Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 124, Tangible and Intangible Information Freedom Sword

Chapter 124, Tangible and Intangible Information Freedom Sword
Then the exploded blood melted in mid-air like snow under the scorching sun.

At the same time, Zhang Baoren also sensed something, and the ape demon musket danced at that moment, and the shadow of the stick turned into a golden fan, sweeping across the area.

The stiff and strange passengers were torn apart, and at the same time twisted and melted under the astonishing heat carried by the musket stick itself.

After a while, all the passengers that were packed into a carriage disappeared like a dream.

The high-speed train suddenly became empty, except for Zhang Baoren himself, there was no one alive.

"Or it was just me."

"Is it an illusion? A highly realistic holographic projection technology."

The thought is carrying the Taoist script and running quickly, "The current holographic projection technology has different range restrictions according to the degree of reality. The higher the degree of reality, the stricter the limit distance."

"This technological law cannot be violated when the scientific principles of optics and human external perception systems have not made subversive progress."

"And the sky train where it is now is a dynamic coordinate that is constantly moving at high speed."

"Combined with the empty compartment, it can be concluded that the 3D illusion has been running stably for a period of time."

"So the source of the illusion must be on this car."

"Where is it?"

While thinking about it, he turned his head and scanned the inside and outside of the car, and then set his eyes on the bottom and roof of the car, which were blocked by the iron plate.

"There are track cleaning knives and debris detectors placed at the bottom of the car for the safety of the car."

With a thought in his mind, Zhang Baoren immediately jumped up, pulled the emergency valve of the escape door on the roof of the car with one hand, lifted it upwards, and jumped up.

Jumping onto the roof of the car, Zhang Baoren saw a tall figure standing at the front of the car, facing the strong wind, with his back facing himself.

According to visual inspection, it is more than two meters tall, with a flawless body structure, a golden ratio in ergonomics, and a noble vision in line with numerology.

He was wearing a quaint black carbon fiber Confucian gown with fluttering sleeves, unmoved by the gust of wind.

What's weird is that there is no head at the neckline, only a white jade wat board extending backwards.

This is exactly the same as the appearance of Siming's father seen in the dream.

The only difference is that on the left side of his waist, there is a long sword in the style of the ancient Chinese Qin and Han Dynasties.

"Confucian scholars!"

Zhang Baoren thought slowly in his heart that he didn't know much about the monk's overall information.

The only thing is that because of Siming, I know a little about the Confucian scholars in the monk group.

Knowing that the practice of Confucian scholars requires six kinds of thinking operations called the six arts of gentlemen, rites, music, archery, imperialism, calligraphy, and mathematics.

"I don't know how many times this person has been transformed? Is he a real scholar?"

"At the same time, I don't know which level of scholar the cultivation base of the long-browed old monk is equivalent to?"

"Or not a system that can't be generalized..."

Thousands of thoughts flashed in his mind, staring at the figure in front of him, Zhang Baoren shouted, "Which Confucian gentleman is in front of me?"

He did not choose to take the lead.

In addition to not knowing the details for the time being, it is also because he knows that monks like Confucian scholars pay more attention to rules and etiquette than others.

Even in the face of the enemy, he will be courteous before fighting, and will never mess up the rules and procedures.

Just like the [-]D illusion I encountered before, it looks a little weird, but there is no aggressive behavior, nor is there any real danger. It is a greeting from Confucian scholars.

And after that reminder, if Zhang Baoren doesn't play by the rules, he can do it without any scruples.

But Zhang Baoren did not forget his purpose this time, to obtain more information.

So there is no loss of etiquette.

Hearing Zhang Baoren's question, the Confucian scholar turned around. The bald white jade wat board showed no expression, but he saw two pairs of flawless, slender, white hands with no knuckles stretched out from his big sleeves. Alternately in front of the body, with the thumb pointing up, facing Zhang Baoren, bowing down at 90 degrees.

The whole action conforms to a certain standard of beauty.

This is the meeting ceremony of the gentleman's five etiquettes, which means respect and politeness. It must be shown first when meeting people online and offline. Siming's father once taught him this when he was young.

Zhang Baoren also imitated according to his memory and the appearance of the Confucian scholar in front of him, instead of returning a salute.


On the shoulder of the Confucian scholar, the white jade tablet representing the head appeared some ink stains, and then outlined a square, horizontal and vertical font.

At the same time, the speakers on the body emit a strange Chinese accent with ups and downs, which has traces of local dialects such as Shaanxi, Henan, and Jin, and has been sorted out systematically, which is a kind of modern ancient Chinese elegant tone.

Zhang Baoran could barely understand.

"I've met Taoist Zhang."

"My name is: Jack (zhài, ke), word K-13, a scholar of Bailu Academy."

"Please forgive me for the previous disrespect."

"Zhang Daoren? It's somewhat similar to the old monk with long eyebrows who called me 'little Taoist priest' before. At that time, I thought it was a misunderstanding. Now it seems that there is another reason..."

"I don't know if this is a customary address among monks, or does it have some other meaning?"

"Is Bailu Academy a school of influence among the monks? It's like the Taiqing School before."

My thoughts changed, but my mouth didn't stop, "I met Mr. K-13, he turned out to be a senior student of Bailu Academy. I don't know why Mr. is bothering me at this time?"

Confucian scholar K-13 read while writing, "I have been a good swordsman since I was a child. I hold a three-foot green sharp edge and cut all the injustices in the world. I heard that Taoist got a good sword before, so I came here uninvited and wanted to ask for advice. some."

"What kind of sword, I don't know."

Zhang Baoren saluted sincerely, "Not long ago I did get something by accident, and then I got into a lot of trouble. But I don't know what it is, and I don't know if it is the same as the sword that Mr. and others need." For the same thing? I don’t even know what kind of sword Mister wants.”

The Confucian scholar said, "The sword was originally obtained by my senior brother by accident. After going through turmoil, it disappeared in the world. It was finally found a few days ago. It was in the hands of my senior brother's descendant, the owner of the 'serious restaurant'."

"After some twists and turns, it was accidentally obtained by Taoists. This is evidenced by surveillance video and big data analysis, but there is no need to be suspicious."

"As for what is that sword? It is said to belong to Emei..."

The Confucian scholar said, the regular script with square and simple fonts on the wat board inexplicably became more sharp, "Visible and invisible information is free sword!"

"Visible and Intangible Information Freedom Sword..."

Secretly chanting the name that he finally got, which caused him to be in such a crisis now, Zhang Baoren couldn't help feeling turbulent in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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