Chapter 58 Aura
I've seen too many fadeaway jumpers on the court, but rare ones with such beautiful posture, stretch, and no fear of defense, are very practical.

Look at Lin Shaojie's shot, the firm eyes before the shot are fearless, and the stability when it lands is even more obvious.

Although Xie Zhenghe emphasized that leaning back is rarely used in daily shooting, which is to protect the body.But Lin Shaojie, who is only 18 years old, needs this?

Not using dunks as the main means of attack every day is the greatest protection for the body. The little damage caused by the back, in front of the strong core strength, has already dispersed him to a small extent, and the daily rest can recover.

The audience outside the court watched mesmerized. Su Zhen, who had a general feeling for dunks, was extremely tempted by such a picturesque shot.

Every second is like a picture, especially with the surprised and frustrated eyes of the two defenders of the Provincial University.

The talent gap is too big, and the opponent can play whatever they want.

It's like bronze facing diamonds, and the other side can show off whatever they want.

On the Jiangnan Dragon's special coaching bench, the group of observers pressed their right hand tightly with their left hand, forcing themselves to record in a small notebook.

"Genius is rare in the world. If this child is not eliminated, it will become a serious problem in the future."

No, it was written wrong!
"The talent breaks through the sky, the physical coordination ability, and the core strength are outstanding. Strongly request the introduction"

All kinds of praise words are not enough to record in this small book, only the pursuit can last forever.

Watching him take off before his opponent and wait for his opponent to land and then shoot gracefully, especially the moment of stagnation in the air, is particularly ecstasy, which coach sitting here is not moved.

Look at the group of people around him, they are no different from me, they all look like they have never seen the world, stretch their necks, and stare at No. 13 on the field!
Do not twist.

That is to say, Xie Zhenghe sat upright, talking to Su Zhen about his little things.

In the next round, it was the Provincial University's turn to attack. They were completely disappointed in the defense. They couldn't defend anyway, so they still prayed for a little bit of offense.

Just after halftime, the defender urged the center forward to enter the paint area, and threw the ball in his hand like it was hot. The center received a pass from his teammate before he could stand still.

The overall offensive of the provincial capital university gave people the word "chaotic", which was already out of proportion and not systematic.

Just looking forward to making a two-pointer in the paint, or cheating a foul.

But this time, before Yang Wenyuan could decide which defensive attitude to adopt, Lin Shaojie, who was swaying on the perimeter, suddenly gave up defending and broke in.

The center clearly saw it clearly and wanted to pass the ball again.

But that long arm stretched out at a speed beyond ordinary people, just like "iguana hunting" and "spiritual snake breathing".


The basketball was cut off when the hands that were about to be raised just now were cut off. A group of people from the provincial capital university didn't care about attacking and quickly retreated.

Like the morning tide, it fades away, revealing the white sandy beach.


Yang Wenyuan smiled awkwardly. This was originally his defensive area, but now Lin Shaojie broke in to make up for it, obviously expressing his dissatisfaction with actions.

"Old Yang, this is not your style, can you be hard?"

Lin Shaojie's voice was not loud, but everyone in the circle could hear it.

Yang Wenyuan blushed, and replied in a hurry.

"Don't worry, there will be no next time."

It's natural to say that the teammates don't care.

Lin Shaojie looked at the captain encouragingly, and then slowly advanced with the ball. Yang Wenyuan quickly followed and ran out, his feet full of strength.

The captain of Jiangnan University's basketball team has always been Yang Wenyuan, and he deserves the title of captain. Lin Shaojie, a rookie, has never been a captain since he joined the team.

But after such a long period of training and the game, Lin Shaojie's willpower and performance on the court have infected the entire team.

Veterans like Yang Wenyuan and Chen Junren may take care of them, but almost all freshmen follow Lin Shaojie.

Regardless of whether the game is one-sided or back-and-forth, Lin Shaojie's appearance always gives the team infinite confidence. Sometimes even the captain Yang Wenyuan will not interfere with Lin Shaojie's behavior on the court.

Just like the last match against the University of Mining, Lin Shaojie can play whatever he wants, and everyone else will revolve around him.

An extreme, self-centered "cancerous" player, but you can't see any accusations from any player after the game. On the contrary, everyone admires him.

In the final analysis, this is a team composed of "amateur" students, with a more or less campus atmosphere, full of enthusiasm and passion of young people.

Unlike the kind of professional team players who have interests, the latter may consider personal interests. How many points and rebounds will help him get a big contract. When interests are involved, basketball is not so pure.

The big leagues are different, except for the "fake name," which will not bring actual benefits to the hand for the time being.

A group of players are screwed together, at most they are fighting for a victory bonus, and the rest are the subsidies that special students should have.

Except for a very few top players who tried to enter the CBA through the major leagues, but after all, those were rare. Those with that background were absorbed into the professional echelon long before college.

Right now, Lin Shaojie's "pressure" in the team has lifted the spirits of the Jiangnan University players. On the contrary, the momentum of the Provincial City University has dropped by another point.

It's all done like this, the number 13 on the court is not satisfied, and even blames his captain for a little unsatisfactory performance, this is how much hatred he has for himself.

But most of the players present were the main players, and the substitutes who did not play were more or less clear about it.

This No. 13 almost became teammates with them, and in the end "handed over to others," and that's how everything is today.

What you sow reaps the cause, and what you sow reaps the fruit!
The person off the court was also sitting on pins and needles, and the people around him gave him a strange look intentionally or unintentionally.

Blue thin, mushrooms.

Everyone who plays basketball knows that the aura is really mysterious. No matter teammates or opponents, they can feel it when they meet players with their own aura.

The teammates of this kind of person will be motivated, and the opponent will even deform their movements under the strong pressure.

Everything Lin Shaojie did affected the audience, as if he had his own "Buff", and the audience outside the stadium could clearly see it.

Jiangnan University's offense was pouring down like mercury, and the provincial capital university was at a loss, like a sieve, leaking people everywhere.

Can't defend but can't defend, and can't attack and go in. The competition between the two sides shows a one-sided trend.

The Jiangnan students on the sidelines were so excited that they were almost hoarse.

The group of specially assigned coaches of the Jiangnan Dragons once again recorded "using both hands and feet".

"Strong leadership skills, willpower, and captain-like characters can be used as the core of the team."

This is character determines destiny, some players have good statistics, but they are still not the captain;

Some players may have mediocre skills, but they can infect everyone when they are on the court.

Lin Shaojie's "accusation" against Yang Wenyuan was just right, and if he encountered a thorn, he might refute it, but judging by the handling of the players on the field, it was obviously very good.

Yang Wenyuan also showed the level of the core power forward in the Southeast Division. In the next few rounds, he overwhelmed his opponents in the penalty area.

On the contrary, Jiangnan University scored consecutively in the opponent's penalty area.

Lin Shaojie also played his role as a point guard, connecting inside and outside and making assists.

A group of those who don't care about passing the ball, the provincial capital university has long been in turmoil and panic.

At halftime, Jiangnan University led 49-9 at home, leading by 40 points, and slaughtered Provincial University at home.

Looking at the school order page of Jiangnan University in the appearance war, Le's face was full of smiles.

"Number 13 is for you!"

"I really want it!"

"Plant or not?"


"The old man on the 13th is here!"

"Well, Mozi! Come on, stick!"

"The scholarship is worth it!"

"Of course, keep giving!"

School supervisors from all over the world said that the scholarship that Xie Zhenghe won for Lin Shaojie was really worth the money. It would be even better if the school supervisors of the provincial capital university were present today.

The leader of the provincial capital university suffered so much that he couldn't lift his head in shame.

It took the same or even higher team building costs to finally achieve such results.


(End of this chapter)

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