My vision is different

Chapter 453 The Weird Game

During the rotation, Stephenson was replaced immediately.

He played against Parker on defense, but was educated by Leonard and Green in turn on offense.

The dishonest Spurs launched a sneak attack on him, a young man, and actually "took care" of him well while focusing on marking Lin Shaojie.

Everything is a bit "fresh" and a bit sudden for Stephenson, and the "valuation" by the Spurs is obviously from Popovich's handwriting.

No one expected that the Spurs coach would give him a head-on blow, allowing this player who had to mention the first-line support to enjoy the same main treatment when Paul George was off.

Parker, the guy who was supposed to defend George Hill or Stephenson, hid aside as an object of assistance, monitoring Lin Shaojie and George Hill at all times, completely giving up on him as the "best sixth man!"

Stephenson's 2 offensive mistakes before leaving the court directly gave the opponent 5 points, and Frank wanted to scold his mother in anger.

So Lin Shaojie agreed without any hesitation the first time he was replaced.

The "dragon" of the regular season was completely exposed in the playoffs. When the tide ebbed, it was clear at a glance who was the naked swimmer. Stephenson buried himself a big hole at the critical moment of contract renewal!

Stephenson himself did not expect that during the regular season they played against the Spurs, although it was not as easy as "beating their son", but as long as the Pacers showed the belief that they must win and fight against the Spurs, the latter would last for three quarters at most, and it would be almost the same in the final quarter. Just gave up the game.

The current choice, coupled with Paul George's injury, really has no choice but to consider him.

First come a hip pull back, then change direction in front of the body, and then add a step back.

The bench looked crazy, in stark contrast to the quiet fans behind.

Lin Shaojie, who was clearly preparing to shoot, really looked like Paul George in all his actions beforehand if he didn't look at his jersey number and his skin color.

Popovich thought about it for a second, if one member of the GDP is missing, it would be a disaster for him, the eldest brother does not laugh at the second brother.

Although it seems cruel, this is reality!
The moment he heard Frank's words, Evan Turner squeezed a smile uglier than crying, expressing sadly that he had heard it.

How you mocked us at the Conseco Arena back then, today we have to pay back all of it.

"Leave the offense to Lynn, let him decide."

They are just a junior team, while Lin Shaojie is an adult professional team.

If Lin Shaojie fights alone, he is sure that Popovich will let the Spurs double-team him again as soon as possible.

On the Spurs side, GDP reunited, Green and Diaw were off, and Splitter was on
Seeing that the new Pacers are still dim, the home fans couldn't help laughing.

Lin Shaojie finally jumped up to meet Leonard after that brief pause.

Lin Shaojie, who took up the position of small forward, did not focus on off-ball. His tacit understanding with George Hill is still the same, but there is a problem in this game. The Spurs use 1.5 people to defend him, not the double team in the previous game. , which made him and George Hill, or with other players, a lot less opportunities to connect.

Before going on the field, looking at this brand new lineup, Lin Shaojie said in a deep voice.

When Leonard's huge palm hit Lin Shaojie's arm, and Ginobili's palm also covered Lin Shaojie's eyes, the latter had no chance of scoring the goal at all, and the chance of getting free throws at most
But no one thought that Lin Shaojie actually completed a 3-point shot while falling.


"Leave the offense to me, but I hope everyone can do their best to defend, and don't give the opponent a chance, even if it simply consumes the opponent's physical energy. After all, we still have a chance to win this victory."

Lin Shaojie can feel the doubts and worries of his teammates. The current state of the team is too bleak, relying on him alone.
Is it ok?

Standing on the court, Lin Shaojie didn't seem to realize that the 9-point gap was not a natural barrier, he was confident.But what is more important now is to let his teammates play with confidence, rather than being so lifeless now.

The booing was accompanied by disdainful eyes and gestures, making the passing camera take a straight shot.

What Frank meant was obvious. Even if the lineup had been adjusted, Lin Shaojie would still handle the final attack. He, Evan Turner, was a tool man and a support.

At the same time, Evan Turner, who replaced Stephenson, was very excited. As a core player who was abandoned by the 75ers this season, does Evan Turner have the strength?
But as the core, when he exchanged an outdated Danny Granger, he actually had to add an extra - Lavoy Allen could only be exchanged for Granger. How much the 75 people don't want to see him , for fear that he will stay with 75 people.

The fans exclaimed.

Without a second person to stand up to help him, it is unrealistic to rely entirely on himself. Regardless of his own state, his teammates will feel cold sooner or later. Facing a highly efficient Spurs, this will not work.

The original 1.5-man defense instantly turned into a two-man double-team, and the Spurs' tacit cooperation was terrifying.

There are also those "short" defenders who have established themselves in the league with speed and flexibility. Why are they being teased by Lin Shaojie? It is obvious that his center of gravity is higher
There are too many unreasonable things. As a latecomer, Evan Turner is also gradually accepting the fact that Lin Shaojie is a "pervert". According to other players' jokes, this Chinese native is definitely a "bad guy," yes The latest human-shaped weapons produced in Huaguo, so there is no way for this group of people to compare with "mutants".

But Lin Shaojie paused at the moment of the final shot. At this time, Lin Shaojie, who had completely gained the initiative, could calmly change direction and bypass his opponent.

Stephenson's first "dog leg" also raised his arms and shouted: "Lynn, you've exploded."

Although Leonard and Ginobili's joint blockade is not the most brutal perimeter defense in the league, in this case, the shot is still completed while falling. How strong is that guy's core and upper body strength?

West, what about your rich game experience?Why can't you play with that guy in the paint, but he "monkey steals the peach" and snatches the basketball. Your simple and honest smile is useless, you have to stand up and snatch it back?

"Don't foul!"

"Brother is dying, but it's impossible for you to be in the limelight. It's been so long, don't you know the name of this team?"

The Pacers were able to choose this poorly rated player, at most they used him as a temporary backup on the back line, and never considered letting him enter the core lineup.That is, when Granger was sold, he, Evan Turner, just happened to meet him.

Not to mention that Evan Turner himself couldn't believe it, even Leonard and Ginobili couldn't believe it.

The result is that the ultimate goal of the 75ers is to abandon this "troublemaker" core, without considering Granger's competitive state at all, and quickly send out this "old patient."

In that way, he can be like Iverson and be the uncrowned king of this season.

At that moment, Lin Shaojie seemed to be shining under the lights of the ATT Center Arena, calm and unhurried.

But Lin Shaojie did not do this, but took off and shot against Leonard.

Without Paul George, the Pacers have a 20-point gap;

Leonard's center of gravity was instantly swayed, and seeing the opponent retreat to the three-point line and prepare to shoot, Leonard immediately rushed forward.

Just the lack of Paul George is like a bucket with a hole in it. It can’t stop the decline of the state. It is impossible to rely on Lin Shaojie to win the game alone. The Spurs can send players to take turns to take care of him. .

Now, he was finally able to show off his strengths on the stage of the finals, and that excitement instantly rose from the bottom of his heart.

Popovich yelled in horror, but it was too late.

"I hope we can narrow the gap with each other before the main force returns."

That No. 13 is really Xiu'er, and this will not give others a chance to survive.

Popovich looked at the opposite lineup and wanted to laugh. This is the so-called deep background. Compared with the Spurs, the Pacers in front of him are weak and pitiful.

This is something no one thought of before the rotation period. It is just an opportunity to attack, and the Pacers are about to come back to life?

Although there were no excessive words, anyone could see the discrimination in his demeanor.

Ginobili, who had just played to help defend, gave up Evan Turner, who he was supposed to be defending, without hesitation, and stretched his arms as hard as he could, trying to block Lin Shaojie's shot.

How come the playoffs, no, the Spurs are so tough in the finals.

Regarding Evan Turner's thoughts, not only Stephenson, everyone on the bench understood.

George Hill handles the ball, Evan Turner plays shooting guard, and Lin Shaojie, who is shorter than Turner, goes to the position of small forward instead;
Scola replaced West, Mahinmi replaced Gobert.

The Spurs' team defense ability is really outstanding. With the support of "manpower", the other Pacers players played timidly.

In short, he is a very contradictory and elusive player.

Gobert jumped up excitedly and shouted: "Lynn, you are so fucking cowhide, you are my idol."

"That's right, that's the way to play, what kind of ball to pass!"

And Lin Shaojie, who abandoned his status as a guard and received a pass from George Hill in the frontcourt, played very "Paul George" in the face of Leonard's close defense.

A team needs a core, but it also needs the support of teammates.

In front of the TV, countless fans shouted from the bottom of their hearts.

Evan Turner, who had just played and didn't even touch the ball, couldn't believe it.

With Lin Shaojie's free throw percentage, this free throw is almost a scoring problem. A 3+1 score instantly brought the 9-point difference back to 5 points.

Even Parker's breakthrough and counterattack became sharper.

At the same time, the referee's sharp whistle sounded, and everyone knew that this undoubted foul came from the Spurs.

The shape of the hand hit by Leonard was also adjusted in an instant, and it was stable as if it had been rehearsed thousands of times in advance.

However, Popovich knew very well that Lin Shaojie was not that kind of player. This player with a very "independent" mentality was actually a team member who could give up his own scoring for the sake of victory.

But until now, the state of his teammates told him that their touch was really mediocre. During the entire playoffs, there was no worse time than this.

If the Pacers eventually lose the series, then Lin Shaojie's "gold content" may be damaged, unless he ignores the team's victory and only focuses on scoring.

With the appearance of Evan Turner, the Pacers unexpectedly changed their formation to deal with the sharp offense and defense of the Spurs.

After a series of operations, Evan Turner was "surprised" to find that he was an outcast, essentially no different from Danny Granger.

Lin Shaojie, who took off before Leonard and Ginobili, took advantage of the less than half a second of time in the air to find a shooting opportunity when the two defenders landed.

Seeing this scene, Stephenson felt a little better after being depressed.

Perhaps most of the teammates were puzzled, but Lin Shaojie quickly added.

In the mind of the coach, even if Evan Turner has a level of 17+ in the regular season, he will be a "mercury" in the playoffs, and his state will decline rapidly. There is no record that can be achieved at all.

When that naughty basketball carried the hope of Lin Shaojie and the Pacers, and plunged into the Spurs' hoop, the Pacers' bench was full of exclamations.

The first substitute Stephenson is useless. Isn't he the "well-known" guard who averaged 75+ points per game in the 17ers, the "savior" of the Pacers?

The offensive and defensive strength shown by the Spurs made Stephenson completely uncomfortable.

When he first joined the team, he had to go one-on-one with Lin Shaojie to try to prove his own strength. After coming to the Pacers, he was also a rookie who wanted to be the boss. He was defeated by Lin Shaojie in the team training. Take it down, and the arrogance will dissipate.

But just when Evan Turner was so ambitious and ready to turn the tide, coach Frank's words made this excited guy seem to be poured a bucket of cold water.

Why can that thin-looking guy take off easily in front of Hibbert?When Hibbert faced him, it was like a mouse meeting a cat?
Why did Paul George, a well-known talent, behave like a little quail in front of Lin Shaojie?What about your athletic ability?What about your static talent?

It seems that any player who has a heart of resistance in the locker room has acquiesced to the fact that Lin Shaojie is the boss after a period of time.

During the Pacers' team training, few players could maintain confidence in front of Lin Shaojie. The huge gap between talent and technical strength made those former favorites wonder if they had gone to the wrong place.


A tool person must have the mentality of a tool person, and don't think about what is available.

The seemingly honest Leonard was brutal; Green's long arms were more like cast iron.

The palms were firm, if it weren't for Lin Shaojie's red arms, Leonard thought it was all his own illusion.

But even so, the opponent's shooting percentage is amazing.

Those moves that looked like Paul George in the past completely turned into Lin Shaojie himself at the last moment of the shot. This exaggerated hit rate is unique in the league.

Until the end of the first half, the Pacers played so strangely.

From tactics to the team's mental state, the Spurs clearly had the advantage. They even widened the point difference to 17 points during the second quarter, but the unreasonable Lin Shaojie always scored goals from some magical angles.

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