Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 271, Questions and Answers

Chapter 271, Questions and Answers
"However, no matter how powerful the forces are, they must follow the most basic steps to deal with us, that is, to lock us first, find us, and then attack us. After all, we are not some fantasy world, and it is enough to pass the curse of cause and effect.

"And for the same reason, the method of locking us cannot exceed common sense, it must be realized through existing clues and existing technological means.

"We can put ourselves in the position and calculate, and deduce all the methods they will take."

He said, "First of all, the most direct way is to go through the escape route when you left the core area just now, but because of the timing, it is equivalent to saying that it has been broken. At most, they can only follow the motorcycle to find the target and leave Brahma City. .

"But we can't directly find our whereabouts through this, so we can only turn back and lock it with all the characteristic information exposed after we entered the core area."

"The name 'Tang Chou' is our direct identity in the core area, and we must start with this identity if we want to investigate.

"With its great energy, it is possible to find that this is a fake identity, and then it will naturally dig further to lock our real identity information, and then find us through this."

"Regarding this point, because the worst-case scenario was considered when entering the core area, it was done very safely when replacing the identity, and there will be no problems."

Zhang Baoren shook his head and said, "The real key is the Tangible and Intangible Information Freedom Sword!

"We finally threw out the 'Sword of Freedom of Tangible and Intangible Information', and the information that this sword is related to 'Zhang Baoren' is not difficult for interested people to obtain.

"This means that our most fundamental identity 'Zhang Baoren' has been truly exposed."

Hearing the words, he shook his body, "It's not that serious, this only shows that 'Zhang Baoren' and the murderer 'Tang Chou' are related through swords, it cannot prove the direct connection between the two.

"'Tang Chou''s greatest evil was killing 'Foneng Hebai', but the identity of 'Zhang Baoren' has no interaction with the big data travel and social relationship of 'Foneng Hebai'. Where there is no cause and effect between the two.

"In addition to that, there is 'Chu Xiang'. According to what you said, the reason why Fo Neng He Bai was able to kill in the core area before was because of the cooperation with Chu Xiang. He is the key factor.

"But before that, there was no causal connection between 'Zhang Baoren' and 'Chu Xiang'.

"Besides, in order to avoid the trouble caused by that sword, we completely disappeared the information of 'Zhang Baoren' from the secret.

"This also means that Zhang Baoren's relationship with Jian has also changed from absolute to unknown.

"So what's happening now is that a gangster named 'Zhang Baoren' got a precious 'Flying Sword', then he disappeared, and then Feijian was involved in the death of an important person."

Zhang Baoren continued, "In addition to the sword, there are also martial arts. The murderer 'Tang Chou' who killed Fo Neng Hebai used the martial art of 'True Wu Kai Tian Jin'.

"And the information that 'Zhang Baoren' knows this martial art has already been exposed."

He said: "This martial art is very rampant, and what 'Zhang Baoren' exposed is only a very low level, and it is still very far away from the realm that can kill Fo Neng He Bai.

"His status and financial resources are not enough to support his practice to such an extent.

"This kind of martial arts is not only a clue, but it will also reverse the suspicion of Zhang Baoren to a certain extent, as if it is some kind of arrangement for disturbing people's ears."

Zhang Baoren continued to ask, "The key to our martial arts progress is the '7 glands of human hormone', which comes from the information brought by Taoist Z-404.

"And the Taoist Z-404 we obtained has a great connection with the Brahma creature, and the third pharmaceutical has been acquired by it, can we speculate that we got this Taoist in the first place.

"So that we can further deduce the information about Zhang Baoren's relationship with 'Human Hormone 7 Glands', 'Chuxiang' and 'Foneng·Hebai'?"

"That's even more impossible."

He said with a smile, "Our clues related to Daolu have disappeared with the death of the big boss. Even if he really knows about it, it's nothing."

"We can know from Mr. Dong's memory that Z-404 is just a newly developed experimental product, and there is no more data on this practice.

"And our practice method is also quite unique, Ye Luzi, regarding dreams, others cannot incorporate them into rational speculation."

Zhang Baoren said, "Even if we can't connect all these together, with the power of the Brahma creature, it's easy to bring everyone into the investigation. After all, it's not the case that needs evidence."

"Yeah, it's not that hard for him to do.

"But that is to say, the core area and Brahma creatures cannot directly obtain accurate information that points to a specific person or force.

"That is to say, it cannot directly find the identity of the target of revenge."

He said, "That is to say, the most that Brahma creatures and other forces can do is to use the habit data left by the murderer 'Tang Chou' in the core area, as well as some body tissues and secretions, through these real information pointing to it, To conduct a space search.

"At the same time, the relevant information of a series of suspects such as 'Zhang Baoren' and 'Chu Xiang' were collected and incorporated into the system to assist in the comparison of big data.

"Through its own strong financial resources and influence, set up more 'sky eyes, higher-precision detectors and cameras in the city, and lay down a more detailed net.

"At the same time, the police system of the public security system of the society will be used to intensify the search efforts.

"Professional investigators were dispatched to track down where the previous murderer escaped.

"Relying on the understanding of one's own position, one can speculate on the power of the black hand behind the scenes, and investigate accordingly.

"This kind of energy that can turn the entire Brahma and the entire third district upside down is undoubtedly extremely terrifying, but it also means that they cannot find us directly."

Looking at the mouthful of talking in front of him, Zhang Baoren stretched out his hand to touch his body, and finally showed a happy and gratified smile on his face.

A bit strange, "Zhang Baoren, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, it's just thanks to you this time."

Zhang Baoren said with emotion: "Because of my long-term psychological shadow on big companies such as Brahma Bio, this time I haven't seen it through."

"I just said I was very smart."

He raised his head in one gulp, and then continued, "So if our calculations are true, it means that as long as we can get rid of any connection with Zhang Baoren, 'Tang Chou', and martial arts at the level of secrets, then we will There will be no problem."

"And none of that is too difficult to do."

 Turning the plot, when I wrote it, I wanted to turn to the next plot, but the harder I tried, the more awkward it became, and I was a little cornered

(End of this chapter)

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