Chapter 238

"Haha, Lao Li, don't say that. If you say that, it will make me feel that I, the leader of the team, was not very responsible for what I did before."

Coach Li jokingly walked towards him, and Director Liu didn't put on a leadership air and waited for Coach Li to come forward, and also made a joke and greeted him a few steps.

The two exchanged a few simple greetings. Although Coach Li didn't deliberately flatter him, there was some respect and politeness in his words.

Director Liu is very useful, and he speaks very politely, without any airs, and is very kind.

"Liu Chu, why did you suddenly come to the scene? You can rest assured about our team's game. Although Coach Lu is not here, I dare not slack off. Moreover, these children are also reliable. No, today we won 3:0 Bincheng No. [-] Middle School, the next game will be easy..."

"Haha, I'm not worried about the game, I'm worried about Coach Lu and you."

Director Liu waved his hand, the smile on his face remained unchanged, and said: "I just want to come and see, our own child. He has been evaluated very well by all aspects, and I haven't looked at it carefully twice.

When I was in the province, I watched two games. To be honest, I felt good, but I really didn't have any specific concepts.It was still Director Lu who had a poisonous eye, and he was right at the time. No, Coach Lu, and these children now...

Haha, it's also our so-called lack of leadership skills.No, the higher-ups have criticized it, and I am also here to put out the fire! "

Director Liu’s words were half-true and half-false, Coach Li smiled when he heard it, and complained secretly in his heart, but what he said was different, "Everyone has their own division of labor. You are the leader, and you are responsible for all aspects. You need to coordinate our work. The inside and outside of the entire team. You can’t let a leader or team leader do the work of leading the players yourself. If so, we will lose our jobs.”

"Haha! You can't lose your job. You all did a good job, and the effect this time is even better. No matter what happens in the next game, you will have a share of credit in the game. You just wait to go back and claim it!"

"Then I have to thank the leader for taking care of me!"

"By the way, Liu Chu, this is our Coach Lu?"

After expressing his gratitude to the leader, Coach Li asked about Lu Lin as if chatting.

It is said that it is to give him credit, probably there should be, but it should be just a formality, he doesn't care too much.

However, when Director Liu mentioned Lu Lin, it was probably to understand the specific situation. Since he has said the credit and so on, he has some. As the original head coach, Lu Lin has been followed all the way from the province. Not quite the same with him.

When he was called back temporarily, he had already guessed based on the information before and after. He felt that it was generally reliable, but he didn't know the specific situation now.

Let him take the initiative to ask someone, he will definitely not, no, if a leader comes to the door, he will naturally ask.

"Coach Lu..." Director Liu smiled and didn't give a shit, and replied directly: "For the head coach of the provincial team, there are still some twists and turns in the middle. an interview question.

I think it's a good thing whether you can take over or not in the end.Lao Li, you must know that for the coach of a sports team, the leader of the bureau personally evaluates and decides the decision, which in itself is a serious consideration.In short, Coach Lu is in the eyes of Jin Ju. "

Coach Li nodded, with the same expression on his face, but somewhat envious in his heart.

"Also, I see, Coach Lu is fine with this assessment!"

Coach Li asked casually, "What assessment?"

"Our leadership has a wide-ranging thinking and is very practical, so the test questions given are our current Pengli team. Although I don't know much about football, but after watching our team's game today, I feel that Coach Lu led Regardless of the results of this team, there is one thing that is good enough, and that is stability.

Even when it was the most intense, I didn't seem to worry much, which is very rare..."

Of course it's rare.

However, whether it is all the credit of Coach Lu is open to debate.

Coach Li didn't mention it, but he couldn't help looking at the plain boy in the field.


Director Liu saw that Coach Li didn't answer his words, but his eyes were directly on the field, so he couldn't help asking.

"Well, the team led by Coach Lu is indeed stable, and this is a team that already has its own consciousness. It is much more valuable than getting one or two points!"

"Liu Chu, you are also an old man in sports. You should know how rare it is for a school or sports organization to have a tradition and inheritance of spiritual will. With this kind of will, even if you change a few players, No matter how long the silence lasts, he won't die..."

"Haha, I know, I know, why don't I just care?"

"I don't really understand the will you mentioned, but I can feel it. I can feel it when I first played. But..."

"Old Li, we can't take away the will, let alone take it away. We can only let the players go on with the will."

"Well, Chu Liu is right!"

Coach Li didn't continue to talk about these things, he just expressed his feelings, and after a few words, he realized that Director Liu didn't care about this.

Probably today, the most practical thing is the players.

In fact, he is very clear about the organizational framework of the province. From the moment Director Liu came to the scene today, he basically got a general idea of ​​Director Liu's purpose.

It was nothing more than Lin Mu and the others.

Mainly due to framework and organizational construction and permissions.

In sports schools, players belong to the dual management of local sports organizations and educational organizations. If they go to higher sports schools, it is another.

If you enter the echelon from a sports school, then the young players will be officially registered with the provincial bureau and reported to the volleyball association for registration.This is the official entry into the competitive sequence. From this moment on, he is completely under the direct control of the sports department.

Of course, the concept of the sports department is a big concept, and the specific jurisdiction has a specific management department. It depends on how far the players can go.

Ball management center, training center, echelon youth training, training competition office, and even the so-called semi-professional club of the provincial team.

But no matter which one is in the middle, it has nothing to do with the youth department.

Usually, like the Pengli team, the few small players in the team only need to finish the game this time.Basically, it has nothing to do with the youth department.

But the most important thing is, isn't this not over yet?

Some people say that without power, there is no responsibility, but often, in the real heart, no power does not necessarily mean no responsibility.

If at this stage, before the official registration period, the players fly away, do you have to explain to others that you didn't care about it before. Although you are half of the management organization, in fact, you don't care much about getting the sports school. amateur players.

As for them flying now, is it just that the players are impetuous and are pursuing the so-called better salary and future?
You talk to the leader like this, and see if the leader will criticize you.

A few years ago, an athlete from the Yanjing team won an Olympic gold medal. As a result, the media interviewed him, and after reviewing his resume, he found out that the native of Huizhou, who left Huizhou as an adult, joined the Yanjing team.

Because of this matter, the Youth Department and the Water Sports Management Center went up and down, and many people suffered.

Director Liu probably also saw all kinds of signs and developments in the outside world, so he became vigilant.

In fact, under normal circumstances, as long as they take the lead in sports schools and can achieve a certain reputation in the provincial youth competition, the youth department, including their echelons, will have a certain degree of attention.

At the same time, I will give them more care, occasionally draw pictures, and look forward to the future, which is naturally what it should be.

Like today's support and main attack of the opposing team, they have been paid attention to step by step since they were relatively young.

"Old Li, the one in the middle is Lin Mu, right? A very energetic young man!"

Sure enough, while Coach Li was thinking, Director Liu pointed to the teenagers in the field and started talking.

Whether it was Lin Mu or who it was, he didn't believe Director Liu was still unsure.

"Hmm! He is indeed a very nice young man!"

Coach Li also casually followed the conversation.

However, with just one sentence, it stopped abruptly, more like a perfunctory agreement, and it was not easy to continue if Director Liu was ready.

In his original intention, he still wanted to learn more about the players from Coach Li. He wanted to show concern and draw a vision. How could he do it if he didn't understand the players' character and will.

Coach Li smiled secretly.

Also blame the Pengli team and these boys, blame them for going too fast.

Like the general situation, the excellent players who can come here in their spare time basically showed their excellence a long time ago.

Therefore, caring and caring start from childhood.

But these boys of the Pengli team only played three games, and they only played a dozen or so games together.

But in these 10 or so games, they have grown from a little transparent with no sense of existence at all to outstanding young athletes who are well-known across the country at a certain level.

This process is indeed too fast, in less than a year, it seems to appear out of thin air, and it is so fast that people are caught off guard.

He can probably guess what Director Liu said, and he should have some communication with several players, especially Lin Mu.

Probably he will let go of his leadership airs, be very kind, friendly, and even promise something.

But you must be rigorous in doing things. Before doing certain things, you must be prepared, and understanding is also necessary.

But Coach Li couldn't get in, and he didn't want to get in. He didn't know Lin Mu himself.

"Old Li, I am the deputy director, and the leader of the team is having a hard time!"

Director Liu suddenly sighed.

It's all difficult, who is not difficult, and my echelon coach is not difficult?After working for so many years, the authority has not increased, but it has become smaller and smaller, isn't it difficult?

Even if you come here and work as an assistant coach for an amateur team, it is still difficult.

Coach Li also sighed inwardly, after deliberating for a while, he finally said a few words.

"Liu Chu, to tell you the truth, I feel pretty good about coming to this Pengli team as an assistant coach. However, my actual understanding of this team has also been refreshed step by step.

Coach Lu left, I felt a lot of pressure.But, in fact, it was easier than I imagined until the end just now..."

"Haha, wouldn't it be nice to take it easy? Old Li, you should also relax..."

Director Liu smiled, paused for a while, and continued, "Let's talk in private, and I'll tell you the truth. This time, as long as the group wins this round, there's nothing to say in this round.

The leader has eyes on him, whether it's because of Coach Lu or the leader wants to pay attention, it can only be a good thing and not a bad thing.Our leader is a very practical leader, not just looking at face, superficial achievements, and form.

Let's put it this way, if the team as a whole is good and shows its overall style, even if there are no results, the leaders are still satisfied.But if the other way around...

So, Lao Li, I also have a heart-to-heart with you. The player's mental outlook, willpower, etc. are more important than the game itself.What we should do most is to grasp the ideological construction of the players and let the mental outlook of this group of players be displayed..."

While talking, Director Liu vaguely came back to the words.

Coach Li listened, with a serious look on his face, but in his heart, he didn't know whether he wanted to laugh or be bored.

To be honest, he is really annoyed by this kind of thing. He obviously wants to say something or do something, but he just walks around. It's just a way of speaking and doing things that doesn't cut to the chase.

However, those who generally like to use this method are mostly your leader or someone with a higher status than you.

What can you do?
If you say it directly, you may feel that you are too rough and have no EQ. If you don’t say it, or pretend not to say it, well, you may become a person with no IQ.

Anyway, no good.

Make them feel that their words have given you comprehension, and then you can express what the other party wants logically based on your comprehension. Almost, you are considered qualified.

From the post-player era to the present, basically all the people who have come into contact with Coach Li say that Coach Li is a smart person who knows how to conduct himself, how to deal with affairs, and in terms of leadership, he generally has a good impression of him.

It can be said that most of the time, he relies on his comprehension and intelligence.

Retired before the age of 30, because he felt that he could not stop the newcomers' upsurge, and his body was also declining day by day. He felt that his athlete era was over.

After retiring, I worked as a training partner for a period of time, then became the coach of the youth team, and then became the head coach. The whole process took less than 5 years.

For a person who was not a particularly good athlete, such progress can be described as rapid.

Among them, this so-called intelligence played a role.

But this kind of cleverness changed with time, and he felt more and more that it seemed to be a little bit off.

Now, with the vivid example of Lu Lin here, it is even more contrasting.

Of course, he thought he couldn't learn Lu Lin's persistence, and he didn't want to learn it either, but it didn't hinder him from finding out what he was doing.

"Old Li?"

The thinking diverged a little far!
Director Liu called Coach Li, and immediately brought him back from his thoughts, and he smiled wryly in his heart.

Since Lu Lin appeared in his field of vision until now, he has been introduced to him time and time again, and after he has come into contact with Lu Lin and the Pengli team more, this understanding has also given him some shocks from time to time.

Also, the child who was only in his teens also gave him acquaintance and gave him a shock. Sometimes, it made him feel that in the past 10 years, he seemed to live too clearly, and he didn't understand too much.

"What the leaders care about is what we have to work hard for."

Although he thought so and planned to change something, it seemed impossible for Coach Li to completely let go of his usual way of life. He still followed Director Liu's wishes.

"Liu Chu, I think the coach and the players themselves must be the key to stabilizing the team and showing off their mental outlook. Now that Coach Lu is not here, I can barely manage the team with me. The rest are the players.

According to the situation of our team, the key among them is Kobayashi and Lin Mu.This kid, um, how should I put it, it should be said that excellent is definitely called excellent, as far as I see, not many of them can be found across the country.but……"

"Well, Lin Mu, a young player, has good evaluations in all aspects now. Being able to be stared at by so many people is certain..."

Director Liu couldn't help but look up at the auditorium while he was talking.

At this time, most of the people in the auditorium had left, and there were not many people in the first place, but now it was even more sparse.

And it was because they became more distant, so those people who were still sitting suddenly became more conspicuous.

Director Liu looked around the auditorium, some he knew, some knew, and some didn't, but he knew it was wrong just by looking at the eyes and posture.

Regardless of whether it is public or selfish, Director Liu cannot tolerate certain things happening.

"But what?"

Director Liu withdrew his gaze, and then asked: "Old Li, don't be too harsh. Since you said it was excellent, it must be excellent. I trust your judgment.

So, good players, especially young players, will inevitably have some flaws and personalities here and there.You know the specifics better, let’s talk about it, if it’s not a matter of principle, let’s be tolerant if we can, and give them as much care as possible..."

"They are all our own children, there is nothing we can't tolerate. However, we also need to know more about them, care about them, and guide them to go as smoothly as possible.

If we can develop better in the future, save us, and even add luster to our country, then those of us in the process can be regarded as contributing to the country's sports cause.

Let's do work, isn't that what the picture is about..."

"Yes, it is indeed necessary to know more, but Liu Chu, I have been in the Pengli team for more than two months, and I am still not very familiar with him. You have not had any contact with him in detail. If you have more contact with him, you will know. These boys..."

(End of this chapter)

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