Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 110, the real... the original source

Chapter 110, the real... the original source
It's as if a mold that clings to the immature melon and fruit grows bigger and gradually decomposes, guides the watermelon and becomes the shape of the mold. When the watermelon grows, the mold also Decomposition disappears.

But now, it is discovered that the growth of melons and fruits is out of sync with the disappearance of the mold.

The researcher said, "We have tried to adjust the rune circuit of the Taoist talisman to make the connection between the Taoist talisman and the light of the soul more closely, so that the two can be at the same frequency, but the fluctuations and changes of the light of the soul are really disordered."

I inquired, "Hasn't the reason for the change in the light of the mind been found?"

The researcher replied, "According to our speculation, the fluctuation of the light of the mind is like the breathing instinct of an organ, which will change with external stimuli, but its stimulation is related to human consciousness."

"With the changes of the mind, it is almost impossible to find the law, unless it makes people's thinking static..."

I shook my head and denied his speculation, "If the fluctuations are really related to people's consciousness, it won't even make people stop."

"Because there are subconscious changes, the light of the mind is the core of all wisdom, unless the person is dead, but then it is meaningless."

The researcher was disappointed when he heard this, "That means there is no way to find fluctuations and achieve the same frequency. Then what should we do next?"

"This direction doesn't work, so we can only change our thinking. We don't want melons and fruits to change synchronously with the mould, but to stuff them into the mould, as long as the melons and fruits are molded into the expected shape before the mold disappears and decomposes."

"If this is too rough, it will damage the melon and fruit?" The researcher frowned.

"Hey... It would be nice if it could be put into a mold and it could adjust its shape by itself."

He just said that casually, but when the words fell in my ears, they touched something, and I couldn't help but make some waves.

"Adjust the shape by yourself..."

"How can I adjust myself? What is the light of the soul? The light of the soul is the root of all consciousness and subconsciousness."

"Its changes will affect people's consciousness, and it will also change with the change of consciousness..."

It was as if a bolt of lightning connected all the clues in his heart.

"I know what to do."

I subconsciously yelled out, and the abrupt sound made the surrounding researchers turn their attention involuntarily.


"I said I figured out how to adjust the shape of the light of the mind and shape it into shape."

"Please elaborate..."

I smiled and asked, "I don't know if you've ever heard of a school of psychology called 'The Relationship Between Dreams and Psychology.'"

"Not sure, let me check."

"No need, let me introduce briefly."

I coughed softly, "This is a small school in the psychology school. Like us, this school also believes in the existence of the light of the soul and pursues it."

"According to the philosophy of this school of psychology, the mind is essentially a chaotic ocean composed of emotions, memories, consciousness, and subconsciousness."

"The very bottom of the ocean is where the light of the soul resides."

"They dive into the ocean of mind by dreaming, hoping to find the light of mind."

"They think that the spiritual world of human beings is just layers of dreams divided by the ocean of the soul."

"We can rely on this model to make natural changes in the light of the mind, the source of the mind, through the influence of the sea of ​​mind, which represents all mind changes."

"This kind of change completely follows the change of the mind. It is as natural as flowing water. It will not damage the light of the mind, the melons and fruits, due to the forced change of form."

"It sounds interesting, let's give it a try." Our project director also came here at some point, and nodded at this moment.

"I hope Turing will bless you this time."


"You little guy is still very active. I was worried about you before, but now it seems to be good, and you are doing well."

"I just said a little immature thought in a trivial way."

"Sometimes the worst thing about scientific research is that it's insignificant. Well, you don't have to be humble... It's not time for the results yet."

The director asked, "Which direction do you think we should start to affect the sea of ​​hearts?"

"Haven't those guys already given the method?"

I smiled and said, "Of course it also depends on dreams."

"Although this method is primitive, it is absolutely safe and stable."

"Of course... because we need to make regular adjustments to the light of the mind, of course we can't use primitive, chaotic and absurd dreams with the essence of the mind to make an impact like those people."


The director nodded, "I remember that when the 'Research Institute on the Spiritual World of Human Groups' that developed the 'Taiyi Engine' (Da Luotian) was disbanded, it revealed such a technology."

"Completion of dreams and virtual worlds!"

"This was originally a technical direction for designing Daluotian, but it was abandoned in the end, and it was of little value."

"I think this technology should be able to provide technical support for our design."

"You..." the director pointed to a researcher, "make a report and apply for this technology to the big boss."


Then the director turned to me again, "Whoever comes up with an idea is going to put it into practice. Since it's your guess, this technical experiment about the influence of dreams and the light of the mind will be completed by you."


With that said, the director turned and left.

"Congratulations, team leader." The researcher at the beginning congratulated me somewhat flatteringly.

"When the 'complementation of dreams and virtual worlds' technology arrives, we can use this technology to turn the layers of the sea of ​​minds into orderly dreams, and then we will be able to..."

"No, layer by layer is not enough."

I shook my head and interrupted his words, "The sea of ​​mind is chaotic in the first place, and the so-called layers are just a force. If we follow this, the final result must be chaotic and uncoordinated."


"It can only be a dream."

He asked suspiciously, "But how can we follow the laws summed up by those of the psychological school, and advance sequentially in the layers of the sea of ​​mind?"

"We can divide a dream into different parts depending on the different experiences."

I explained casually, "Although it may appear absurd and confusing due to different perspectives, there is indeed only one dream."

"In this way, it will be orderly and coordinated from beginning to end..."


As another problem was overcome, we started the boring career of moving bricks again.

A little bit of adjustment, repeated verification and calculation.

Then discover the problem, then solve the problem, and then repeatedly verify the calculation...

(End of this chapter)

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