Chapter 553, class

Wang Eke looked at Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren and nodded seriously, "I will definitely study hard in the future."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren's face froze, "What study? Is it time to think about this? I'm asking about the group of guys who just left."

"I don't believe that those few words alone can make these guys let go, they are gang members with the most shameless identities.

"I'm sure you understand that too.

"It's only temporary that they retreat now, and they will definitely come to you again in the future. How do you plan to deal with the group of guys who come to you next?"

Hearing this, Wang E seemed to have thought of something, deep fear appeared in his eyes, he shook his head and said, "I...I don't know, I don't know what to do."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren shook his head, "How did I do it just now?"

Wang Eke's eyes lit up, "Threatening the police, can I pass this method too?"

"Calling the police is just a means."

Zhang Baoren dismantled it slowly with a calm tone, "First of all, you have to determine your pursuit in this matter, what is your appeal?"

"What kind of result do you want? Do you want to get rid of those people completely? Cut off the connection between them.

"Or are you just dissatisfied with the ecological position of the pyramid where you are currently forced to be?
"Different goals require different means."

Wang E Ke hurriedly said: "Of course I choose to get rid of it."

Yun Zhongjun·Zhang Baoren: "You don't have to choose a choice that is more recognized because of my teacher status. I only teach you to face it. What you choose is your business, and I don't care.

Wang E Ke heard that after thinking about it, he still said, "I still choose to get rid of it."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren said: "If you want to get rid of those guys, you have to figure out a problem, a word that I always think the teacher said is shameless...Why don't those guys find someone else, why do they find you?"

Wang Eke replied: "Didn't you just say this, or something like ecology, you want to expand its influence, so you found me."

"That's just the specific logic, the most fundamental reason is because you are a weak person, because you can be bullied by them, so they are looking for you.

"This 'weakness' is not because you are a student, your age, your gender, your strength...

"Besides you, I believe there are many men, many adults, and many people in society who are still bullied and squeezed by them.

"I believe you must have seen it too. This is a necessary means they use to intimidate you, otherwise you will ask your parents and family members for help when you can't bear it."

Wang Eke nodded.

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren continued: "But we can also be sure that they can't bully anyone arbitrarily, otherwise they would just be small gangsters, gangsters, and rule the world.

"At the same time, there must be a lot of people they can't bully, otherwise they wouldn't be so well-dressed, and they would still be looking for you students.

"The social models we talked about in the previous class can also see that these guys are also really marginal characters, and they are also underdogs.

"So we can learn that the strong contrast among you is you and the people they can bully <they< and those they can't bully."

"How are those they can't bully better than you?

"It is definitely impossible to use force, because no one can accurately determine the comparison of force between oneself and others. More importantly, this society has long won victory without force."

Wang Eke asked: "What is that?"

"It's the rules."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren said: "First of all, we know that the survival logic of those guys is to make profits by destroying the existing rules of social operation.

"At the same time, we also know that they were originally marginal figures in society, because they could no longer live in the original ecology, so they relied on breaking the rules to survive.

"They are not chaebols and/officials/officials who manipulate and bend the rules, but competitive losers who cannot survive in the original system.

"So their targets must be those who are not good at making use of the rules... or in other words, those who are relatively indifferent to the rules, who are out of touch with the marginalized people of the same society.

"Because other people in the original system, they are weak, losers who cannot compete."

Wang Eke rolled his eyes, nodded, and said: "I understand, they can't fight against or fear the rules, so to deal with them, we must incorporate them into the system and rely on the rules themselves.

"This is the logic of your previous behavior."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren said: "Yes, you must learn to use the rules of the original society. Don't always think about proving yourself. Only rely on your own strength. It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that they will come to you."

Wang Eke: "What should I do specifically?"

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren said: "The current situation is beneficial to you. The whole grand social rules support the school as a pure land. As a student, you can draw on a lot of power.

"Calling the police is just one of them. The Women and Children's Protection Committee, the Education Safety Committee, and the self-media... these are all ways you can gain strength.

"Although many of them are decorations, they are all appearances, and they are all used to feed relationships/households/empty/salary, but as long as they exist, there will be corresponding procedures, and you will be able to find the power you can borrow from them.

"This is the only and easiest way for you to sever the connection with it."

Wang E could nod his head vigorously, a relaxed look finally appeared on his beautiful face, "I know how to do it, thank you very much."

As he spoke, he bowed deeply to Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren.

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren said with a smile: "You are welcome, this is what I should do."

"No, nothing should be. I have seen so many teachers since I was a child, and I have never been like you."

Wang E smiled ridiculously: "But there is one thing, I have to say that, if it is so simple that it can be said clearly, teacher, you have to make it so complicated every time, it's this... and that."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren said: "Because in this way you will be able to understand more clearly. Only when everything is exposed can you be able to wait calmly and not be afraid."

"I know~"



Since this episode, Wang Eke has changed to black hair.

I have become more serious in class, and I no longer have the truancy behavior that I often have in the past, and the relationship with my classmates has become closer.

At the same time, there is also a little more familiarity and tacit understanding with Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren.

And Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren's life has also returned to the previous rhythm. In class, he talks with students about the personal problems he faces in his spare time, and talks to educate students who have violent behavior... Then he goes to class, and it's an endless cycle.


(End of this chapter)

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