Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 360, Parade

Chapter 360, Parade

"Hey, boy, did you know that today is Robot Thanksgiving Day?"

"What date?" Zhang Baoren suspected that he had misheard.

Uncle explained, "The birth of robots and a major festival to thank them for their great contributions to mankind."

"And this festival?"

The consciousness connected, exchanged information on statutory holidays, and then said, "I remember that the Federation does not seem to have such statutory holidays."

"It was not there before, but it will be available soon."

The old man of the speeding party looked at Zhang Baoren and said seriously, "Our parade at this time is to let the federation add this statutory holiday, and to attach importance to the rights and interests of robots."


Zhang Baoren was a little puzzled, and then there was another thunderous rumbling sound, from small to loud, from far to near, followed the sound, and saw black shadows galloping wantonly between the roads in the sky and the tall buildings in the city.

With amazing eyesight, one can vaguely see that those black shadows are the riders who are dressed and mounted similar to the old man.

At the same time, where the riders passed by, countless twisted and graffiti-like phosphorescent special effects characters were left on the ground and various buildings.

"Robots are human too, please give them the rights they deserve."

"Support robots are coming out of factories..."

"Working 24 hours is against humanity."

"Do not work, do not produce, get out of the ranks of parliamentarians..."


The convoy flew by like a violent wind and waves, a black shadow happened to pass over the heads of the two of them, and then a row of green phosphorescent Chinese characters burning with flames were imprinted on Zhang Baoren and the ground in an unbiased manner.

"Alliance of intelligent 'humans' unite, long live!"

The old man raised his arm with a cigarette in his hand, "Have you seen it, such a selfless and great cause, do you want to do your best for it?"

Zhang Baoren looked at the old man of the speeding party who was dying and still promoting such activities in front of him, and endured the discomfort of this style of painting.

"I respect your ideals and sentiments, but I still have something to do."

"Food and lodging, and 100 yuan for hard work by the way."

The uncle stared at Zhang Baoren and said confidently, "I think you don't go to work when you should go to work right now, and you probably don't have any job, so why don't you just earn some extra money? You don't need to do anything, just show up and say a few words to express yourself Anger and stance are enough.

"After everything is over, I can give you a ticket to our company's flying car show. The show is very exciting. More importantly, there are many rich 60-year-old girls from Kyoto..."

The last time I encountered this kind of thing was when buying a house/queuing and being dragged to bars and KTVs.

Zhang Baoren hurriedly stopped his words, "I appreciate your kindness, but I really have business to do.

"But I'm a little curious, does your parade have... any effect?

"Know that we are just a small town on the edge of District 28, and this way..."

As he spoke, he held up the green phosphorescent 'human being' on his body that was gradually dissipating.

"It doesn't bring some...well, other people's favor or support."

The old man took a puff of a cigarette, the bright butt of the cigarette flickered in the dark sky, and then revealed his pure white porcelain teeth.

"Who knows if it will work or not? Being noisy is sure to be disgusting, but how can others see it if you are not noisy?

"Furthermore, although the car port is small, it is where we are. Let's change from here first, and then come little by little."

He paused, then looked at Zhang Baoren.

"I think you can still get along, so I can give you another chance. If you don't have time right now, we have a parade in two days, so you can come.

"Then the money can also be calculated for you a little more, you can get 120, but according to our rules to get this money, you have to participate in some performances during the parade, it is best to be able to cry, we will film it publicity."

Zhang Baoren waved his hand, "The price is really tempting, but not only do I have no time right now, I won't have time in the future, and I'm making an appointment for an operation..."

"Surgery? With surgery, you've been babbling on the road, and you've been chatting with me for a long time..."

The uncle threw the cigarette butt on the ground and sparks scattered, then put on the helmet, stepped on the motorcycle, a handsome drift in place, and then soared into the sky...

Looking at the back of the first person I communicated with here, accompanied by heavy metal music.

Zhang Baoren couldn't help feeling emotional, "This District 28 is indeed different from that one. The underworld cares about the rights and interests of robots, which is very advanced and civilized."

Before he could think about it, the message that came in at once pulled him back to the main topic at this time, "The brain-computer interface has found a seller."

"If you find it, that's good, then place an order."

A smile appeared on Zhang Baoren's face when he heard the words, and an astonishing light flashed in his eyes. After this time, he implanted his spiritual roots, opened the bridge between heaven and earth, and just left the world at ease.

"The asking price is 5000."

The light suddenly disappeared.

"How much? How many do you need for an industrial product that doesn't require much technology and materials?"

"Because it is an illegal product, normal factories do not produce it, and there is no product on the market. After searching for a long time, there are only a few."

"Then... there is no way to buy it."

"We can't buy it yet, because we don't have any money. Not only that, but the loans we owed before will be due in a few days."

The smile on Zhang Baoren's face froze completely, a dignified monk had fallen to this point.

But a penny is hard for a hero, and practice is very important. At this time, apart from robbery, it can only be said that there is something on the body that can be turned around.

Zhang Baoren naturally chose the latter.

First, I took stock of the valuable items that appeared on my body, such as the Huigen flying sword, Han lightsaber, ape demon musket stick, broken and repaired exoskeleton bulletproof vest, Leihuo 13 pistol with some bullets, two ever-changing optical masks Zhang Sanban plus female police version.

Then choose the one that can be sold. First of all, you can produce an optical mask. Needless to say, it must be the one of Zhang San.

There is also a pistol, which is not very useful now.

It's just that the two things added together can't even balance the bill.

Zhang Baoren had no choice but to eliminate those that could not be sold.

Flying sword, this is the core method.

Tactical vests, this thing can't be sold.

From this, there are only two martial arts left.

After thinking about it, in the spirit of practicality, I finally chose to make a move with the 'Ape Demon Musket Stick' that has been with me for a long time.

Han Guangjian also has a set of white ape sword skills.

Moreover, all the martial arts of fighting and defeating the Buddha's body are out of sight, and the remaining one is out of sight and out of mind.

Let Yikou modify the specific information of martial arts and post it on the websites of various warriors.

Then Zhang Baoren quickened his pace and rushed towards the place where he had agreed to temporarily stay.


(End of this chapter)

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