My vision is different

Chapter 567 An Incredible Shot

Chapter 567 An Incredible Shot

Davis still remembers that when he first entered the league, the reporter asked him about his ideals. At that time, he was very humble, saying that he wanted to be a solid starter, and then strive to become the best rookie.

After one season, he successfully became the team's starter and was also a member of the best rookie team, but the honor of "best rookie" once in a lifetime fell aside, and became the palm of the Pacers' No. 13.

Since then, Davis felt that he was living under the shadow of the other party. Those media who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal would always mention the rearrangement of the rookie rankings for 12 years, and who is the real No. [-] pick.

What's worse than this is that in the playoffs, that guy actually won the championship as a rookie on his own, under the circumstances that no one was optimistic about.

won the championship.
From then on, Davis knew that he would never want to be friends with the other party, or not just him, maybe all the rookies in the 12th class will live in the shadow of that No. [-] show.

You must know that during the draft that year, the three words "Lin Shaojie" were not known at all. At that time, Lin Shaojie had not made a big splash in the London Olympics. The Pacers won the lottery in advance through operation and included this Chinese man Almost all managers and coaches are speculating on the decision of "Big Bird"
Was it out of retaliation for Popovich's targeting?

After all, the Pacers had missed out on Leonard the previous year in exchange for the Spurs.

Although George Hill at that time could be used, he was obviously inferior to the impression left by the potential star, especially in 13.

How can a guy like Larry Bird who has a vengeance to revenge "revenge overnight"?

Therefore, since Popovich has his eyes on a star from China, no matter whether it is for the reason of adding a little heat to San Antonio, he, Larry Bird, will never let the other party do what he wants.

But no one would have expected such a dramatic ending.

As a strong team in the playoffs, the Pacers stood on the top of the mountain and overlooked all beings for two consecutive years because of a rookie.

Now, in the Spanish arena, Lin Shaojie used an even more exaggerated performance to lead Huaguo forward with his own strength.

Davis was outraged.

He has the best team, the best teammates, and the combined value of these people is enough to run over any team.

But why is it so uncomfortable every time I meet this number 13?

After Davis was capped, he stared fiercely at Lin Shaojie. The other Huaguo players couldn't keep up with his offensive pace.

Lin Shaojie can only "ride thousands of miles alone," and no one can help him.

Owen blocked it first, even though he knew he was invincible, but in front of Lin Shaojie's European step, Owen lost his position.

In this high-speed running process, Lin Shaojie is the most threatening one.

His movements that seem to have no center of gravity and turn at will are extremely gorgeous.

"First, Irving fell victim to Lin directing the offense."

Zhang Weiping looked at the picture on TV excitedly and said in surprise: "Second, Curry, Curry can't stop it either."

In people's minds, LeBron's extraordinary performance is full of power, sometimes like a bulldozer. The previous LeBron also showed such momentum. After Lin Shaojie left the court, no one in Huaguo could stop him.

Now, Lin Shaojie is like another fair-skinned LeBron, showing the true qualities of a "bulldozer" far better than LeBron.

Lin Shaojie, who had passed the two in a row, went straight into the middle, and Davis, who came late, was a little behind. After stepping into the free throw line, Davis had already judged that Lin Shaojie could not pass the ball, and there was no chance to pass the ball.

Without hesitation, Davis flew towards Lin Shaojie and hung on Lin Shaojie who was also jumping.


Davis doesn't care anymore, he wants to use his full defense to show his mentality, and he is willing to tear the emperor down from his horse.

At that moment, the two were like conjoined twins, and even LeBron, who was defending frontally, was a little surprised, so he didn't dare to block them head-on.

Maybe the "little emperor" was afraid of being accidentally injured by two people!

"Is this all right?"

Davis hung on Lin Shaojie's body, but still couldn't stop him from laying up. Lin Shaojie almost took off with his "thick eyebrows".

Of course, this is also borrowed from Davis' kicking force when chasing the defense, but in the eyes of the fans, such a scene is rare.

It stands to reason that Lin Shaojie's movements would be disturbed by such a ferocious pursuit, but he rose into the air without any change because of Davis' ferocity, and the weight hanging on his body was completely offset by the strength of his pedaling. .

At that moment, Lin Shaojie rarely showed the confidence of a heavy striker, and Davis seemed to be as light as a feather.

The bullet speed of the two fit people combined has an indomitable momentum and is invincible.



None of the American players could laugh out loud, and even the referee's whistle was half a beat slow.

"Additional penalty, see additional penalty, Director Lin once again played 2+1 data on the court."

At Zhang Weiping's age, he was a little hysterical at this moment.

"The point difference narrowed from 18 points to 11 points, just two rounds, my God, Lin's score reached 54 points in an instant, who would have thought, who would have dared to think?"

The old coach K who got up early on the sidelines was furious: "LeBron, it's time for you to double-team."

At this moment, everyone can feel Lynn's anger at the former American "violating the ancestral principles". Give me the respect I deserve.

LeBron on the court looked ugly, even if there were only a few tens of seconds left, but when the old coach K couldn't help but speak, the matter had reached an irreversible point.

The game that has entered the countdown is not over. Everyone knows that this is not the final score, and the point difference may be further narrowed.

Lin Shaojie, who completed the extra penalty, retreated immediately. Two consecutive "+1" free throws made him a thorn in America's side once again.


Lin Shaojie shouted to his panting teammates.

The physical strength of Ellen and the others had long been stretched, but under this scolding, they actually felt a little bit of excitement, as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

The 11-point difference is still out of reach, and the hope of winning is still slim, but the opponent no longer has that kind of "joking" expression, but instead has a dignified look, just like they did before.

What does this mean?Everyone understands.

The fans sitting by the court also stood up one by one. After nearly two hours of the game, the "fart drum" was numb, but the violent heartbeat was beating faster and faster.

On the court, LeBron wanted the ball before halftime, and Irving also passed the ball immediately.

Facing Lin Shaojie's defensive lineup at the forefront, LeBron knew how critical this goal was. He scored to seal the victory, but lost. The victory was still guaranteed, but the victory might not be so exaggerated and not so comfortable.

Lin Shaojie also saw LeBron's determination to win, turned his head to signal, and Li Gen, who was originally on his side, rushed over, and LeBron, who was half-turned and dribbled to cover, dribbled with his back, which was very strange to outsiders, against Li Gen. Gen forward.

To be honest, Li Gen's defense was mediocre in front of LeBron, really mediocre, especially under LeBron's singles.

Just looking at offensive actions, LeBron's overall coordination is indeed not as good as other top players. Whether it is Irving or Harden, LeBron's performance is not as good.

But when he completed the first step of turning around and Li Gen tried to stop him, the indomitable momentum on LeBron's body became stronger.

This is also a rare decisive look of LeBron. Knowing that Li Gen is behind Lin Shaojie, he resolutely took off and shot.

A super long-range three-pointer.

"LeBron's 'size'"

After a while, Zhang Weiping said with some regret: "The goal was scored, a very critical goal, LeBron made a three-pointer under heavy pressure, oh, why did the referee call Li Gen for a foul? Let's see slow motion"

Li Gen appeared innocent. In the slow-motion replay, although his defense was not in place, it was clean. This was obviously a misjudgment.

"Fuck, there is a superstar whistle on this occasion?"

The fans expressed their displeasure, but LeBron, who walked to the free throw line, accepted the "baptism" of his teammates with a natural expression.

LeBron at that moment was full of force.

"I feel like you forgot your shooting glove at home."

Lin Shaojie, who was about to grab a defensive rebound, suddenly said something to LeBron who was walking to the free throw line. All the players who were close seemed to be stunned. They first looked at Lin Shaojie, and then at LeBron.

The latter's complexion was as black as carbon, and he couldn't see other colors, but his eyes were full of anger.

Although the relationship between LeBron and Lin Shaojie is not far or close, the two people are still very friendly on the surface. At this time, there is a near "trash talk" performance. What do you want to do?

The fans are still watching everything on the field with solemn expressions, but the players on the field don't know how to react.

For some reason, Davis backed away slowly. He kept telling himself in his heart: I just want to defend, defend, and defending is definitely not about worrying about the opponent grabbing a rebound and playing a fast break.

I am afraid that even Davis himself does not believe some of his inner thoughts.

LeBron bent his knees at the free throw line, his eyes flickering at the basket.

"It doesn't matter if you don't enter at any time, but you must enter at this time."

The imposing LeBron is bound to make a decision
"LeBron walks to the free throw line. Misses the shot, hits the rim"

Zhang Weiping's excited voice came from the TV again, and the audience who were watching the game applauded one by one.

"LeBron's ball is so good, he just doesn't score at the critical moment."

Among the players, Lin Shaojie, who jumped up immediately and finished catching the ball in mid-air, rushed out the moment he landed. He seemed to be a top hurdler without buffers and pauses.

This kind of transformation of vertical force into horizontal impact, Lin Shaojie's figure looks like a cheetah preying on it.

"Lin directs the assault, and America defends with all its members."

Lin Shaojie, who started to accelerate from the sideline, left behind Irving and Curry who were retreating in the middle. On the sideline of Yimapingchuan, the old coach K was standing not far away. At this time, the old coach even had an inexplicable idea in his heart. .

"If I stretched out my foot and tripped him, I should have been sent off on the spot, right?"

Lin Shaojie had already passed by him in a gust of wind, and the old man also held back his unrealistic thoughts.

This kind of thing is fine if you think about it, if you really do it, it will definitely hit the headlines tomorrow.

Davis was the last player on the offensive end of the team and the first player back to the baseline.

When Lin Shaojie got rid of the others, Davis felt extremely uneasy. Fortunately, LeBron did not give up on him and locked his position in advance.

With Big Brother as an example, Davis also rushed forward.

The other players of the Huaguo team couldn't keep up with Lin Shaojie's footsteps for a long time. They could only watch helplessly as Lin Shaojie rushed from his own half to the opposite baseline.

However, Lin Shaojie faced LeBron and Davis' two big guys, and forced them into the bottom corner in a daze.

"There is no way!"

Zhang Weiping said with some regret that Lin Shaojie, who was completely pushed behind the basket by LeBron and Davis, had no shooting angle for a long time, and it was unrealistic to stop and slow down.

The four thick long arms are airtight. This is due to Lin Shaojie's solid basic skills. It is easy for other players to make mistakes under this high-pressure defense.

Moreover, the referee's penalty scale at this time was astonishingly large, completely different from the previous "misjudgment".

Perhaps it is because both parties are treated as "superstars", which offset each other's star whistle.

"Lynn is screwed, accept defeat!"

Barkley sat in front of the commentary stand and said indifferently.

The 14-point difference was already a doomed ending, and Lin Shaojie, who was cornered, had no possibility of "survival". In the last 20 seconds, there were at most two rounds of offensive and defensive battles.

But just when Barkley thought this round would end in such a "flat" way, Lin Shaojie, who had no way out, suddenly jumped up, and LeBron and Davis raised their four arms at the same time to complete the defense.

The "black and white" moment of fierce hedging appeared at the corner of the basketball court, and no one could complete the hit under such a defensive strength.

With three figures rising at the same time, Lin Shaojie was almost "pressed" by two people, but the almost flat back gave Lin Shaojie enough room to shoot.

"It's too exaggerated. That angle is completely impossible? Is it necessary?"

Barkley was shocked, it was not a zero-angle shot, it was a completely negative angle shot.

In order to avoid the defense of the two men, Lin Shaojie leaned back at an extremely large angle. The statement of lying flat is definitely an exaggeration, but it is definitely not a problem to be close to "grandfather lying down".

LeBron's palm also hit Lin Shaojie on the shoulder after finishing the shot.

The referee finally blew the whistle at this moment. With the whistle, the basketball arced over the defender and the backboard, and fell straight into the basket under everyone's incredulous eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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