Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 257, satisfaction and embarrassment

Chapter 257, satisfaction and embarrassment
"Then one side can choose to play Indra, the god of thunder, Vayu, the god of wind, Pascheniya, the god of rain, Apas, the god of water, Agni, the god of fire...

"The other party plays Ganesha the Ganesha, Hanuman the monkey, Nandi the cow, Garud the Garuda...

"The two sides embarked on a confrontation between life and nature, and the ultimate result was destruction.

"I think it's a good idea.

"For another example, the series of "Nine Songs" itself is an adaptation and creation of the poems of the poet Qu Yuan in an ancient era. If Qu Yuan can do it, why can't "Kabir"?

"I like "Nine Songs" very much, but I also really want to see "Ocean of Love".

"Each additional work of art can give people more satisfaction. For these cultures of different civilizations, we should regard them as the precious spiritual wealth of human beings, and there is a lot of room for them to be explored.

"It really shouldn't be so complacent now."

After Zhang Baoren finished speaking with a burst of enthusiasm, he came back to his senses and hurriedly explained, "I talked so much nonsense in a moment of excitement. These are just some superficial opinions of my own. I hope you don't care."

Foneng He Bai waved his hand, and looked at Zhang Baoren's eyes that became more and more friendly, "I'm not a person who can't tolerate the slightest difference in voice, and I can speak out whatever I think, besides, what you said sounds quite interesting to me. It makes sense.

"that is…"

As he spoke, he frowned slightly, and asked with some doubts, "Why didn't these appear?

"Since it is correct and reasonable to do so, why didn't there be such a result?"

Zhang Baoren thought for a while, and said: "I think it's probably because everyone...follows the trend too much, which leads to group contempt for non-mainstream culture.

"Because I look down on it and don't want to understand it, it leads to fewer and fewer people who can understand and understand works based on this background after they are created.

"It's like what you said last time, you can't appreciate "Nine Songs" better because of other people's opinions. The current situation is that the mainstream perception of other non-mainstream cultures is not in the mainstream, or low-level, How can you understand if you don't even bother to understand?

"In such an environment, there are fewer creators who are willing to use this as the background, and at the same time, there are fewer good works, which further deepens the misunderstanding of those cultures, a vicious circle, and the original treasures are buried so deeply. .”

Fo Neng He Bai looked at him expectantly, "Then how do you think the current situation will change?"

"The key to this situation is the work, and artificial intelligence is a good cut in this regard."

Zhang Baoren said, "It can create high-quality works with niche culture as the background without being influenced by public opinion, without private goods, and without emotion.

"This is also one of the reasons why I don't care so much about the fact that the real creator of "Nine Songs" is artificial intelligence.

"Others feel that they have been fooled, but I have an expectation that it can also take out 'Kabir' after "Nine Songs."


Fo Neng He Bai couldn't help but nodded, and looked at Zhang Baoren appreciatively, "Originally, I just wanted to talk about some works of art with you this time, but I didn't expect that you have unique insights into the overall culture, which is no less than your culinary skills.

"Although it's still a bit...rough overall, it's still interesting when you think about it.

"It really gave me a lot of surprises."

As he spoke, he pushed the half-eaten noodles aside, motioned for the butler to take it down, and then waved to Zhang Baoren, "Tang Chou, let's sit down and talk slowly, I also want to know what you think What do you think of the popularity of Indian cultural elements..."

Then the two began a lively discussion on the revival of Indian culture.


In the end, it was not until Fo Neng He Bai was reluctant to leave because of the urging of official duties, and more than two hours had passed by this time.

Zhang Baoren said to the head chef at the side, "I'm really sorry for the delay and keeping you waiting, now we can go back."

The head chef looked at him, and there was no longer any complicated hostility in his eyes, but a very depressed one, "I haven't sat at that table for ten years."

"Ten years is really long."

"Yes, it's really long." The chef sighed softly, then turned and left, his back suddenly looked a little old.

For the time being, he had no time to pay attention to the changes in other people's minds. After he had free time, Zhang Baoren immediately thought about the results of this investigation on Fo Neng He Bai and the next action plan.

Because the distance with Fo Neng He Bai was close enough in the end, the exploration this time was very smooth, and the result was also good. He felt the familiar fluctuation in the pocket of his jacket.

Finding the key is of course good news

The question is how to get this thing?
Zhang Baoren frowned and thought.

"The simplest and crudest way is to be a gentleman on the beam, and secretly touch it away while it is sleeping.

"But it's still the same problem as before. I don't know the distribution of sensors in the whole house, so I can't act secretly. I don't even know where the bedroom is, let alone steal it.

"And because the time when a person is least defensive is when he is sleeping, he must have extremely strict defenses against it.

"Even the ancients would say: I like killing people in my dreams, let alone modern people who have mastered countless high-end technologies.

"Therefore stealing secretly is not advisable.

"Besides that, you can only sneak things from him through normal contact with Fo Neng He Bai during the day."

Zhang Baoren secretly analyzed, "The only contact time between me and Fo Neng He Bai is when we eat out.

"At this time, he will usually be accompanied by two armed robots and a special butler omnic robot.

"If we take advantage of this opportunity to attack, first of all, we must use unobtrusive movements to hide the defenses of the two, and also add the induction of Buddha Neng Hebai, who has practiced martial arts to the limit..."

"Let me think about it..."

Zhang Baoren frowned involuntarily.

"The two armed robots are behind him every time, so it's not difficult to avoid sight. The key is the housekeeper. It's too close when serving Fooneng Hebai for dinner, and I don't know how many visual cameras are loaded. .

"And even if I happen to block its perception by sitting down or getting up, I still have to pass the test of Fo Neng He Bai.

"The main thing I rely on for stealing is my dexterous body and powerful martial arts realm, but Fo Neng He Bai's martial arts realm is not inferior to mine at all, and even stronger.

"Even if he is slack in using it, his experience in changing moves is inferior to mine.

"But his status as the young master of a famous family makes him extraordinarily polite and educated, which makes the difficulty factor increase by more than one level."

A person who walks, sits, and lies within a distance will have an unusual sensitivity to all irregular behaviors.

In the previous conversation, Zhang Baoren also took this opportunity to test Fo Neng He Bai a little bit.

In the end, I found that as long as there is any strange, unruly posture, or a slight distance from it, Fo Neng He Bai will have a rejection reaction and frown slightly.

This kind of etiquette made it impossible for Zhang Baoren to take advantage of this opportunity to steal ideas.

 Kabir, the great ancient Indian poet and guru, India's most famous sage.

(End of this chapter)

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