Match point

Chapter 607 Trap Layout

Chapter 607 Trap Layout
a district.

Kick off!Turn!swing!hit the ball!
Faye Lopez's serve was coherent and smooth, and he took an outside corner, trying to suppress Gawain's forehand, but——

"Out of bounds!"

The line referee's report was very firm, and at the same time raised his hand to signal that the serve went beyond the sideline.

Faye Lopez raised his chin and glanced at the point of his serve, and he could see it subconsciously. He also realized that the tie-break is now at a critical moment, and every point may affect the trend of the first set , Therefore, the first shot is even more important.

He needs a shot of his own.

But unfortunately, it did go out of bounds, and the referee also gave a positive gesture.

Second serve.

On the other side of the court, Gao Wen also noticed the subtle changes in the situation of the game. Obviously, everyone is now calculating the game, and every touch of the ball must be more meticulous——

Why is it so hard to find a victory for Fey Lopez against Federer and Murray?

Federer is familiar with the style of play, and Faye Lopez also has a one-handed backhand. His technique, tactics and changes are all a level stronger than Faye Lopez, and he can form a suppression.

Murray is because of the overall layout. His game wisdom can always contain the "burst" of Philip Lopez. In other words, Philip Lopez's game also has routines. Once the routine fails, will become passive.

So, why was Fi-Lopez able to beat Nadal three times in his career?Although the total career record is three wins and ten losses.

Because Fei Lopez is more suitable for grass and fast hard courts than Nadal; and because Fei Lopez is also left-handed, Nadal's dislocation advantage of super top spin is not so obvious.

Gao Wen's wish to play against Nadal again has not come true, but his research on left-handed players can still come in handy. Next, it's time to plan.

The key points, if the first serve fails, and the second serve in the first zone, how will the left-hander choose?

To be more precise, how will Fey Lopez choose?

The answer is close body pressure backhand.



Gao Wen quickly moved laterally toward his right side with small small steps twice in a row, moved out of the way, and the backhand push of both hands has already actively greeted him.

One skim, one push.

With a skateboard shot, he took the initiative to face the ball, and directly hit the tennis ball back.

The tennis ball is like an arrow and quickly shot towards Fay Lopez's right backhand. The power is not great, but the light shot is as fast as lightning.

Fey Lopez was also ready. He predicted the possibility of Gawain backhand hitting a backslash, and his steps were not in a hurry, but when he was in place, he found:

The speed, angle, and rotation of the incoming ball are basically a little stronger than what I expected, with a faster speed, a slightly oblique angle, and a stronger rotation.

Gao Wen's pre-judgment and early movement of the shot immediately showed an advantage. Although Fei Lopez's footsteps were in place, his poor prediction still made his handling a bit rough.

Faye Lopez's one-handed backhand cuts a straight line, and then immediately follows the ball to the net--

What is surfing the Internet with the ball?
To put it simply, after hitting the ball, following the flight of the tennis ball, the footsteps also advance together and enter the midfield. This is the basic tactic of a serve-and-volley player.

In the words of Sampras, the truly traditional pure serve and volleyball players will not stand on the bottom line. No matter whether their return balls are oppressed enough, they will go to the net regardless.

Now Faye Lopez has that meaning.

In fact, his backhand slice did not form a suppression, but he still chose to go online.

Gao Wen was not surprised at all, he had several possibilities in his mind, including this one.

Therefore, Gao Wen's footsteps moving sideways were very light and agile, and he rushed towards his left side immediately, leading shots while running.

The two-handed backhand opened up early, observing the position and movement trend of Faye Lopez at the net, and the speed has been completely improved between the wind and the lightning.

One pedal, one brake.

In the process of moving forward at full speed, you have a firm foothold, and then you have completed the push with both hands backhanded.

The solid shot pushes out a sharp and flat slash and rushes out. It can be clearly felt that the quality of Fei Lopez's return is not high, which also gives Gao Wen a more solid and full shot opportunity .

Break the net!

However, Fey Lopez correctly guessed Gao Wen's net-breaking route, and with a flying body, his body stretched out and covered him completely.

Gawain's slash return angle didn't completely tear it apart and entered the coverage of Faye Lopez, but Faye Lopez felt bad when he just touched the ball.


It looks like it's a flat shot; but it's actually a sidespin ball that spins out to the left so consistently that Felix Lopez has to volley it. live.


The sound of hitting the ball was not very clear, and Fei Lopez didn't even have time to exclaim for a second, and then he saw Gao Wen had appeared near the landing point of his return——


At this time, Fei-Lopez was half a beat slow to react. Gao Wen's first shot with a diagonal line was a trap. Lopez's volley line.


Fei Lopez's body lost its center of gravity, and he was powerless to volley a straight line. In the end, he volleyed a diagonal line, and the parabola was out of control.

It was like throwing oneself into a trap and sending it back to Gao Wen.

Gao Wen still stood in his backhand position, his footsteps immediately entered the baseline, and he backhanded with both hands without hesitation.

straight line!

Break the net!

Faye - Lopez has been powerless.

"4:3, high."

The referee reported the score directly.

Gawain clenched his fist subconsciously, staring at the trajectory of the tennis ball with burning eyes. After confirming the score, he glanced at Fey Lopez, and his determination to win hit him head-on.

Fey Lopez was dissatisfied with his own performance. The layout of this point was completely caught in Gao Wen's trap. Every step of his response could not escape Gao Wen's calculations. This feeling of restraint was really terrible.

Involuntarily, Faye Lopez thought of the fear of being dominated by Murray.


Fey Lopez also met Gawain's gaze with a very strong fighting spirit, not giving an inch; then, step by step, she walked backwards, never leaving Gawain's gaze——

The next two points are Gao Wen's serve points. Once Gao Wen can keep all of them, then the inventory will appear for the first time.

Faye Lopez refused to let it go.

However, Gao Wen also refused to relax.


The tennis ball is thrown high, a ball of mustard yellow penetrates into a piece of blue-gray, and then the body is turned, the racket is swung, and the ball is hit.

The crisp sound of hitting the ball echoed in the court, the inner corner!
Faye Lopez made a judgment immediately, saw through Gao Wen's tactical intention to suppress his backhand, and rushed out with a big stride.


T point!Gao Wen's serve from the inner corner was actually accurately pressed on the T point in the middle of the intersection of the two service areas. This is the perfect inner corner in theory. Whether it is the first or second serve, it is counted as entering the area, that is, the serve success.

Faye Lopez stretched out his racket to try to intercept, but the speed was still slow after all, and he swung an empty racket, and the sound of a tennis ball hitting the billboard from behind gave a further reminder.


"5:3, high."

(End of this chapter)

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