Chapter 27
No. [-] Volleyball Hall,
The sports school team scored in exchange for serve, and Lin Mu came on the court. He replaced He Weiping, the secondary attacker who had rotated to the back row.

At the same time, Li Feng also played. He replaced Wei Xiao and moved to the 4th position in the front row.

The lineup of the provincial youth team has not changed, and the position has rotated along with the trend.

The sports school team's playing lineup at this time has become, the front row: the 4th position assists Li Feng, the 3rd position responds to the setter, and the 2nd position mainly attacks Zhou Ting.

Back row: Lu Ming is the main attacker at position 5, Han Chen is the setter at position 6, and Lin Mu is the secondary attack at position 1.

Lin Mu serves.

After formally designing lineup tactics from the sports school team, Lu Lin considered a lot for this game, and for the meaning of this game, he not only wanted to win as much as possible, but also to show the advantages of the students.

There can only be 6 substitutions in a game. Lu Lin has spent a lot of effort recently in order to avoid the shortcomings of the students and show their strengths as much as possible.

Li Feng's advantages and disadvantages are obvious, the attack is not bad, and the blocking is still okay after training, but his disadvantage is poor defense, bending down to catch difficult balls, which is quite poor.

Therefore, Lu Lin decided that unless it was the last main force to play, Li Feng would try not to rotate to the back row as much as possible.He will be replaced with Wei Xiao, who is a free man, at any time.When he was in the front row, the back row lacked the defensive protection of the free man, and Lin Mu was the defensive focus of the back row.

This is exactly the case now, and Lin Mu's serve is the strongest among all of them.

In the first few rounds, Lu Ming and Lin Mu's serve was used to take the lead, even grab points, and build momentum. It is very important for the young amateur sports school volleyball team.

In the service area, Lin Mu is still holding the ball in front of his abdomen with both hands, looking up at the opposite personnel.

Lin Mu smiled slightly when he saw the standing opposite.

Maybe it's because Feng Mo revealed it to his new teammates.

Obviously, the opponent's almost "W"-shaped 5-person receiving and serving position is very targeted. Except for the main setter who rotates to the front row, he is a little bit outside and observes. inside.

"Is that all right? If you're free, I'll just hit you, but I'm looking for a second pass to make him uncomfortable to catch the ball. These balls are not easy to serve!"

Lin Mu silently analyzed it in his heart.

A little behind the three-meter line, the arc of the ball should be pressed a little harder, try it.

When the whistle sounded, Lin Mu looked away, then threw the ball and took off to shoot it.

The ball flew across the net with an almost flat arc at extremely high speed, and the speed of spinning and falling after passing the net was extremely fast.

With lightning speed, he rushed straight to the position of the main setter.

The main setter of the provincial youth team is the captain, who is also the player with the most experience in this provincial youth team.

Therefore, from the moment Lin Mu jumped up and shot the ball, he secretly said badly in his heart.

In just a moment when his mind was spinning rapidly, the ball had already flown towards him and almost went straight to his face. In fact, there was a teammate not far behind him on the right. serve.

According to his judgment, it was probably a step sideways and then a jump.But he really doesn't have that much confidence in the teammates behind him.

Not allowing him to think about it, he suddenly took a step back, handed over his hands, raised them high, and caught the ball.

The ball hit his arm, but the speed didn't decrease much, and it flew obliquely in the direction of the 2nd position, hitting the net very hard.

The lineup of 5 people receiving the serve quickly dispersed after the ball was lifted. Regardless of the quality, their running positions still have to continue.

However, the main attacker in the front row looked at the high ball, and when he jumped up to handle it, the ball had already been hit back by the opponent's player in position 4.It passed by his side and was directly nailed to the floor of the three-meter line.

The serve has already passed the net, and Li Feng's No. 4 probe ball, before the main and secondary attackers in the front row are in place.

"Over the net, over the net!"

"Who hit the ball over the net!"

After seeing the ball hit the ground, the main attacker of the provincial youth team hurriedly looked at the first referee. The first referee's hand gesture was within the valid range, so he hurriedly called out.

The main secondary attacker who also moved to the front of the net and hadn't reacted also started arguing.

"It's a good shot!"

Li Feng didn't agree, he was staring at the ball with all his strength, and this was his first performance moment on the court.

"Hey, don't make noise, don't make noise!"

Lu Ming took a step forward and patted his teammates. He is the captain, and the captain should come to the dispute, otherwise he will be punished.

Although it is a teaching match and a warm-up match, they have always played in a more formal way.

It's just that before he went over to negotiate, the captain of the opponent's main setter had already calmed down on his own initiative.

"The ball I caught has already passed the net. The opponent is indeed a good ball. Stop shouting and come again!"

"Xiao Lu, you fought well, but it won't be so easy in the future!"

The main setter of the provincial youth team appeased his teammates, faced Lu Ming with a smile across the net, then took the ball from his teammates and threw it to Lu Ming.

"Brother Li, we are still very weak, it's just luck, we hit suddenly!"

Lu Ming smiled modestly, took the ball, nodded, and walked back to the court.

"Come again, come again, Lao Lin, keep serving!"

The ball was thrown to Lin Mu, and Lu Ming regained his position.

He cares about whether he wins or not, but he cares more about giving full play to his strengths and his role in the team. This is his original intention.

Of course, it would be even better if he could play well. The current game is going well, 1:4, and he took the lead when he came up. Moreover, he and Lin Mu's serve caused a great threat to many parties.

The opponents who hit him were a little impatient, which is a good thing.

If Lin Mu's serve can be hit a few more times, the game will be played better.

As for Lin Mu's serve, he is confident. When it comes to serving, he thinks that he is not much worse than Lin Mu under normal circumstances, but when it comes to changes.He is not as good as Lin Mu.

Hit from any angle, from any position, and even serve it almost to the three-meter line like just now. Such a ball requires too delicate wrist changes.That's what's wrong with him.

Regarding Lu Ming exercising the responsibility of the captain, explain to him, faintly seems to control the overall dynamics.

Lin Mu understood and smiled.

It's no secret in the current team that the match started because of Lu Ming. As for how the news came out, Lin Mu didn't want to do more analysis.

Anyway, the result is that the teammates, even the school and Coach Lu, gave Lu Ming more benefits.

For example, during the entire game, among several sets of lineups and tactics, Lu Ming played the least amount of time off the court.

Moreover, the end point of many tactics is Lu Ming.

Of course, Lu Ming is also suitable. His offense and defense are slightly weaker than Lin Mu, but he is much stronger than others in the main offensive position.Regardless of whether it is front or rear row, he can play a great role.

In the service area, Lin Mu stood with his hands down, and looked at the opponent's position again, and there was almost no change.

keep serving,


The ball was shot at an altitude of more than 3 meters like a blue shell, flying across the half court with a strong wind.

Also looking for the main setter.

The main setter of the provincial youth team is no longer taking any chances. He understands that the opponent is now targeting his strongest point.

This time he was more prepared. He had explained to his teammates before that the teammates behind him were ready to help him receive the serve at any time.

After the ball was sent, he also ran diagonally towards the third position in front of the net without hesitation.

At the same time, the No. [-] secondary attacker in the front row was relatively late when receiving the serve, but after the captain moved, he also changed positions with the running position and the main setter.

The main attacker in the back row became the one who filled the defensive position for the main setter this time. He moved quickly and caught the serve.

Pilling, the quality of the first pass is not bad, but it is a bit late, the ball landed a bit behind the 3rd position in the middle, the main second pass ran to the position, there was almost no time for him to adjust, he sideways catch the ball.

I have to say that the strength of the main setter is really good, the setter adjusted the ball very well, and the ball was passed to the 4th position.

The deputy attacker took off in one step at the 4th position without hesitation, and the ball arrived.

This goal was not sudden, but the provincial youth team is indeed much better than most sports school students in terms of personal quality.

Li Feng in the 4th position had to consider the possible attack of the opponent in the 2nd position, so he only dared to lean a little towards the [-]rd position when he was in the front row.After the ball got up, he had no time to move over to assist the blocking defense.

The setter at position 3 and Zhou Ting, the main attacker at position 2, blocked the block.

The provincial youth team's secondary attack is based entirely on hard power, with a high spike point and full strength. Zhou Ting's blocking effect is effective, but it is not great.

The violent smash on the oblique line is one step behind the three-meter line in the 4th position. Although Li Feng has already judged the incoming ball, his weakness has been revealed for a while. The low defense that leans over or moves suddenly is too weak.

The ball hits the floor directly, in bounds.

The score is 2:4.
Li Feng's face was a little dark, and he was somewhat uncomfortable when he was hit directly by a ball.

"My, I'm slow to react!"

Exhaling lightly, Li Feng uttered a few words with great difficulty to express his apology.

In the past, it was basically impossible for Li Feng to express his shortcomings.After a few months of cooperation, Li Feng has indeed changed a lot.

"It's okay, come again, one or two goals is nothing, we are still ahead!"

The students stepped forward to encourage, and Lu Ming shouted.

At the same time, Lin Mu also stepped forward and patted Li Feng's arm, and nodded to Li Feng with a smile.

For a moment, Li Feng's heart was churning with emotions. For the first time, he really had the determination to practice desperately.

Change serve, position rotation.

Lu Ming finally shifted to the front row. Now Lu Ming and Li Feng are attacking in the front row. Lin Mu is in the 6th position. He will be responsible for the defense of the back row and assist the attack of the back row.

In fact, in all lineup tactics, Lin Mu's tactical positioning is extremely high no matter whether he is in the front row or the back row.

As far as the current lineup is concerned, Zhou Ting and Han Chen are really weak in defense. Let alone protection, it is already a good thing to be able to defend themselves well.

For this round of receiving the serve, in terms of standing, the sports school has adopted a slightly modified lineup of middle one and two, that is, two people are free to observe the serve and prepare to attack. The two outside of the free are Li Feng and Han Chen. The remaining 4 people stand and receive the serve.

The opponent also served a jump serve, regardless of whether it was of high quality or not, but it was indeed full of strength, but the angle was not tricky. For You Lin Mu and Lu Ming, this ball was not difficult.

Lin Mu roared when he observed the opponent's movements, and successfully received the pass.The ball hit the middle third position, and Han Chen had already moved when he heard Lin Mu's voice.

Lu Ming moved to the 4th position, and at the same time the opponent's front row players also moved to the front of the net. Obviously, Lu Ming, who has been very active all the time, is the opponent's key defensive target.

Li Feng ran to the 6th position a little behind the three-meter line, gave way to the middle position, and was ready to rush forward to attack in the front row at any time.

Han Chen took the ball with a second pass and hit it almost vertically into the air. After the pass, he retreated diagonally without stopping for a moment. Li Feng also took a step forward without hesitation, took off, and smashed the ball.

The volley did not rise much height, the ball has been dunked, the fast break of the 3rd position, the ball hit the boundary.

The score is 2:5!


In the volleyball court, Li Feng raised his head, roared loudly, and slapped his chest heavily with his right hand.

 Two chapters today, next chapter at 8 o'clock in the morning

(End of this chapter)

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