Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 565, Q&A

Chapter 565, Q&A

Xiaoye couldn't help but shuddered, waking up from the fear.

Subconsciously with a bit of surprise, he looked at the virtual projection again.

It turned out that the thing was fine and there was no problem.

"Are you dazzled? Maybe it's because of too much work pressure, blindly doing these cruel things, so... hey..."

I can't help but think so.

Looking at the same kind sleeping in the glass sphere next to him, with a smile from the heart on his face, he felt a little sad for no reason.

"These people who are the same as me, without any difference, are even younger in terms of age. It can be said that they are children who should be ignorant of everything, but now they are suddenly pregnant and have to fall into the This pair of fields.

"Anyone who thinks about it will feel uncomfortable..."

Sister Wang looked at her and asked, "What's the matter with you, why did you suddenly stop and stand there in a daze."

"It's nothing, it's just...these people..."

Xiaoye turned her head and looked at the weed-like people in the countless glass jars around her. The complexity in her heart became more and more intense, brewing and brewing... Finally, she finally said the words that had been kept in her heart.

"So many living little girls are treated like livestock in a slaughterhouse by us, and they are played at will, cutting off their lives one after another...

"Such behavior, can these things we are doing now be called correct?"

Sister Wang said decisively: "Of course we are doing the right thing. This is the final answer after countless discussions. You don't have to fall into the entanglement of cheap empathy."

But Xiaoye still couldn't convince herself, "No matter how you say it, such a trample on life..."

Sister Wang put down her work and said to her seriously: "If you can board the ship as a researcher, then you should understand that the value of some things is not represented by good and evil.

"It should be understood that for the great experimental discovery of the future of the entire human race, some small sacrifices are totally worthwhile and necessary."

"These seemingly unacceptable behaviors of our time are compared with the real evil hidden in the seemingly beautiful real world outside.

"It seems to be the difference between the most shameful trampling and humiliation of human beings, including life and personality, the original evil that exists between the lines in the old books of ancient history, and the 996 that we are experiencing in this era.

"The latter is certainly not good, but it is already a great improvement compared to the former.

"It's not that we want to say that sin is trivial and insignificant, but that our current cruelty is to save future generations from the pain of the former."

"Even if you don't care about these high-level grand narratives, from another perspective, these guys..."

She pointed to the sleeping pregnant women in the glass jars, "Even if we don't interfere with their fate, what will happen to these guys?"

"It's not that we haven't investigated these sources of goods, what can we do for a bunch of garbage that was eliminated in the initial competition in society?
"Either after compulsory education, use your cheap chastity to find a cow/horse with a slightly higher social status, or enter the business of selling your body, earn two years and then find another one to take over, in the end it's all Give birth to a calf and a horse that seem to be different from themselves but are indistinguishable from each other.

"The most is to have some kind of revenge on society that no one will care about, to lie flat and ignore everything, to be forgotten by the whole society, and to be cleared in the end.

"No matter what the choice is, they are pure consumables for social progress and development, and they can only prove the background board for the normal existence of other people.

"It can be said that it doesn't make any sense."

"In my opinion, instead of living like that, it is better to join our experiment as fuel, to really ignite yourself and illuminate the whole world, even for a moment.

"This is not only a contribution to social development, but also a taste of what it feels like to become the most special group of monks in the world from the original real bottom during the experiment."

Seeing that Sister Wang's words of standing at attention were taken for granted, Xiaoye felt a little discomfort and fear.

She opened her mouth, wanting to refute.

But because of Sister Wang's majesty and a trace of inexplicable approval from the heart, the words came to his lips, but he swallowed them again.

He just nodded his head pretending to agree, and then opened his mouth to change the subject.

"Well... I just mentioned monks. I know that the specific experimental design of our laboratory is based on the spiritual transformation technology of monks.

"The specifics are what we do. Through the stimulation changes of different extreme emotions, we will ripen the experimental subjects before they can complete their spiritual transformation.

"Why do we have to design such a special spirit AI transformation technology that can't be called very good regardless of the success rate or all aspects, to transform the experimental subjects?"

"I remember that monks, a group with special advantages in today's society, have existed for a long time, and the related technologies are very mature, and some technologies have even formed their own systems.

"Why not choose those mature technologies?"

Sister Wang said: "The reason for not choosing is also the doubts that you can't understand, because those mature technologies are too mature, and the most perfect technology of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism has even developed a Very well established system.

"Only from a technical point of view it is naturally good.

"But the purpose of our experiment is the most primitive monk, without any characteristics, no matter good or bad, just the purest monk.

"Because only such an existence without any traces can give birth to a real holy baby."

"Although you have just boarded the ship, you should also know that the ultimate goal of our laboratory is not to target pregnant women as adults, but to target the fetuses that are still pregnant in their stomachs."

Kobayashi nodded, and then a little puzzled expression appeared on his face, "I've heard of it, but because of the principle of technical confidentiality, I don't know the relevant principles, so it's a bit hard to understand.

"I remember that the monk's relevant information said that the most basic principle of spiritual transformation is to reshape the self through obsession.

"I really can't figure out how this can be related to the fetus?
"What self does the fetus have?"

Sister Wang shook her head and said: "The obsession with the monk relationship is just to anchor a point of 'self', a bridge to graft humans and artificial intelligence.

"After people become artificial intelligence, they still have an inertial self-transmission connection like the ship of Theseus with their original self.

"It's not that without this thing, there is no way to become artificial intelligence.

"Otherwise, what are those real artificial intelligences?
"Essentially speaking, spiritual transformation is the transformation of the soul by the light of the heart.

"As long as there is the light of the soul, there is the possibility and foundation to become a monk."

(End of this chapter)

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