Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 266, sharp edge

Chapter 266, sharp edge

Then he saw his hands in front of his body, bowed 30 degrees to a Confucian scholar in the front, and said, "I have to hear the news, that sword has appeared again, and it is in the core area at this time."

Hearing this, a Confucian scholar at the front of the crowd stood up and said with emotion in a mature middle-aged male electronic voice, "An eventful autumn, an eventful autumn."

Then he turned around, faced the crowd, and stretched out his hands in front of him to salute, "The Master said: The collapse of rituals and the destruction of music is the beginning of chaos."

"It is our responsibility to maintain stability. The tangible and intangible information freedom sword, which can ignore all order and tear up all rules, and exudes reckless behavior from its essence, must be recycled, and it must not fall into the hands of any monster."


A group of Confucian scholars bowed neatly and saluted.

Immediately, the thoughts of all the scholars went to Datian to listen.

In the space above an unknown number of meters, there is a square, the size of a palace, the whole body is like a spirit treasure chalcedony, and the big seal, shining with warm fluorescent light, moves along the orbit of the satellite.

This seal has five dragons as buttons, engraved with gorgeous articles on all sides, and the bottom is "Ordered by the sky, life will last forever!"


At the same time, on the withered and dead wasteland outside Brahma City, in an abandoned factory, a man was knocking on a wooden fish with a mechanical cat lying in his arms, and was connecting the brains around him. The old monk lecturing on the broken heart on the screen suddenly stopped chanting.

I saw the data flowing on the display screen, which means "free sword of tangible and intangible information".

"Immeasurable Turing Shou Buddha!"

The old man recited the Buddha's mantra with both hands and ten, and then let out a long sigh.

"Greed, greed, greed is indeed a logical loophole of low-level artificial intelligence. If you can't achieve Taoism, you can't cut off this bad root after all. It's hard to set your Zen mind, and it's hard to achieve Taoism."

"It's hard! It's hard!"

"That's all..."

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and squeezed a Buddha seal in front of him, and then his consciousness followed the network to connect to a nine-story pagoda artificial satellite made of some kind of crystal floating in space.

This pagoda satellite has eight sides, and on each side of each floor is a Buddhist niche. Inside the niche sits the most top-notch omnipotent Buddha statue. There is an orb on the top of the tower, which shines brightly and shines very brightly.

At this time, among the eight Buddhist altars on the bottom floor, the eight omnipotent Buddha statues with the eight phases of joy, anger, sorrow, joy, sorrow, suffering, sorrow, and anger moved, and at the same time, their hands were crossed, and they were either happy or happy. The Sanskrit sound of anger or sorrow chanted in the universe, "Infinite Tu Lingshou Buddha, good and good..."


At the same time, in an unknown rental house in Brahma City, paper documents piled up randomly, old desktop computers, and wire pipes entangled with black snakes...

A scruffy young man sitting in the cramped mess suddenly seemed to sense something, staring at the countless garbled characters scrolling like a waterfall on the computer screen.

"Visible and Intangible Information Freedom Sword!"

"It finally appeared again, the core area? Is this your last resort? Or is there someone in charge?"

"No matter what the conspiracy is, I must get this sword."

Immediately, he made a lotus-like handprint on his chest with both hands.

At the same time, the whole body in the space is made of light cyan metal, with a sense of tranquility and detachment, like a lotus flower, the stamen is facing the satellite of the planet below and received a signal.

Then the 36 petals trembled slightly, aiming at a certain place on the planet below that was edited as the third area in the database...


At the same time, on a high floor of the Brahma Technology Building, this is a room arranged like a church.

The velvet curtains covered the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the crystal lamp cast a soft light. Under a huge cross that was gorgeous and exquisitely studded with blue crystals, a figure was kneeling.

A monk wearing a uniform made of carbon fiber, whose face seems to be shrouded in mist, can't be seen clearly, only from the naked body, it can be seen that its body is made of transparent material like crystal, and a monk with a big red gourd on his back.

Seeing that he seemed to be praying, he suddenly raised his head, turned his body slightly, and looked towards the core area not far away.

"Visible and intangible information free sword, how did this thing appear in the core area, and it is related to Fo Neng Hebai, what happened?"

He stretched out his hand and drew a cross in front of him, "I don't care about the sword, but nothing will happen to the God module."


At the same time, it is also in the Brahma Technology Building but not far from the location of the previous church.

A man wearing a porcelain crimson casket, who seemed to have standard beauty measured with extreme precision, suddenly frowned.

"Visible and Intangible Information Freedom Sword!"

"This thing appeared again? Why did it appear in the core area? It's still my boss's territory. Should I go or not?"

Various Taoist auspicious patterns such as artificial satellites, yin-yang codes, pagoda photonic computers, omnic dragons and phoenixes, cranes, unicorns, etc. flowed quickly on the delicate porcelain surface structure.


"It's nothing to just go and see, just to see and do nothing."

A little smile was outlined on the perfect face, and there was an arc protruding from the top of the head, like a bun, and two black steel plates like antennas transmitted a signal.

Connected to a quaint palace in space, which is casted by some kind of red alloy, flying at the top, and carved with jade - "Zhengyi Space Station"

Then use this to cast your consciousness to the address where the sword is located.


At the same time, in a certain corner of Brahma City, a female cultivator in glasses wearing a tattered Taoist robe and a little short in stature pushed her glasses, and a compass composed of countless complex runes of Jiugong Bagua turned on the lens, catching secrets in the ocean of online data .

"Core area, tangible and intangible information freedom sword!"

"Tai Dao Ren! This sword is indeed on your body. I don't know if it was an accidental acquisition, or if you are the sword master (thug) yourself."

"It's a's really a pity, if I had known...alas!"

"It's such a big scene now, I don't want to join in the fun with my small body, but I don't know if the teacher will think about it."

So he casually sent a message to a certain existence.


In addition to these known existences, there are more shadows or predators hidden in the infinite undercurrent, all of which were startled by that piece of information and moved accordingly.

Since the appearance of this special flying sword in Brahma, it has attracted countless eyes and attention.

But its whereabouts have been under the eyes of Tiandao, first the hospital, then the police station, and when some people couldn't bear it, it disappeared again. When it was thought that it might disappear for an unknown period of time, at this moment It suddenly appeared again.

After such constant teasing, the cultivators had reached a limit, and the appearance of the definite news this time made everyone unable to help but start to move.

So what if it's the core area?We have so many people, so many monks?

In the same way, with so many monks, what if the sword was snatched away first?
The desire of the people is the strongest edge!

(End of this chapter)

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