Chapter 472, Fate

Because Hebo Zhang Baoren needed to handle business this time, he didn't just find an avatar and entrust him to come here, but came here with his real body.

Seeing this, he explained, "It's mainly because I have recently started to practice foreign martial arts for my health, which has resulted in some strengthening of my physical appearance."

As he spoke, he clenched his fist and aroused the muscles in his body.

At this time, the real body has recovered completely, and even because the two custom-made organs arrived earlier to replace the original martial arts prosthetic body, the outer martial arts are more convenient to move than before.

The landlord shook his head, "I know foreign martial arts, after all, at my age, if I want to live comfortably in the future, I have to practice this stuff.

"I remember that at most it is to adjust the facial features and temperament. The martial arts of each sect, school and company are not as great as yours, and you are almost unrecognizable."

As he spoke, he approached, lowered his body and voice, "You don't have to hide it from me, to be honest, did you secretly adjust your appearance after you left?"

Then, without waiting for an answer, he persuaded him earnestly, "Brother, let me tell you, if you feel something is not going well because of your relationship and want to change it, it is actually a waste of effort and money.

"Your problem is not with your face. It's not just your face. Your problem has nothing to do with your body. The key lies in your name, 'Zhang Da', what a fierce word, I remember you remember it so clearly because of this.

"After you left, I looked up your name on a professional fortune-telling website. It said that most people can't recite it."

He Bo Zhang Baoren reluctantly responded, "Thank you very much, but with only one name, you can recognize me now that I have changed so much."

"You forgot what I did."

As the landlord spoke, he raised his chin proudly, "In today's world where AI scams are plentiful, if you want to stand out and be able to stand out, you have to develop a pair of sharp eyes.

"Let me tell you, as long as I see a person's appearance, whether he is rich or not, whether he is sincere or not, I can tell the difference no matter how many layers of filters are on.

"As long as you are still in this body, even if you suddenly lose your mind and become a woman, you can't escape my eyes."

"It's not that..." He Bo Zhang Baoren hurriedly waved his hands, but after thinking about it, it's not impossible.

In the end, I could only squeeze out a sentence that I didn't know the so-called, "Okay..."

After the chat, the landlord asked, "By the way, what are you doing here? If it's inconvenient..."

He Bo Zhang Baoren said, "It's not inconvenient, it's just a loan and some business."

"Loan... oh..." The landlord nodded empathetically, not knowing what he thought of when he heard the words.

"I know... I know... I remember that you are not a wealthy person, and it should be because of the stock market during this period, right?"

He Bo Zhang Baoren: "You..."

The landlord smiled and said: "If I can come here at this time, of course I am the same, to do something."

He Bo Zhang Baoren nodded knowingly, "I see you just came here, if you are busy, do it first, I have finished my work, so I won't bother you right now, we will contact you when we have time."

"Okay." The landlord waved his hand, "Then we'll talk when we have time, Gong Xi Fa Cai."

"You too, Gong Xi Fa Cai..."

The two separated, Zhang Baoren left, and the landlord came to his previous vacant seat in front of the stock god statue, and bowed respectfully with his palms together.

After the interruption just now, the landlord's originally anxious mind has settled down.

Looking at the tall and majestic symbol of wealth in front of her, she took a deep breath, and followed the link to unfold a projection in her pupils that only she could see.

Looking at the long string of numbers representing his account, he gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and voted it out.

Money can be said to be the most beautiful and trustworthy thing in this world, more reliable than any emotion, only by truly possessing it can one be able to live in this world.

Only when the body can no longer move, the mind has become sluggish, and when it is reasonable to be eliminated in nature, can it continue to survive.

At the same time, money is also the most unreliable thing, but it is just a piece of paper, even now there is no paper, it is just a piece of illusory data.

The value itself will continue to depreciate and disappear over time, just like a grain of sand that keeps slipping through the fingers.

If you want to keep it, you must put it in some container that can hold it, you must anchor something, anchor some real 'assets' with real value.

Only in this way can all boats rise when the tide rises.

In the past, the container chosen by the landlord aunt was a house, and people had to have a place to stand. According to the current urbanization model of society, residential buildings in more developed areas like District 28 will never be short of people.

There are constantly populations coming in illegally or legally, and there is always demand.

Compared with the high rent and living costs in the capital city, where you can also enjoy medical care and job opportunities, the nearby small rural towns are the choice of more people who come here.

But they also have a higher occupancy rate, which is also a meaning of the existence of these small cities.

It can be said that houses in this location have been very high-quality assets for quite a period of time.

The landlord who owns a building in a relatively high-quality location has been very satisfied before, and she feels that she can lie down for a lifetime with this.

But...Because of that damn bill, that blood-sucking bill, everything changed, and the originally stable and peaceful life was turned upside down.

What kind of despicable and shameless guy can come up with such a shameless thing, masquerade as justice with despicability, and openly want to take away everything from a person, such a person and everything related to him should go to hell, Let endless sheep gnaw at its heart.

How many times has the landlord cursed that bill and everything related to it with the dirtiest and most vicious curses in his heart.

It's not just her, there are more people who are cursing through more vicious language.

But no matter how you scold, from the moment the bill was procedurally passed in the House of Representatives.

All the houses in the 28th district are already in fact, from the original high-quality containers to large sieves, which are no longer suitable for holding.

Coupled with the natural disasters and earthquakes some time ago, and the "Auto Harbor" where the landlord is located was the first to bear the brunt, everything became ruins.

Helpless, I was forced to exchange it for a large sum of cash on that shitty convenience platform.

Holding such a large amount of funds in their hands makes people feel intoxicated and fascinated. At the same time, it also makes people unable to sleep, worrying that it will slip away all the time, and even in case of any accident, the bamboo basket will be empty in the end. I want to find something that can continue to ride it.

(End of this chapter)

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