Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 106, Bright Future

Chapter 106, Bright Future
"Do not."

I shook my head, "Even scientific researchers are not as happy as everyone imagined. It should be said that everyone is suffering, and all living beings are suffering."

"Not necessarily... there are exceptions."

Lin laughed slightly mockingly, "Do you still remember the three guys 'Zhang Yang', 'Liu Yun' and 'Li Yu' from the first class?"

"How could you not remember?"

The three people Lin mentioned were the three guys in high school who got a place in the top university because of their excellence.

Zhang Yang, the nephew of the general manager of the Tianshi Mansion in Brahma City, Liu Yun, the son of the principal of a local Zhongpin University, and Li Yu, the son of the director of the ophthalmology department of the top three hospitals in the area.

"These three guys are doing well now, it can be said that they are very good."

"Zhang Yang, the nephew of the general manager of Tianshi Mansion, has entered the medical profession, and has been booked by the top three ophthalmology department in the region with his superb medical skills."

"Liu Yun, the son of the district's top three dean, aspired to be a teacher and went to Zhongpin University to be a teacher."

"Li Yu, the son of the principal of Zhongpin High School, was interested in compiling and engraving talismans. After graduation, he went to work in Tianshi Mansion with his own efforts."

I couldn't help but pursed my lips and said softly, "They all have a bright future."

Lin added, "It should be me who is a temporary worker in the cram school and Wang Qiang who works in the prosthetic body factory. We both have a bright future."

There was another silence with a smile.

After a while, Lin said again, "By the way, how are you? About work? Are you okay?"

I nodded, "I'm okay, I'm really okay. There's a... well, a lab opportunity after graduation, it's not bad, I'm still thinking about it."

"Lab, that's really good? It seems that those rumors are true."

Although I have been carefully hiding the fact that I was specially recruited into Shangpin University, and did not disclose it to any of my classmates, there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Because I didn't report to the school I was assigned to, and some traces of daily life left in my personal space on the Internet over the years, plus the news from my home.

My current situation is still known to some people.

Of course, if it was someone else, I would naturally refuse to admit it, but in front of my best friend, I don't want to hide anything.

"It's true, it's all true, I'm really sorry I haven't confessed all these years..."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. You did the right thing. Although we're good friends, I'm really unhappy to see you doing well."

"Well... I am also very unhappy to see that you are not doing well."


With each other laughing, all the stagnation and troubles disappeared without a trace.



After the class reunion, apart from emotion, I sent another message to Teacher Yun who changed my destiny.

He told about his recent situation, expressed his greetings, and some academic questions as usual.

It didn't take long before I received a reply from Teacher Yun.

In addition to answering my academic questions, Teacher Yun also expressed concern about my recent situation and asked me about my job after graduation?
He said that his company has a job suitable for me, and he can help recommend contacts.

Although the teacher signed a confidentiality agreement with the company that hired him, he cannot disclose his location, but because we often communicate, it can be concluded from the leaked information in those few words that it is also a big company.

Moreover, it is a biological company with the same major as my major.

The professional counterpart, coupled with the relationship with Teacher Yun, really made me a little bit excited, and I should be able to develop a little bit if I go.

But the opportunity of the Biological Daolu Lab mentioned by Fo Neng He Bai before is also good, and I don't want to give up.

This made me a little embarrassed.

Alas... I was worried about not finding a suitable job before, but now I don't know how to choose.

Fo Neng He Bai?Or Teacher Yun?

I thought about it, thought it over and over again... Although the relationship between Teacher Yun and me is closer, and it is good to work with Teacher Yun.

But... because of the mentality of children eager to prove their abilities.

In the end, I still chose the secret laboratory that Fo Neng He Bai mentioned, which is engaged in the research of biological Taoism.


After signing a series of confidentiality contracts, I finally learned about the status of this laboratory.

This is a secret laboratory under the jurisdiction of the famous large group "Brahma Creatures" in the third district.

In fact, I have guessed this point a long time ago. The name and background of Fo Neng He Bai, as well as its influence on the personnel in the laboratory, have long explained the traces of Brahma creatures in it.

What I didn't expect was that Fo Neng He Bai was the actual leader of this laboratory.

I don't doubt his scientific research ability. I know his strength very well through these years of contact. Except for his age, he is no worse than some professors.

It's just that the children of a big family like him are usually in management positions in the group.

Although they are more knowledgeable than ordinary people, this knowledge is more to prevent them from being deceived because of their ignorance of cutting-edge science and technology.

Instead of dedicating to human beings, moving bricks in boring laboratories.

Although I don't know why Fo Neng He Bai came here, but having such a boss with technical background may be good for research.

In addition, the real name of the main project of this laboratory is actually, "Intense Active Intervention Research on the Human Spirit".

The most precious and important thing for human beings is complex thinking, the imagination born from this, and the knowledge inheritance constructed by complex logic.

And all of this can be categorized as human self-awareness.

This is the root of the development of human civilization.

We have already started the effective use of human consciousness, and a logical knowledge system is the best carrier of consciousness.

And when knowledge continues to grow with inheritance and begins to bear the fruit of wisdom, human beings begin to actively self-evolve and sublimate.

Daolu is the most representative product, and it has also achieved great results.

However, as the last wave of dividends has been consumed, technologies such as Taolu materials and talisman engraving design have approached their limits, and it is difficult to improve without another technological explosion.

However, it is already extremely complicated to upgrade technology again, and the current consciousness of human beings is no longer enough.

In this way, we have fallen into a deadlock. If we want to improve the performance of Taoist scriptures, we need technological progress, and if we want technological progress, we must improve the performance of Taoist scriptures.

Unable to do so, people had no choice but to place their last hope on human beings themselves.

Hope to promote the evolution of consciousness from another perspective through research.

Some people believe that it is necessary to decipher the most essential secret of life, unravel the life equation, and obtain the fruit of life (prosthetic body), and then add the fruit of wisdom (Taoist) to achieve true evolution.

There are also those who believe that life is not sacred, that the sacred is human beings themselves, and that this sacredness comes from "miracles."

If you want to sublimate your consciousness, you still have to go back to the miracle that made human beings think about it in the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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