Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 556, Ace of Spades

Chapter 556, Ace of Spades
Just thinking like this, suddenly the sound of jingling... jingling... came from the personal terminal, interrupting the train of thought.

is an unfamiliar number.


After the call was connected, there was an inexplicably soothing music background on the other side of the phone, and a cruel voice with a completely opposite tone sounded.

"Hello... is this Teacher Yun?"

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren said: "Who are you?"

The person opposite laughed, "You abolished a few of my subordinates and took away a territory from me, and you still don't know who I am?
"Just don't take me to heart?"

This is the ace of spades, the leader of the ace of spades gang.

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren immediately asked: "Where is Wang E who was captured by you yesterday?"

Although no clues were found to arrest people, it can be inferred from logic that it must be related to it.


Ace of Spades smiled wildly, "You mean that puppy? She has already been sent to the slaughterhouse. This is a lesson for you. If you don't know how to repent, it will not be so simple."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren said: "I don't care about sending people back intact. Everything can be treated as if nothing happened."

"Teacher Yun is still a passionate seed, but it may be too late to complete."

Ace of Spades said relaxedly and cruelly: "You can listen to the remnants of the past."

The other side of the phone seemed to switch to a recording, accompanied by excited laughter, insults, punches and kicks, and the ever-changing soothing music as the background.

Suddenly there was an extremely high and painful scream.

It was the familiar voice of classmate Wang Eke.

Then the phone switched back to the call, and Ace of Spades said jokingly: "Want to know what that is? You can turn your head and have a look now, I'll send it to you."

Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren turned his head and looked around, and saw a student walking towards him with a box like a shoebox, and handed the box to him. Someone asked me to give it to you.

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren reached out to take it, felt the box in his hand, it was very light, like air, glanced around and the student who ran away, and opened it with some dignity.

Among them were two white, tender and beautiful ears, with bloody and irregular cuts at the base of the ears, as if they had been torn off.

A large hoop earring hangs on the round beaded earlobe, the silver ring is stained with blood...

"is it beautiful?"

In the personal terminal, the cruel voice appeared softly, "It took me a lot of effort to pry it out of Xiao Ke's mouth, saying that you looked at her ears the most, so I tore it up." Come down and send it to you.

"At first, I wanted to cut off my scalp and give you that black hair. Didn't you say that you like that black hair the most, but that hair was dyed. I thought it would be disrespectful to you, so I didn't give it away.

"I hope you don't mind."

Looking at the beautiful but ferocious ears in his hands, Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren said to himself, "I am a teacher, and I am very against violence, especially when it comes to matters related to students.

"Because this will only bring bad influence, bring chaos, and not really solve the problem, but things are always so unsatisfactory..."

As he spoke, his voice became extremely indifferent, "No matter who you are, you are dead..."

"Really, then I'll wait."

Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren should even fiddle with the secrets of the sky with his soul, and follow the call to lock on the other party.

But it still can't lock the specific address, as if the call is connected to an unknown place.

Beep...until the call is hung up.

"The disappearance of Wang Eke seems to have the same source, is it a special arrangement for me, or is it just a coincidence to lure me to the door?
"I'm here no matter what."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren didn't have the slightest fear or hesitation, took the box and left the school gate, walking towards the place where the Ace of Spades gang was.

There is no way to directly lock the specific location, but the specific location of the Spades A gang cannot escape.


Tucheng, Satellite Street, No. 108.

A small building with cornices and arches facing the street has a poker card 'Ace of Spades' hanging obliquely on the upper floor, which looks like a plaque, with neon lights flashing.

Standing at the gate directly below the plaque were two giant men who weighed more than 200 kilograms to nearly 300 kilograms, without any fat on their bodies, and had hideous muscles. They were dozing off boredly like door gods.

One of them rubbed his eyes, and suddenly saw an ordinary man in a shabby suit, looking weak and weak, walking towards the gate of his house where no one would normally approach.

What's even more strange is that this man is counting like a Taoist in a movie game with one hand, and holding a box in the other, and he is still muttering, "This is it."

The giant man frowned, and shouted at him: "Where is the lunatic, get out of here, do you know where this is?"

But that person didn't seem to hear it at all, just rushed in without even looking at it.

Realizing that something was wrong, the two of them finally came to their senses, wriggling their muscles, their big palm-like hands grabbed it forward.

But he could clearly see that when the big hand fell, he caught an empty space. Suddenly, the man came to the space between the two of them. Twice on the neck.

The two froze in place uncontrollably...

A faint voice came from Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren who had already walked into the door, "It looks fierce, but it's just a dead body..."

The two behemoths at the door fell straight back and hit the ground with a bang.

Then Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren walked through the corridor unhurriedly, came to the lobby, and bumped into a gangster who was about to go out.

I saw this man looking at Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren, and then passed him, looking at the two giant men lying on the other side of the aisle behind him, at the door.


Shouting in his mouth, without any extra nonsense in his hands, he drew the gun from his waist, opened the safety, and raised it to point at the uninvited guest.

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren stepped forward, and the smoke and dust rolled out of lotus flowers under his feet, pushing his body to come to him as if teleporting.

He conveniently raised the gun in his hand and pressed it against his own chin, and the trigger was pulled just at this moment. In the gangster's frightened and desperate eyes, there was a bang, and his head exploded.

Then Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren hung the gun in his hand and held it just right with a twist of his fingers.

The next moment, the fast-running intelligent core made the world seem to slow down.

The vigilant gangsters who came from all directions seemed to be living in slow motion, their staggering footsteps were ridiculous, their distorted faces were spitting, and various types of firearms were pulled out of their bodies in a panic.

Looking at these target-like people, Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren raised his pistol and pulled the trigger calmly, the shells splashed and flames spewed out from the muzzle...

(End of this chapter)

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