to engage in this sport after retiring and take up an administrative post.

The voices coming from the TV screen at this time are all talking about the strength of the Pacers, and even if the Spurs are the loser, they are honored to lose.

Even in the post-match news interview, it was a "quiet and peaceful" scene.

Winners are restrained, humble, neither arrogant nor impetuous;

The loser is friendly, polite, neither humble nor overbearing.

You can't see the tense and stormy situation before the game at all.

"Director Xie, what do you think of Kobayashi's performance in this match?"

The little giant picked up a glass of wine and handed it to Xie Zhenghe in front of him. Both of them felt a little drunk after a game.The low-grade burn is mellow in the mouth, and it still has some aftertaste.

Xie Zhenghe took it and took a sip.

"According to my personal opinion, this game can at most force a 'long-distance running' version of Kobayashi. In terms of full state, I think it is still a bit short."

Xie Zhenghe, who put down his wine glass, was in full swing.

"I think Popovich still knows too little about Kobayashi. If he had given him more time, maybe Kobayashi would have gone to the Spurs and finally teamed up with Leonard.

Thinking of such a situation, I estimate that those opposing teams are likely to be suppressed below [-] points per game. "

The little giant's eyes lit up when he heard this. When it comes to closeness, of course Xie Zhenghe and Li Shaojie are closer. He has only heard about many things, but has never seen them with his own eyes.

Inviting Xie Zhenghe to form a team this time, apart from the fact that Xie Zhenghe's tactical literacy belongs to the industry and he will not command indiscriminately, the more important thing is that he is Lin Shaojie's mentor and knows Lin Shaojie far better than others.

It's like when the little giant pulled the head coach of the Sharks into the national team. Of course, that guy didn't deserve his virtue in the end and left in despair.

No matter how you look at it, there is no doubt that Xie Zhenghe's return to the "National" name this time, even the coach of the professional team can't pick a thorn, and no one will use Xie Zhenghe's identity as an issue.

Anyone who can train a player at the level of "Lin Shaojie" will be able to walk sideways in the domestic basketball world as a coach.

The guy who is in full swing in the NBA has praised his mentor Xie Zhenghe more than once on the TV media. This can be seen from the new members of the Jiangnan University basketball team.

Definitely the best batch of seedlings in the country.

But it is a pity that the better group has long been picked up by the professional echelon and the provincial team. It is not easy to snatch these good players from famous schools such as Imperial Capital and Mizuki.

In the past two years, with the popularity of Lin Shaojie, CUBA, which was originally only a minority, has also become popular, and even famous schools that don't pay much attention to this area have begun to exert their strength.

With their reputation, it is really easy to recruit a group of outstanding players. Jiangnan University can snatch good seedlings under such circumstances, that is also TOEFL TOEFL.

Because of this incident, Xie Zhenghe was called Huaguo's "Old K" coach by some good media.

Of course, Xie Zhenghe is very self-aware. No matter in terms of professional experience or personal resume, he and Mike Krzyzewski are far apart. Apart from the status of a college basketball coach, the two are completely incomparable.

Teaming up with Little Giant this time, leading the team that is still in the preliminary stage of players, is entirely based on the personal situation of a certain No. 13, otherwise it would be impossible to spend such a high price to participate in the Spanish World Championships.

The little giant was sitting not far away, thinking about Xie Zhenghe's previous words.

The current team has not yet formed, but it has been regarded by the media as the "Team Yao" formed by the little giant after returning to China. The little giant is also under pressure and strongly recommends to participate in the World Championships.

Those hundreds of millions of expenses are not for nothing, there must be some results, and the key to the results lies in Lin Shaojie himself.

With him, there would be no problem with the 60-point passing line; without him, with the current or last year's dismal record in the Asian arena, going to the World Championships is just looking for abuse.

Looking at the configuration of those participating teams, almost all of them are familiar faces and familiar names. Almost all the stars of each team are in the NBA.

If Huaguo lacks Lin Shaojie to carry the tripod, should the little giant take off his suit and stand on the field again?
But with Lin Shaojie, everything is different. Whoever goes on the field is still uneasy, and his morale drops by three points first, and everyone is defeated. Lin Shaojie is famous for his big heart, the more critical the moment, the more stable he is. But the results achieved in the past two years.

"I know Leonard as a player. His personality is rare among black players. He is unassuming and restrained, but his strength is not so good. But look, such a player is more powerful than famous, but under the restraint of our Xiaolin , The fourth quarter is not exhausted."

Xie Zhenghe tapped on the table, then pointed to his eyes with his habitual index finger and middle finger.

"I can see clearly that Kobayashi's 53 points are not his upper limit. He is already very restrained. With his shooting percentage and physical fitness, I don't think it's surprising to get more points.

Leonard's talent is good, but I don't believe it. Even if Kobayashi plays with the ball, he can't break the double-team with a fadeaway? "

Upon hearing this, the little giant patted his thigh immediately.

"Yes, in this game, Kobayashi seldom fell back. Most of them were open shots, and they relied on running to draw opponents."

In the impression of the little giant, even the fledgling Lin Shaojie has a backward jumper that goes out of the sky, but in this game, Lin Shaojie still uses more one-step shooting methods to solve the battle.

His physical gifts are also shown more in other scenes.

Thinking back now, if Lin Shaojie used his back to widen the distance between him and Leonard, also ignoring the opponent's block, and Lin Shaojie's hand feeling was stable, then the hit rate would definitely be fine, double-teaming in this move I can't use it in front of me.

"I think Kobayashi has some reservations. After all, this is just the regular season. If it were the playoffs, the Spurs wouldn't be able to play so hard against the Pacers, and they would definitely be opened up in an instant. Kobayashi is good everywhere. It’s just that I always have the fear of ‘not scoring enough’, and habitually pull away the opponent by more than [-] points to feel at ease.”

Xie Zhenghe's words made the little giant laugh along with him.

In any case, he always felt relieved when he heard the news.

At present, the reserve team for the World Championships is dominated by members from the previous year's National Olympics. Among the old national team members, apart from Tian Tianyi's position is relatively stable, the others are not sure for the time being, even half of them are from Guangdong Province. To become a "flowing soldier" in this "iron camp".

Those who can go up, those who are mediocre go down, and those who are inferior are eliminated.

There was no other choice. This team was formed with Lin Shaojie as the core. Whoever could spark and cooperate closely with him was the best candidate, just like the team in [-].

The game is over, and the child is tired from playing, lying on the sofa and sleeping deeply.

Su Zhen watched from upstairs, his father turned off the TV, and took his father-in-law out for a walk.

Mother and mother-in-law are preparing delicious food for dinner.

These days, the reporters from Zhuantai and Li Dacheng always come to interrupt from time to time, and the house is also rare and lively.

For the Lin family, this ordinary and busy life always makes people feel that they are still in China. After all, this is not a Chinese community, and seeing familiar faces always makes people feel comfortable.

Su Zhen didn't think it was troublesome to be disturbed. Although the people on the brick platform were guests, but think about it, which of them could be sent out was not a human being, and the resumes in their hands were all hard-edged ones.

It is said that they eat and drink at Lin's house, but it is not every day. At most, they come here every now and then for tooth-beating festivals. They still mainly record their daily records, which can be regarded as a balance between work and life.

For Su Zhen, the life in front of her has never been more satisfying.

Compared with the once spacious but lacking popularity of the family, there is a lot more breath of life here.

Compared with the dormitory life on campus, she, a woman who has not completely left the campus and continues her studies in a foreign country, can always find her ideal life, and at the same time, there are many intrigues in the dormitory.

The new school and new classmates brought Su Zhen a different experience.

Looking out from the window on the second floor, the sunset glow fell on the grass in the courtyard, making the ground colorful. It won't be long before Lin Shaojie, who has finished the press conference, will return.

Thinking that she could stand at the door of the house with the child in her arms, waiting for his familiar smell, broad arms, and warm chest, Su Zhen felt hot all over her body.

"Xiao Linzi from your family is so domineering. My family almost loves him to death. Tell me, I'm finally out of order. Now I want to compete with your man for a man. What's the matter?"

Su Zhen picked up the vibrating mobile phone, then looked at the message sent by Luo Jiali in WeChat, and burst out laughing.

The only roommate in the dormitory who is close to me has now found a boyfriend. The round-faced cute girl is cute and charming as long as she tidies up a little bit. It's a pity that everything is fine, even if she has a long mouth, I don't know if her boyfriend will accept it. Got it.

"It's useless to tell me about it. Didn't you say that he plans to come here to watch the playoffs? I'll help you with the tickets. Now that the house is big, there's no shortage of your place to live. When the time comes, bring it over. Xiaojie and I will show you, how are you doing?"

Luo Jiali on the other end of the phone made an "OK" gesture.

Time flies, and it feels like in the blink of an eye, life will enter the next stage.

Graduate, work, fall in love, get married, have children.

Under a series of processes are the supporting substances.

She, or he, who was originally raised among flowers, under a greenhouse, or in an ivory tower, will soon go to work.

"What? Are you chatting with your best friend and roommate again?"

After turning off the TV, Song Lingfei hurried over with a satisfied expression, and then pinched Luo Jiali's round face.

As Luo Jiali's boyfriend, they established their relationship during the internship period.

Song Lingfei has always known that Luo Jiali has a roommate with a very good relationship, but she transferred to Beautiful Country in her junior year, but the relationship between the two parties did not become estranged because of the geographical separation, but got closer and closer.

It is said that they will break up after graduation, but for the two of them right now, that is the honeymoon period.The two have already decided that after graduation, they will go to Shanghai to fight together.

The two originally wanted to stay in the provincial capital, but in the end they were no match for the temptation of the big city. They were young and always wanted to give it a try. The main reason was that their family did not lack money, which would allow them to spend a lot of money.

Now, it was the last crazy time for the two of them.

At the very least, there are still holidays to speak of. If you really want to go to work and think about summer vacations, winter vacations, etc., it is almost impossible.

As Luo Jiali's boyfriend, Song Lingfei is definitely a basketball lover. His knowledge of Lin Shaojie is far more detailed than Luo Jiali's knowledge of Lin Shaojie. The latter simply thinks that he is a basketball star and a friend of Su Zhen.

But for him, there is almost a world of difference between a basketball star like Lin Shaojie and ordinary people, especially on the basketball court.

Even outside of basketball now, with Lin Shaojie's wealth, it is a blessing for the fans to have more contact with the fans when he returns to China.

Ordinary people living in the secular world are so far away and so fragile from Lin Shaojie, a star player who can already be called a capital predator.

The ups and downs of daily life do not exist in front of them, and the issues considered by the two sides are almost different.

The daily necessities of daily life, housing, schooling and other issues have long since ceased to bother them.

After all, it is a small number of people who control this world, and most of the mortal beings can only drink some soup and water.Put it in a place like the beautiful country, it is a player who is controlled by the capital predators and can chat and laugh with the head of Coca-Cola, if you treat him as a rotten fish, you can only be blind.

Song Lingfei would sometimes talk about this in the chat with Luo Jiali, but it was just for talking. His biggest dream now is to go to the beautiful country and fulfill his long-cherished wish in college. Lin Shaojie's game.

Now if you want to entrust someone in China to book a home ticket for the Pacers in the beautiful country, this is not just a matter of money, it is really difficult.

"You really want to see it?"

Luo Jiali asked curiously. She can be regarded as a basketball fan, but she is not as hardcore as her boyfriend. The family conditions of the two parties are not bad, and they save a little in daily life. It is also affordable to go overseas for a trip.

"Of course, this is my only dream in the last two years."

Song Lingfei said with an exaggerated expression: "You don't know, when you are in a stadium in a foreign country, surrounded by white or black people, but they all shout the name of a Chinese person in unison, that kind of feeling."

"My girlfriend can get the Pacers tickets, are you sure you want to go?"

Luo Jiali blinked her eyes and said.

"How much? I mean, in addition to the entrance fee, how much will it cost?"

Song Lingfei said happily: "As long as it's not too exaggerated, I can accept it."

"for free."

Luo Jiali replied truthfully, but quickly added: "Except for the entrance fee, there is no need to add money."

"Sister, let me tell you that you should be more careful!"

Song Lingfei "ravaged" Luo Jiali's round face: "Don't be fooled by your sister, it's really hard to deal with, the price increase for scalpers outside is calculated according to US dollars, and those Chinese who can watch the game on the spot are There are a lot of slaughters, she can get the tickets without adding money, what good thing can she think of!"

"She lives in Polis City, which is very convenient!"

Luo Jiali knew this very well, others couldn't get the tickets, or they needed to pay more, but for Su Zhen, didn't they just open their mouths?She wanted to give Song Lingfei a pleasant surprise.

"Sister, it's not a matter of whether you live in Polis, or you have to pay for it even if you live next to the Conseco Arena."

"But she said, we don't need to pay in advance, we can wait until we get the tickets, and we can pay her after watching the game."

In fact, there is no need to spend money at all. It's not that Luo Jiali has never watched the ball in the Conseco Arena, but she doesn't have a deep feeling about it.

Well, she just thinks her boyfriend is silly and cute.

"That's fine, but don't let us go all the way, and finally stand outside the arena to watch the game."

"That's impossible. Her condition is very good. We have a good relationship here. There's no need to lie to me because of this matter."

What Luo Jiali said was the truth, but Song Lingfei just thought his girlfriend was silly and sweet, just like her appearance.

"I said sister, the word girlfriend is not a good word now. We have no problem with the procedures, but the air ticket money is indispensable. If your girlfriend is unreliable, our trip will be in vain."

"Don't worry, it won't, I promise you will have a good time watching it."

Luo Jiali said carelessly: "And they also said, please let us have a good time in Polis for a few days, and we don't need to book a hotel, just stay at their house."

"Emotion is still a little local tyrant!"

Song Lingfei said cheerfully, and Luo Jiali nodded in her heart: "That's right, we're going to eat the big family. If we really go to work, we won't have this time."

Song Lingfei ravaged Luo Jiali's face, and his restless hands climbed up to the top of his head and began to stroke his hair.

The sour smell of love has long been permeated, and the rented hut is filled with a strange atmosphere.

For the two, the well-off family gave each other confidence, and the hobbies with similar interests also made them harmonious.

(End of this chapter)

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