Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 150, it turned out to be already on the way

Chapter 150, it turned out to be already on the way

As for the man's motives for doing so?
It is possible that he himself is a person of the side that kidnapped 'Lin', a spy placed by the third pharmaceutical in Shiva pharmaceutical, or has something to do with it.

If this is the case, all the previous logical inconsistencies can have reasonable explanations and can make sense.

Why did Shiva Pharmaceuticals appear and disappear for a while, and why did Yun Zhongjun and Dongjun never see other Shiva Pharmaceuticals people?

Because there is no Shiva medicine at all.

On the other side, why did Zhang San hand over Lin who he had kidnapped, and then Lin was immediately 'rescued' by the so-called "Shiva Pharmaceuticals" and met Dong Jun, and then Zhang San got Dong Jun and The location and code of Shiva's pharmaceutical handover.

Because they are one group.

And this also explains the cause of Yun Zhongjun's death. It was after he got in touch with the boss of Shiva Pharmaceuticals through a bridge, and then he encountered an accidental car accident just after he was ready for martial arts.

It is because of his death that the fake Shiva Pharmaceuticals lie cannot be debunked.

In this way, the memories of the three parties can truly match perfectly.

The only thing that is not appropriate is that Yun Zhongjun just found someone and bumped into the enemy's hands. Could it be too much of a coincidence?

So bad luck?

Zhang Baoren is a little hard to believe, but based on the available information, this is the most likely result.

"If nothing unexpected, the next key to open the dream, or the clue to the key should be on this boss..."

Zhang Baoren thought secretly.

After sorting out these things, he couldn't help recalling an inconspicuous but very noteworthy clue in the previous dream memory.

It was that mind reshaping experiment.

In the psychological reshaping experiment that provided the original theoretical data for the "connection between dreams and psychology" psychological school, when the experimenter Adam was undergoing the mind modification experiment, the master brain responsible for recording the experimental data suffered from To the strange invasion.

After the experiment, I learned from the news in the communication group that the conclusion of the test report is that during the experiment, the thinking data of 'Adam' had some kind of mutation, which formed a natural impact on the main brain.

Afterwards, Yun Zhongjun and other psychologists who only focused on psychological research did not care too much about this matter.

But Zhang Baoren noticed this, and from this, he thought of the times when he was attacked by monks, and the omnic robot was invaded.

Although there are different scenes between the two, the essence revealed behind them is the same.

"Soul digitization? AI soaring? Corpse dissection fairy?"

"Is this the essence of a monk?"

Zhang Baoren felt that he had finally grasped the context of those weird monks he was facing.

"If this is the essence of a monk, then this..."

He reached out and touched the top of his head, as if he wanted to perceive the biological Tao Z-404 attached to the cerebral cortex through the scalp and skull.

"The source of this Taoist chip is the 'Report on the Unity of Human Spirit and Body' written by Yun Zhongjun based on the Taiyi Research Institute's paper."

"And the main direction of this report is the analysis and research of the digitalization of the human spirit."

"So, the chip can be said to be the perfect result of Adam's experiment."

"If Adam's experiment is related to monks, what about this Z-404 Daoist?"

Zhang Baoren suddenly smiled, and understood why the long-browed old monk and Confucian scholar K-13 he met earlier called him a little Taoist priest.

Then I couldn't help but think, if Z-404 is a monk, then that question I couldn't figure out before...

Brahma Bio is far from being the strongest company in the whole world, but it has developed Z-404, which is far beyond the strongest Taoism in the world, both in terms of conception and effect.

So what about those real behemoths, the real overlords in the field of Taoism manufacturing?

Reminiscent of the paper from the Tai One Research Institute that somehow led to the birth of Z-404, and the control that these papers from decades ago have been subject to...

Coupled with the monks who have developed a mature system at this time.

Everything goes without saying.

This also solved the problem of the real foundation of monks.

Sure enough, it's still the group of cannibal ghosts!

Zhang Baoren smiled complicatedly and looked out the window.

He took another glass of federal gasoline for himself and drank it slowly.

After going through so much, it was only at this time that I finally figured out the nature and origin of those so-called monks.

It's honestly not that surprising.

There's nothing new under the sun.

But in the end, I also got rid of some fear of the unknown, understood the cause and effect, and can see the situation I am facing more clearly, and provide help for breaking the situation.


Zhang Baoren thought about the next action, "First of all, the next main task is to continue to find the key to unlock the key points of the dream, and condense the real Taoism as soon as possible."

"This is something that was originally planned to be done, but after understanding the essence of a monk, it needs to be placed in a more important position."

"After all, we are now facing the troubles of those monks, and the most suitable one to deal with the monks is himself. The real refinement of the Dragon Sword, and even the opening of the 'Sword of Form and Invisible Information Freedom' that caused huge troubles, all need to be truly monk..."

But no matter how anxious you are, it is impossible to complete the Taoist script overnight.

Except for the one from Shiva Pharmaceuticals who will be determined next, no one knows how many dream nodes will come next, and there is no rush.

Therefore, we can't just stick to this direction. In the process, we also need to use other ways to increase the strength to protect ourselves.

Of course, the more important thing is that although Zhang Baoren obtained information from many monks in his previous exploration on the sky train, at the same time, this behavior also caused his own information to be leaked in the same way.

If you don't adjust your own methods, it may bring greater variables in the next encounter with the enemy.

Coincidentally, not long ago, he had a further fight with the monk on the sky train, and he also found that he had a lot to make up for.

First of all, the current attack power is far from enough. In many cases, it can't even cause damage, and it can't cope with high-level battles between monks.

Therefore, it is necessary to be equipped with a more powerful conventional weapon that can cause effective damage to the monks. Because the Dragon Sword has not been sacrificed, it cannot be commanded by the arm. When facing the Confucian K-13 before, it could not be fully used. It can only be used as a critical moment. life-saving and killing moves.

As for the specific adjustment plan, this needs to be considered in an overall manner according to one's own tactics.

Because in addition to weapons, there are people who use weapons, which is the core key to determine how effective weapons are.

(End of this chapter)

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