Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 34, science is fragrant, and devout is endless

Chapter 34, science is fragrant, and devout is endless
As they spoke, the two turned their heads, and returned to the Xiangtang from the stairs at the back.

At this moment, Xiangtang was crowded with quite a few people, but there was no rule of first come, first served among gangsters, because of Zhang Baoren's reputation as "Big Cousin", everyone thoughtfully gave way to the two of them first.

In the middle of the incense hall is a large altar with a width of more than two meters and a length of more than two meters. On the altar sits a life-sized clay statue of a god.

I saw that the slightly rich body of the mud tire was wearing a set of red gold-inlaid official robes, and the official hat wings were shaking behind his head. He was holding a pagoda made of gold ingots in his left hand, and he was stroking his beard with his right hand.

It looked more like an ancient official.

It is the God of Wealth "Zhao Gongming".

An era has its own beliefs, and the most popular belief in this era is naturally the God of Wealth, because this god holds the most powerful authority.

Everyone admires, yearns for, is obsessed with, looks forward to, and fears... Him.

As a result, the god has penetrated his influence into all walks of life.

Just like the Guan Gong belief that became popular in the Qing Dynasty in ancient China...

Now times have changed, and the underworld has long stopped worshiping Guan Gong. Although Guan Gong is also the god of wealth, he is not rich enough, and if he is not rich enough, he has no wealth.

Zhang Baoren looked at the faces of the gods on the mud tires, at those painted with oil paints, some crude, some strange, square, with mouth, nose and facial features.

I heard that it was painted by a bodhisattva in the Western Pure Land, including the clay sculpture itself, which was also made of Buddha's land mixed with relics of eminent monks.

Although I don't know what relationship Zhao Gongming has with Buddhism, the treasured version of the God of Wealth statue made by the Buddhist Dianyin Temple does have some magic.

Frequent offerings can not only change your fortune, but also gain the blessing of Buddhist luck—your personal ID will be marked by the future Buddha (super artificial intelligence) of Buddhism, and you will be granted the status of a good man and a believer.

I heard that if you have this personality, it will be easier to practice Buddhist martial arts, and you can get a certain degree of discounts on holidays in the Buddhist mall.

This is also one of the reasons why "Tony", a powerful warrior, would choose to come to the old K gang to place orders as a bodyguard.

Of course, Zhang Baoren came to offer incense at this time, not to be a good man and a believer, nor to pray to the gods to bless him in safety.

Instead, knowing that he would be in trouble later, he planned to complete some arrangements in advance.

In front of the Buddha statue is a four-legged square tripod with a bronze appearance.

The tripod is filled with long or short incense sticks, but if you look closely, you can see that the incense sticks have an unreal texture, like a fake.

In fact, the same is true, those incenses are all projected by that party called "3D Infinity God Incense Burner".

The traditional real incense, which is neither environmentally friendly nor healthy, has been abandoned in this era and has been replaced by technology.

For example, this "3D Infinite God Incense Burner" not only has 3D projection, but also has 33 different kinds of atomized incense built in. As long as you pay for the incense, you can have any incense you really want.

This incense burner is the key thing that Zhang Baoren is going to use to deal with 'Tony'.

Looking at the faint cigarettes burning from the censer, Zhang Baoren thought to himself, "At first, I wanted to wait until I met the boss, and then arrange it slowly, but now it seems that I need to prepare in advance."

"Cousin, please offer incense first..."

"it is good."

Zhang Baoren didn't make any excuses, stood in front of the altar, reached out to open his personal terminal, and scanned the incense burner.

"Ding! You have consumed 100 points."

The reminder of new currency consumption sounded, causing people around to see that although everyone burns incense every day, they are all ordinary incense sticks, which are only a few cents. Such a huge sum of 100 at a time is still See you for the first time.

But before he could say anything, two more beeps sounded.

"You have spent 100 yuan."

"You have spent 100 yuan."

"Three hundred!" Lei Ge on the side couldn't help but exclaimed, "Cousin, you're out of luck."

"I'm just spending money to be safe." Zhang Baoren smiled.

Then someone shouted, "Look at that incense."

Everyone looked up, and saw three phantoms of incense pillars more than two meters high and as thick as arms appeared in midair. On the incense pillars, the shadow of a golden dragon was swimming, and the dragon's chant could be heard vaguely.

"This is the most expensive and largest dragon incense in the manual, right?"

"It even comes with dragon chant sound effects."

"These three incense sticks will not kill you?"

"Didn't you hear? It's already been reduced by 300!"

Amidst all the yelling, Zhang Baoren stretched out his hand to connect the three huge 3D projection incense sticks to his forehead, and then bowed down to the statue.

"Pray for longevity and health!"

"Second greetings to family and happiness!"

"Three prayers, the wealth is rolling in!"

Its own voice sounded from the incense burner.

Then after three worships, three sticks of incense were inserted into the incense burner, billowing smoke rose, and Zhang Baoren faintly heard an ethereal voice coming from the mouth of the gods.


Seems like a blessing from the gods.

Just when Zhang Baoren was experiencing the happiness of krypton gold players.

Suddenly someone shouted, "Why is our incense gone?"

But there was nothing in the censer except for the three giant dragon incense sticks that were much taller than the god statues.

"It's a hundred incense that fades after the incense burns."

"Julongxiang is too domineering to tolerate other things."

"But what about the incense I used before?"

"I haven't burnt the incense yet?"

Speaking of which, no matter whether they have been incensed or not, all the people looked at Zhang Baoren with some unkindness.

Zhang Baoren quickly stretched out his hand and explained to everyone, "Don't worry, everyone. All the incenses that have been used before have been counted by the computer, and they are all valid. Now it is just because the three giant dragon incenses put the valve of the incense releaser of the 3D Infinite God Incense Burner The mouth stretched to the limit, so those talents disappeared.”

"I didn't burn incense after that. Although the incense burner is full now, my three sticks of incense will last forever, and I can share a little incense with everyone, so I will invite you."

Everyone's faces turned bright after hearing the words.

"Thank you, cousin."

"My cousin is arrogant."

"Thank you big cousin."

Then, because there was no need to burn incense, and there was no way to burn incense, they all turned around and dispersed, and soon the most lively incense hall became deserted.

Zhang Baoren glanced at the God of Wealth and the censer in front of him, and then ordered to the one floating beside him, "Just stay here for a while, and if someone comes later, you can help explain it."

He nodded in one bite, "I promise to complete the task."

Then Zhang Baoren and the two walked towards the stairs behind Xiangtang again.

"Are you sure you don't want to follow?"

"It still has something to do, didn't you hear it all?"

"No... I said that you really only spent money for safety just now?"

"Then what else can we do?"

Lei Ge couldn't help but stopped, "Let me just say it, are you really planning to go up?"

(End of this chapter)

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