Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 122, farewell

Chapter 122, farewell

"Brothers, take care. If I am free in the future, I will come in to see you."

Zhang Baoren said seriously, opposite him were two men in hospital gowns lying on the bed, the second bed and the third bed.

The second bed, who was still tightly bound, asked, "Are you really leaving?"

Zhang Baoren looked at the pile of luggage on his bed, "Everything I didn't see was packed."

The second bed glanced, "If you didn't say it, I thought you were going to clean up. That's it. Since you are leaving, please help me before you leave."

"What are you busy with?"

The second bed pointed with difficulty at the bandage that bound him firmly with his chin, "Brother, please help me untie this, and then take me with you."

"Brother, don't be so ambiguous in your words. What do you mean taking you with you? I already have a date. It's really inconvenient to add you?"

"What a date, I still can't see you, let me out, I'll give you as many dates as you want... um." He couldn't help but frowned, "Then what... I mean, I'll pay you. Sometimes you want to date 100 people without a problem."

"Forget it, bro. I'm really not interested in your rewards and secrets."

"Look, I really slipped my tongue."

The second bed seemed to have discovered something, staring at Zhang Baoren vigilantly, "Secret? How did you know that I have a secret."

"What did you say to leave now? Are you acting again, wanting to get my secret?"

here we go again…

Zhang Baoren looked at the ceiling helplessly, "Brother, you may not know that the doctor doesn't allow me to talk to you like this again, otherwise I might not be able to leave the hospital."

"Stop fooling people with nonsense such as hospital, tell me what secret do you know about me?"

"Forget it... I don't care if I leave later... You traveled back from the past, what's the secret?"

"You really know that I am a time traveler."

"But you don't know where you got the news, but it's not quite right."

The second bed sneered, "Who told you that I traveled from the past? Is he fooling an idiot? What kind of thing do you think time is? Let's talk about science, I didn't travel from the past."

"Changed again?" Zhang Baoren frowned, "It's not the past, so you changed it back to the future? This is even more unscientific."

"What future? There is no future."

"That is?"

"It's now."

"What? Now? What the hell is this?"

This time, Zhang Baoren was a little lost. He really couldn't keep up with the thinking of these mentally ill patients.

", how do you time travel now?"

"In a dream..."

Um!Zhang Baoren's heart froze for a moment, and his expression was uncertain. Could it be that because the two people around him kept falling into dreams, this one also fell into dreams?
Quickly asked, "You mean dreaming, sleepwalking, traveling through different worlds in dreams?"

"What's dreaming?" The second bed looked at Zhang Baoren as if looking at a fool, "Are you crazy? I'm talking about changes in reality."

"Reality? What does that have to do with dreams? Tell me what's going on with you?"

Zhang Baoren looked at the paranoid patient suspiciously, and suddenly became interested.

"If you want to know, I'll tell you, but I'll only tell you this, don't tell others..."

The second bed looked around at the people, and said in a low voice and seriously, "This also happened in the past few days, that is, in the last two days, I suddenly found a very special change in my body."

"What is it?" Zhang Baoren looked serious.

"On this day, everything is normal during the day, eating, drinking medicine, going to the bathroom, doing activities, etc., but after the day is over and it gets dark, the whole person gradually becomes sleepy, more and more sleepy Until I can't open my eyes."

"Hmm..." Zhang Baoren nodded slightly.

"Then I don't know when, the whole person loses consciousness."

"Hmm..." Zhang Baoren showed some expectation.

"Then...after waking up, I felt that I had traveled to the future in an instant."

"The future?" Zhang Baoren's expression froze slightly.

"Yes, it was the 15th before I went to bed, but it turned into the 16th when I woke up. It's not like this on any day, it's like this every day, every day I sleep is a day, and every day I sleep is a day... It's amazing."

The second bed said very seriously, "I think it may be that my physique is quite special, and I can travel through time."

"And that's why the group headed by Old Shi (Dr. Smith) fabricated an unwarranted disease and locked me here, in order to research this secret from my body."

"Brother, take me away, I am willing to share my ability and the secret behind it with you."


Seeing the trusting eyes of the second bed, Zhang Baoren opened his mouth and couldn't close it.

"What's wrong with you? Are you moved?"

"No, I feel like I've been in the hospital for a long time, and I don't seem to be very smart? I'm thinking about whether to stay here for another two days."

"Not smart? I think you are fine. Your conversation, thinking, and conversations with medical staff are all very clever."

"I was wrong."

"You're right, you just don't have confidence, but if you don't believe in yourself, you have to trust the doctors. The doctors here are all good. If they let you go out, it proves that there is nothing wrong with it. And you don't want to go out, but you don't want to go out. For my sake, I need you to get me out together."

The second bed thought, "When the two of us go out, relying on my secret, we will be able to..."


Zhang Baoren finally couldn't hold back anymore, "Brother, to tell you the truth, I also have the same secret as you."

"You can also travel from yesterday to today, once a day?"

"No, my situation is more serious than yours. My time travel is all the time. I travel from one second to the next. As long as I speak, time will flow when my thoughts turn."

"Really? Don't lie to me."

"If you don't believe it, you can find the top medical institutions and the best scientists to test my body to see if my body is aging and cells are constantly dividing."

"It's literally a second lost with every second that passes."

"So it seems that you are still sicker than me..."

"What's wrong with you, brother, your illness is cured."

Waving to the dazed but thoughtful second bed and the third bed who were still swimming in their dreams, Zhang Baoren picked up his luggage and left without hesitation.

It's just that I can vaguely hear something mumbling in my mouth, it's really a talent to travel through yesterday...



The door of the hospital.

Zhang Baoren, with the big bag and the small bag, still stood there like he did when he came a few days ago.

(End of this chapter)

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