Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 108, put forward ideas

Chapter 108, put forward ideas
His eyes were full of oppression, but at the same time there was a hint of expectation, as if he was expecting something from me.

I said seriously, "As you said before, the brain is the perfect complement and combination of spirit and matter."

"The earliest design idea of ​​the Daolu chip was to serve as a sub-brain, connected to the brain in material terms, and extended as a part of the brain."

"However, this purely material design will eventually affect the spirit. After implantation, the Taoist talisman will also have a certain connection with the spirit. This is also a fundamental reason for Da Luotian to download knowledge."

"This is because of the human body's self-regulation ability, the brain will automatically balance the spirit and matter."

"However, your current design, in order to tap the power of the light of the mind, actively affects the spirit through the compilation and engraving of Taoism, but it breaks the self-balancing mechanism, so it is impossible to succeed."

"What you said is interesting."

There was a smile on Foneng Hebai's serious face, "It seems that I was right to find you."

"But since you don't agree with the current experimental idea, then come up with your own opinion and see if you can convince me."

"If possible, it is not impossible to focus on this in the future."

"Then I'll just say it briefly."

I smiled, and said seriously, "I actually did some research on human consciousness before."

"In my opinion, you or many people don't have a clear and accurate understanding of things like consciousness and soul."

"Whether it is called the singularity of consciousness, or the essence of the soul, or the light of the soul, everyone regards this kind of thing as the opposite of the human body in a vague way, as a kind of extraordinary essence of the human body, as a kind of mysterious things."

"It seems to have forgotten a simple truth. A structural unit that exists in the human body and can perform a (specific) function is called an organ."

"Organs?" Fo Neng He Bai couldn't help raising his eyebrows.


I nodded, "In my opinion, the light of the soul... Well, I am used to calling this kind of thing the light of the soul. The light of the soul is essentially an organ in a human body, a special hidden organ. "

"Well, it's interesting." Fo Neng He Bairao muttered with interest, "If this statement is true, it can be compatible with those guys who think that the future of human beings is to crack the fruit of life. interesting…"

"You keep talking."

"This organ is opposite to the brain tissue, and it has a strong connection with each other, but it is also independent at the same time."

"So you can't actively adjust the balance between the two, at least not until we have fully analyzed the secrets of the human body."

"It's all about adding difficulty to yourself."

"In the current situation, if you want to complete the design, you can only choose one aspect."

"According to our goal, if we want to succeed, we must completely abandon the material design."

"Like a pure soul chip."

"Spirit chip, that's what we originally envisioned."

"But how to design this thing? How to make it? How to install and use it?"

"Balance, rely on balance."

I explained, "The brain is yin and yang, and the spirit and matter are complementary and balanced. Changes in matter will inevitably affect the spirit, and changes in the spirit will be affected through matter."

"We designed and manufactured a material chip, and then implanted it in the brain, relying on the balance mechanism of the human body, it will naturally affect the mind organ."

"Isn't this our design idea? How is it different from our current design?"

"Not to mention that this has already verified that the idea is not good. Even if it is feasible, it is only connected with the spirit. The real function is still matter, and it cannot be called a spirit chip."

"No, the general idea is the same, but the specifics are still different."

"I don't quite understand what I said, let me demonstrate..."

I stretched out my hand a little on the experimental deduction platform, and then, just like before, a human brain that seemed to have just been picked out appeared on the cylindrical platform, which was no different from the real brain.

Then a layer of Daoist covered the cerebral cortex.

"Pay attention..."

I pointed towards the brain that received the scriptures, and half of the brain suddenly turned into illusory neurons that looked like cosmic starlight.

It can be seen that at the core of the brain of the universe, a black hole is formed, then devoured and evolved...and it is transformed into a piece of talisman paper with my mind.

At the same time, the Taoism implanted on the surface of the other half of the cerebral cortex is slowly disappearing...

"This is... the Dao of organic creatures."

"I understand."

"Your idea is to use organic materials as a carrier to make a Taoist. At first, this Taoist is material, no different from ordinary Taoist. It is implanted as a supplementary brain."

"But because of the balance mechanism of the human body, and because of the strong connection between the brain and the spiritual organs, the Daoist is like a seal, which naturally changes the spirit."

"Then, with the formation of the spiritual Tao, the biological Tao, which is an organic material, is absorbed by the human body..."

"From the beginning to the end, the Taoism works in one aspect, and it perfectly utilizes the balance mechanism of the human body."

"It's really a design idea."

"But there are two key issues."

Fo Neng He Bai stared at me, "First of all, what is the material that carries the spiritual Tao? Is it pure spirit?"

"Our understanding of the spirit is not enough, it has always been illusory, chaotic and unpredictable."

"How can we be sure that it can form a stable and delicate structure as we envision?"

I smiled and said, "According to my previous research and speculation, the light of the mind itself has a certain materiality and has a certain stable structure."

"At the same time, the first creation of Taoist talisman was an imitation of the wisdom with the light of the soul as the source."

"They are like a match made in heaven. We don't need to forcibly carve and shape them, just push the boat along."

"Isn't that also the reason why this laboratory was established?"

Fo Neng He Bai continued to ask, "My second question."

"Daolu is one of the highest crystallizations of current technology. It has an extremely delicate structure, and the slightest change may destroy its stability."

"Using dissolved organic biomaterials that are directly absorbed is against design by nature."

I explained, "If it is used as a normal 'Taoist', a bio-organic material that lacks stability must be unqualified, and no one will use this kind of thing."

"But in our design, this organic creature Taoist is not actually a Taoist."

"It's a mold, a tool for making Taoism."

(End of this chapter)

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