Chapter 299, God

I don't know where the last clue is, and I don't know whether it needs to be related to the dream that has been completed before, that is to say, whether the key must be found in Brahma City.

It would be nice if it could happen elsewhere.

If the last dream had to be related to the previous one and had to be found in Brahma, it would be difficult.

At this time, the situation that the two of them are facing is that they are being hunted by the net of heaven and earth, and they can't move around at all, let alone run to find the key. If there is no accident, they will leave Brahma in a few days, which shows that there is no chance to get the key at present. .

And if you want to find it after you leave, the chances are slim.

Flying around, "We have to consider the worst possible situation, that is, what should we do if we can't find the last key?
"Without the last key, the spiritual talisman cannot be completed.

"Z-404 is a bio-absorbable Taoist, the essence of which is to gradually decrease with the spirit to jointly ensure the stability of the Tao.

"Based on the state we have practiced now, and the integrity of the spiritual dao, can it guarantee that it can operate independently and stably without the filling of the biological dao?"

Zhang Baoren thought for a while, "This is not sure yet, I can only say that it should be possible according to the design idea of ​​the Daolu."

"Then there is a possibility of being able to survive, and even if it really doesn't work, you can take a gamble."

He breathed a sigh of relief, "Of course we can find it, but we should try our best to find it.

"I remember that it will take about three years for the Biological Daoist to be fully absorbed. We have already practiced to the end, so we can persist until the end of three years at least. There will be no problems within this range. It can be said that we still have time.

"Even if the last key has to be related to the previous dream and needs to be found in Brahma City, you can leave first, and find a way to come back after this wind blows."

Zhang Baoren nodded, "That's all for now.


In addition to these things about the next practice, there is another point worth noting that I also have some understanding of the special prosthetic body 'imitation. Turtle Snake Black Water Kidney' that I got before.

I remember that in the memory of Fo Neng He Bai, the name of this prosthetic body is called "God Armed".

The experience in a dream does not mean that it is all the experiences and memories of a person. In essence, it is a piece of information, an information field with a certain node as the core.

Therefore, apart from the name, Zhang Baoren still doesn't know the specific essence of this thing, only knows that it is very precious.

But only in terms of name, the word 'God' represents a supreme status in oriental myths and legends.

Haotian God, Jade Emperor God, and Yuanshi Tianzun are also called "Qingxuanzu Qiyu Qing Yuanshitianzun Miao Wushen".

Emperor Zhenwu is also called "God Xuantian".

When Western religions moved eastward, they also stole this title.

Named after this, enough to see extraordinary.

Zhang Baoren said, "According to the information obtained in the dream, the head of the security department of Brahma Biology Company called 'Lu Ya Daojun' once showed a strong interest in the God Armed Forces in the hands of Fo Neng Hebai, hoping to exchange for .

"This person is definitely a top cultivator based on his status alone, and being valued by him must not be a simple thing, and it is also a trouble.

"It's like the sword of freedom of information, tangible and intangible. The trouble of this thing may not be smaller than that of the sword, and it may even be bigger. This point needs to be paid attention to."

He asked, "Could it be related to the inexplicable pursuit we received when we left the core area?"

Zhang Baoren shook his head, "If it's really related to this, then why did we let us escape afterwards, and at the same time, we haven't come to our door for such a long time?"

After thinking about it, I still can't figure it out. In the end, I just decided that I need to learn more about this God's armed forces.

Zhang Baoren said, "This thing may be another source of trouble besides the revenge faced by killing Fo Neng Hebai. Compared with the previous tangible and intangible information freedom sword, it has already been installed in our body, and we can't help it." If you lose it again, you won’t care about anything.”

Analyzing in one breath, "Its origin should be related to Zhenwu Group, any technological creation cannot exceed reality, the same is true for Taoism, and the same is true for prosthetic bodies.

"Based on the preciousness of this prosthetic body, the technological content it should contain, and the similarity between its appearance and Xuanwu's real body, it should have something to do with the Zhenwu Group's research on monks.

"Through this clue, it may be possible to understand the specific essence."


Next, Zhang Baoren stayed in the rented room, waiting for the smuggler's notice to set sail, while recovering from his injuries.

Relying on the original tyrannical body and the careful maintenance of hormone internal strength, as well as the nutritional supplement of the water of life.

However, in two days, the wounds on his body that were perfectly sutured by surgery have basically healed.

Activities are no longer affected by anything.

But because of this, he also found that there were some problems with the foreign martial arts that he had always relied on.

To be precise, something went wrong with 'Zhen Wu Kai Tian Jin'.

The essence of the martial art "Zhenwu Kaitianjin" is the ultimate achievement of human mechanical engineering. It requires the cooperation of all fascia, musculoskeletal and internal organs in the whole body to exert its true power.

But now the three organs in his body have been replaced with martial arts organs.

Although these martial arts organs also have the functions of the original internal organs, and can even be said to be stronger than the original flesh and blood organs, they cannot be perfectly harmonious under the harsh conditions required by outer martial arts.

It's not that it can't be used at all, but it can't reach the original peak ideal state.

It doesn't mean that all martial arts organs are out of harmony with the body.

There was no problem with the special prosthetic God Armor obtained from Fo Neng He Bai.

This special prosthetic body seems to be a part of the body, there is no disharmony, and it doesn't even feel different from the previous one.

Zhang Baoren felt that if all the organs were replaced with this kind of prosthetic body, there would probably be no damage to foreign martial arts.

However, although its essence is not known for the time being, its specific value may be more precious than a set of top-level martial arts with this name and the emphasis on it shown by Fo Neng He Bai and Lu Ya.

All used to maintain the realm of outer martial arts, it always feels a bit like quantum computer plus cold fusion for mining.

Don't tell such jokes.

It is definitely unrealistic to replace all prosthetic martial arts with God's armed forces, but there are no other solutions for outer martial arts.

I saw Zhang Baoren standing in the only small space left in the rental room, which could barely be called the living room, and moved his body first...

(End of this chapter)

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