My vision is different

Chapter 490 Bootcamp

When Luo Xiaoou drove to the courtyard of the Lin family, he sat in the car for a long time before getting out.

Luo Xiaoou is a person who has never stood on the top of a mountain to see the scenery. Lin Shaojie gave him a chance, and he grasped it. But now, he seems to be experiencing the darkest moment of his life when he is about to climb to the top.

It was a friend who offered the opportunity, and he was the one who offered the dagger.

Smelling the smell of cigarettes all over Luo Xiaoou, Lin Shaojie pointed to the tea in front of him.

"I'm not being polite to you, pour it yourself."

Luo Xiaoou drank the cup of herbal tea and poured it in big gulps.

"When did you learn to smoke?"

"Thinking about it, it's been a year. Sometimes the pressure is too great, and I smoke a cigarette to relieve my fatigue."

As he said that, Luo Xiaoou wanted to take another cigarette, but when he looked at this dream room that he had hoped for once, but when he was in his most insane dream room, his desire to smoke became less.

"Come on, Su Zhen and the children are not here."

Hearing this, Luo Xiaoou lit his cigarette and took a deep breath.

The two people who grew up together and separated until college hadn't spoken for a long time. The two people under the eaves just watched the smoke rise slowly and then disappeared into the air.

The slightly choking smell gradually disappeared after a cigarette.

But both of them knew that after sniffing carefully, they could still smell some.

"You asked them to investigate?"


"You think I didn't do well?"

"From the outside, you guys are doing great!"

"Then why, the company is in a mess now."

Luo Xiaoou still lacked confidence, so he couldn't help but speak.

"Xiao Lin, do you know how much the outside world values ​​us now?"

Lin Shaojie didn't respond, just nodded to show that he was very clear.

"Although we are still far from being a unicorn, some venture capitalists have indicated that they can provide us with more than 5000 million US dollars. That is 5000 million dollars. Now that you do this, what should we do?"

Luo Xiaoou's voice became louder and louder, while Lin Shaojie slowly stretched out his hand and made a downward gesture.

After calming down, Luo Xiaoou's chest heaved, obviously out of anger.

"Fifty million? A very staggering number."

Lin Shaojie got up and walked into the courtyard, with his back facing Luo Xiaoou, the slightly scorching sun made it seem like Luo Xiaoou couldn't see Lin Shaojie clearly, but felt that the back was a bit tall.

"How much is 5000 million U.S. dollars? I have invested three times in total. From the initial 1000 million Chinese dollars to the later calculations in U.S. dollars, I have invested a total of more than [-] million dollars to let you build this market.

It is only now that you have been sent to the wind and let those investors come to you, right? "

Luo Xiaoou didn't respond, and didn't dare to respond.

"John said very clearly that no matter how big your current market is, you are still not profitable, you are still heavily in debt, and you are still burning investors' money.

I don't care about these. It is a loss-making business to spread the market and attract users.But when you burn so much money that even the user's deposit starts to use your brains, I know that you have already begun to try to break through the bottom line. "

"Impossible, we didn't move that money."

Luo Xiaoou still wanted to say what to continue, but Lin Shaojie who turned around stretched out his hand and made a "silent" gesture.

"It's not up to you or me whether the money is moved or not. Yueyue and they have found traces of it being moved. Now, listen to me first."

Lin Shaojie looked at Luo Xiaoou with a dignified expression:

"This matter is not a trivial matter. Your core management team is all students, a group of students who have not yet graduated. With such a huge sum of money, you don't even have a definite concept of how to deal with it to increase its value.

Do you, the boss, know how serious this is because you are running amok in the market entirely with enthusiasm, and many financial problems have been exposed?
That's enough to send a lot of people to prison, including you, you know? "

After finishing speaking, Lin Shaojie took out his mobile phone and clicked: "John just told me a few numbers, and I knew how 'good' those brothers under you are to you, and I don't know if you know all this , still know, but sorry to stop.

In addition, do you know how much they spend a year just on business entertainment? "

"That's not to open up the market!"

Luo Xiaoou still wanted to quibble, but Lin Shaojie retorted mercilessly: "I don't mind such behavior, but you must not treat others as fools. If you eat and drink hundreds of thousands of dollars a meal, you think they are still Student? Even Su Zhen’s father didn’t dare to make it like this, but you guys are used to it? The money isn’t yours anyway, but it’s something you’ve made so hard?”

Luo Xiaoou wanted to explain that the money was not necessarily spent on food, but Lin Shaojie waved his hand.

"I also know some things, which cannot be simply expressed in black and white, but such things happen frequently, and you can still write and sign, I know that many things are no longer under your control, or that you have changed along with it. .

If it wasn't for John's early start, are you planning to find a domestic celebrity to endorse? I think the plan has been written, and the endorsement contract is tens of millions. "

"We were looking for you, but"

Luo Xiaoou wanted to explain again, but Lin Shaojie also stopped him: "Are you sure you can afford me?"

What Lin Shaojie said was merciless.

Everyone knows that Lin Shaojie does not have many endorsements, but the price of each is extremely exaggerated. Even if the unit is ignored in US dollars, it is the top in the country if it is exchanged for Chinese coins. Those so-called top endorsements are in front of Lin Shaojie. , not even a fart.

"There are too many management problems exposed by people and finances. You can't use what you did in the student union on corporate governance. I don't know what John said to you, but it's definitely not good.

In terms of personnel, you rely on relationships, not abilities. A company has become your university’s private land. Apart from using money to hit the market, you have almost no other means.

Have you calculated your marketing costs?
Have you calculated your bicycle profit?
Can you understand those complicated financial data?
Can you understand what your so-called 'brothers' are doing?"

Every time Lin Shaojie asked a question, Luo Xiaoou felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, and the figure who had stood up also sat down heavily on the chair after a "clang".

"Those who deceive you, those who coax you around like a fool, do you know how to deal with it?"

"They... They are also my brothers. They started a business with me. Give me some time, and I will sort it out. I will also solve the problem."

Luo Xiaoou muttered to himself.

"I will give you time, but will the market give you?"

Lin Shaojie returned to Luo Xiaoou mercilessly, and then, a little shamelessly, tapped Luo Xiaoou's chest with his fingertips.

"Brother? Are you joking with me? If those classmates really treat you as a brother, they will play you around? I think you are in control of the power, and you are carried away by others, don't you know your own weight?
What are you doing together at this time, brother?Have you forgotten that you are starting a business, this is not a play, and what you are handling is not tens of thousands of small money, but big money that affects the lives of many people, understand? "

"Is that so?"

Luo Xiaoou was a little stunned.

The atmosphere between the two of them seemed to be tense. At this moment, Lin Shaojie's cell phone rang, and the latter opened it, and Luo Xiaoou glanced at it blankly.

Lin Shaojie's combined punches made him dizzy as if he had been beaten.

On the screen at the line of sight, Lin Congrong, the father of Lin, was squatting in the courtyard of the Lin family with the child, and a little black dog was also lying on the ground.

People and animals are in a triangular shape, as if they are observing something around an ant nest.

"Dad is so loving with the child. Are you okay in the capital alone? Have you dealt with Xiaoou's affairs? If you have anything to calm down and think about, don't worry, he is your best friend. For us It is not a big deal that can be solved with money.

The training camp is coming soon, you need to adjust your mentality. I miss you. "

At this time, this somewhat unexpected photo plus text broke in a little abruptly.

Lin Shaojie's heart seemed to melt in an instant.

When the old man, child and puppy were combined together, Lin Shaojie did not expect that the scene would be so healed, and the tension just now seemed to disappear.

Luo Xiaoou looked away, and looked at Lin Shaojie again, he felt that his hands and feet had no place to rest.

"I'll give you a period of time. During this period of time, I will let John and the others come back. I don't care how you deal with it. You clean yourself up, what things you handled, what you participated in, and you can make up for it as much as possible. It's not your responsibility. Don't hug me too, if you need me to come forward, you can say hello in advance if you want to help, this time is not acting on your will.

Money is hard to earn, shit is hard to eat, tell your 'brothers,' investors' money is not so easy to get, you have to convey this point of view.

I can't control other people, but I hope you don't fall into it yourself. "

After finishing speaking, Lin Shaojie glanced at Luo Xiaoou: "I also hope that we can continue to sit together, drink tea and chat, and don't let outsiders affect our relationship."

When Luo Xiaoou left, the sun was in the sky, but he felt a slight chill on his back.

Because Lin Shaojie clicked on "Byte Dance," which is the most popular Internet company in China today.

At that time, Luo Xiaoou was very clear about how Lin Shaojie took back his rights domineeringly. At that time, he listened to it as a "satisfying" story, but now that it happened to him, it was a bit horrifying.

Luo Xiaoou didn't know how to explain to his "brothers" after he returned to the company. He only knew that after two or three days of "turmoil" in the company, there were no foreign devils, and the seemingly peaceful team had returned to the past. , with some other flavors.

Looking at the vouchers and bills handed over by the accountant, Luo Xiaoou never found it so glaring.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but I was startled when I saw it. He felt like a poor man who got rich and brought a group of beggar brothers to fight the country.

The cause is not small, but the remaining problems are equally astonishing.

Things seem to be getting tricky.

Xie Zhenghe returned to the imperial capital early because he learned that Lin Shaojie had officially joined the team and started training. Lin Shaojie, who was supposed to rest for a few days, returned to the team early. He was caught off guard by such a dedicated lover.

Xie Zhenghe, who had returned to the imperial capital from the provincial capital in an emergency, saw that familiar apprentice in the training base, doing seemingly boring and boring training.

For most people, after any hobby becomes a profession, it is not as good as imagined, no matter whether it is sports or games.

Some people can persevere, endure this kind of loneliness, and not be troubled by injuries, then they are more likely to succeed;

Some people can't bear this kind of tediousness, day after day of training, no matter how talented they are, they can't bear such consumption, and failure is inevitable.

"Why did you come back early?"

While Lin Shaojie was wiping his sweat, Xie Zhenghe stepped forward and asked.

"Some troublesome things happened on the bike sharing side, but it should be dealt with."

"Need my help?"

Xie Zhenghe never thought that it was a good thing for Lin Shaojie to invest outside and decentralize power. In his heart, human energy is limited. Even if he is as strong as Lin Shaojie, he should try to put all his thoughts on basketball.

"It's almost been dealt with. Come back for training early, and there will be less messy things outside."

As Lin Shaojie continued to throw money out one after another, the title of "Scattering Wealth Boy" also spread like wildfire.

As the saying goes, "If you are poor, no one cares about you in the busy city, but if you are rich, you have distant relatives in the mountains."

Nothing could be more relevant than this right now.

Being "poor" is never a shameful thing, but people who just want to take advantage but don't work hard always feel that their thinking is a bit beautiful, and a few compliments will make you raise a golden mountain.

Lin Shaojie is not a person who can't figure it out, and he doesn't want to spend ample time on these inferior human relations.

Not one or two relatives and friends of the Lin family rejected it. Some left dejectedly, while others were dissatisfied. Afterwards, they would "don't bully the young and poor" and say, "there is no such thing as a hundred-day success."

Lin Shaojie doesn't know if he's red or not, anyway, he doesn't worry about those stupid things in his life.

The dividends of the times and following the trend have given Lin Shaojie a relaxed mind to stand on the top of the mountain and overlook all living beings. Those so-called things that cannot stand forever, at least he cannot achieve them in this life.

So for those who have bad intentions, their little hope can only be disappointment.It is even an exaggeration to say that you never had it when you were born, and it is very difficult to have it in this life!
And stationed in the training center, Lin Shaojie instantly relieved a lot of troubles.

For those players who are participating in the training camp, Lin Shaojie's early arrival seems to have brought something, but it seems to have brought nothing.

With Lin Shaojie's early return to the team, those training teams that were originally exclusive to Lin Shaojie have now become targets for other players to steal.

Lin Shaojie can already be seen by everyone in his daily training.

"Running" is the most basic, and "jumping" is to do your best after exhaustion.

This is especially true for "shooting", which is after "running" and "jumping", which can make people feel soft at a glance, but also maintain a stable shooting frequency and hit rate.

The difference between man and machine is almost like this. No one can maintain such high efficiency after physical decline, otherwise those machines would not be invented.

But Lin Shaojie's training was so exaggerated.

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