Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 144, persuasion

Chapter 144, persuasion

Originally, everyone was not very interested in dream research, this primitive psychological research method. Many people tended to establish contact with the mainstream psychological schools and regard the light of the soul as a supplement to modern psychological research.

After all, none of the psychologists who joined the group came out of the cracks in the rocks, and each had their own origins.

They will also naturally have the same idea as I hoped to use the research on the light of the mind to complement the human body system model of my major.

Interest and work are integrated and mutually beneficial.

Who wouldn't want that?

Everyone has their own ideas, and naturally no one can convince anyone.

I was pulled into the group at the earliest, but different from me diving all the time, 10086, the veteran in the group who has been active all the time, put forward a statement.

"Our goal—the light of the soul was initially conceived by the Tai One Research Institute. Although the Tai One Research Institute was disbanded afterwards, there is still a 'Research Institute on the Spiritual World of Human Groups' that continues in the same vein."

"And the greatest products created by this institute - 'Taiyi Engine', 'Da Luotian', are a kind of virtual world created by complementing digital programming and human brain based on the technology of dream interference .”

"Does this indicate the general or part of the technical thinking of the Taiyi Institute?"

After this remark, everyone decided to use dreams as a way of psychological research.

After determining the research path and goals, it is a little bit of exploration, and then slowly enrich the theory.

The practical research of any new theory is primitive and brutal at the beginning.

Especially for a group of psychologists who often face people's hearts directly, are not bound by so-called moral emotions, and dare to challenge new things.

I have seen a lot of naked analysis and trampling of human psychology here. Behind the ordinary arrangement and combination of Chinese characters, there is a suffocating coldness and madness.

For the first time, I felt in danger about my hobby.

Then I couldn't help but get more intoxicated.


Toothache: "...Brother 10086 mentioned before that we can force ourselves to enter deep sleep through targeted sleep training, so as to start the exploration and research of dreams and the sea of ​​mind."

"This is indeed the safest method, but it is too inefficient."

"From my two experiences, the essence of dreams is chaos and absurdity. This refraction means that the essence of the sea of ​​hearts must be the same, so our exploration has not concluded a common and effective law, and it can even be said that there is no What's the point?"

10086: "Praise it openly and demote it secretly, if you want to be discouraged, you will praise it first, so hurry up and express your opinion..."

Toothache @10086: "Excuse me!"

"I don't have any great opinions, I only have some shallow opinions to share with everyone."

"I think our research can be a little bolder, and there is no need to be so conservative."

"We can now confirm that the sea of ​​mind is a chaotic ocean composed of all psychological changes such as human memory, thoughts, emotions, subconsciousness, etc., and the light of mind is its source, and the two are closely related."

"Then if there is a huge change in the sea of ​​mind in a short period of time, can the light of the mind respond, so as to further obtain the mental model map we want?"

There is no problem with this line of thinking in theory, but everyone is a psychologist or a psychology enthusiast, and they all deeply understand that memory, thoughts, and subconsciousness can be said to be the foundation of a person's personality.

A small change can have an impact on the psychology, but a huge change... This is tantamount to killing "myself".

10086: "Don't be kidding, bro, do you want to jump into the sulfuric acid pool to kill the microorganisms on your body?"

Toothache: "I'm not joking."

"A person who has been 'maturing' from childhood to adulthood has killed himself countless times, so why not do it again?"

"If you want to talk about metaphors, it is by no means jumping into some kind of sulfuric acid pool, because every death of 'I' represents another rebirth, it should be said that the body tissue is replaced with a more powerful and perfect prosthetic body, and the soul is also prosthetic. body."

"We can definitely positively induce the mind, and kill the original cowardice, greed, arrogance, self-pity, resentment, inferiority, panic, arrogance... and kill these bad selves."

"Then reshape a brave, fearless, bright...a more perfect self, and realize self-completion."

Looking at the madness revealed in that text, I swallowed, feeling scared, and wanted to persuade.

But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't help but wanted to see the final result.

Maybe it was as he said?
This is the real complement for human beings.

Compared with the prosthetic body, it is a spiritual complement to the evolution of the body.

How could I be so mean and shameless as to stop someone from taking steps towards becoming a better version of themselves?
Yes, that's it.

I don't want to see more intuitive mental model data, and a spiritual experiment, no, no...

Strangely, the group, which was always noisy with constant news, suddenly became quiet, and everyone seemed to be equally kind and quiet.

It took a while before someone broke the deadlock...

10086: "You take this for granted. A person's character is related to experience, cowardice comes from memory, greed is instinct, arrogance is lack of knowledge... To change these is to manifest all of a person's consciousness A complete rewrite of the ocean of mind is simply impossible."

"If we can make such fine observations and influences, what are we talking about here?"

"Unless you create a fake sea of ​​hearts..."

10010: "That's even more impossible. With the chaos of the sea of ​​mind, there is no way to simulate it, let alone the sea of ​​mind, even the dream of the evolution of the sea of ​​mind..."

10000: "Dreams are fine. Now many virtual games to add more realism can create a world close to the real one. The problem is how to complete the replacement..."

Li: "It's actually not difficult to replace the dream. It can be completed by using the empowerment device downloaded from Daluotian. The problem is that the incompatibility between the newborn's mind and body may cause confusion..."

Yun Zhongjun (me): "This is not very difficult. I heard that Brahma Biology has researched an 'Incubator for Human External Independent Development and Inheritance', which has a thinking coherence technology that affects the synchronization of the body. The problem is... "


Everyone criticized the idea of ​​toothache in many ways.

But he has made up his mind.

Toothache: "Thank you for your persuasion, but..."

(End of this chapter)

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