Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 282, Proprietary

Chapter 282, Proprietary

At the end of the month, without incident, I ended up with a failing grade.

Although the price was finally changed under the guidance of the teacher, too much time wasted in the past, and more importantly, my clients are not rich, so the profits I can get will naturally not be too much.

But fortunately, everyone except me is similar, they all made a mess, and even several of them got 0 points because of operation errors, which led to the death of characters.

After the exam is over, we can choose to keep the previous characters for a new round of exams, or we can choose to delete the number and start over.

Most people, including me, choose the latter.

At the same time, everyone has chosen to start a business, or choose an identity that can own their own industry.

Because we found out a few things.

We classmates have known each other before, and now we are more familiar with each other after getting along, so we will naturally communicate frequently, and of course we will share things that everyone faces, such as exams.

In the past, everyone focused more on their own games. Now that a stage is over, everyone is used to sharing and exchanging their experiences and achievements with others.

Then, according to everyone's results, we discovered that the scoring mechanism of the exam, although there are multiple calculation standards, wealth occupies a large proportion in it.

At the same time, it was found that if you become an entrepreneur, especially if your business needs more capital, you will get more initial capital.

The rules encourage us to do so.

According to my wish, I chose to open a housekeeping service company (shop) for this exam.

Because for some reason, I always want to clean up some messy things in my heart. If I can watch the picture of the dirty being washed away, it should make me feel much more comfortable.

After choosing a career, I then divided and determined the target group according to what the teacher taught me before.

First of all, people at level 1 have cleaning systems and many intelligent robots in their homes, which is not my target group.

Then, level 2 and level 3, although not everyone has domestic robots in their homes, they cooperate with some companies that specialize in providing services through a similar sharing model to cover the demand, and the market is already saturated, so it is difficult for me to enter.

So my goal is still the fourth-level people.

So I used the initial funds to rent and sell shops near the gathering points of the target group, choose decoration, recruit good personnel for training, and finally open the shop and wait for the business to come to my door.

Then the previous problem reappeared, and it has been open for a long time without business.

After asking the teacher for advice again, I understood what non-essential consumption is.

It was also at this time that I discovered that not everyone's home needs to be cleaned spotlessly every day.

As for the final result of this exam, although I also tried to grab some business in second- and third-tier markets at a price lower than the market price, but because the profit was too thin and the location of the store was too far away, I didn't earn much. .

Instead, he was reported by someone in a daze, and after a series of troubles, he ended up going bankrupt.

There is no need to say more about the results.

Fortunately, I am not the only one like this, this time everyone is still in the same end.

In this way, we went through a few times of manipulating, coupled with the exchanges among classmates, we found that all the places where we can make money have been occupied by those big forces, and we can't get high marks in any profession we choose.

Some people have given up and chose to die on some tracks where hard work can still see rewards.

Some people are still not reconciled.

This time I chose to be a star.

According to my research, this is one of the rare occupations that allows people without capital accumulation to cross class barriers.

As long as it can attract enough attention and gain a certain amount of influence, it can bring about the same amount of money.

You must know that besides money, fame is also part of the assessment criteria.

This career has a bonus for getting high scores.

In addition to these, another reason why I chose this career is that I (the virtual character) looks pretty good and has a successful foundation.

After choosing a career, I recruited an editing and tuning staff according to my initial amount, and then began to choose to make some cover song videos and put them on the Internet. My resources can only allow me to do so many.

It seems that my profession and behavior should be called internet celebrity in the past.

According to what I read in books when I searched for information, people in the past seemed to divide celebrities into three, six, or nine grades, movie stars, TV stars, song comedy stars, Internet celebrities...

There are good and bad status, high and low.

With the development of the times, people have already understood that all movie stars and Internet celebrities are fake. As long as they are famous, they are all stars.

With the release of cover videos one by one, in the desolate view volume, I gradually gained some messages and comments that would call my brother.

Then nothing happened.

At first I thought it was because the release time was too short, and there will always be some slowly accumulating.

But I patiently polished it, and after a long time, the video still looks tepid.

Let alone normal fans, there is not even a message from a fraudulent agency.

This time, without waiting to ask the teacher for advice, I discovered that because of the efforts of generations of colleagues over the years, various types of cover songs have long been flooded, and the products have long been saturated.

I can find the most suitable one for whatever I want to watch, not to mention that my content is nothing new in terms of strength or style.

If it weren't for the appearance, it would be even worse.

New ideas, features, I began to have a preliminary understanding of our line of work.

Then I started to adjust my development plan. I tried to make some adaptations of the cover songs, adding some swear words, so as to form a contrast with the singer's appearance.

Then video clicks sure enough started to pick up.

Although it has attracted some scavengers who abuse and imitate, but being popular means being popular, and it means everything.

So then I struck while the iron was hot, discussed a few eye-catching ideas with my classmates and friends, and finally started to improve my star career.

But the real income after deducting the copyright fee is still far from meeting my requirements.

I need more eye-catching, more compelling behavior.

There is great terror between life and death.

Ever since there was a network, looking for death can always bring traffic, so I naturally started to use this traffic password.

What I want to explain is that although I am manipulating a robot, the information displayed and conveyed to people is that this is a real person.

According to federal law, in order to avoid bad inducing behaviors, robots and real people appearing in online videos need to be identified.

(End of this chapter)

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