Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 568 Civilization

Chapter 568 Civilization

"Early humans left the African continent, went to various suitable living areas, and multiplied.

"However, due to geographical isolation, humans of the same species were isolated into ethnic groups with different skin colors, and due to the development of time, different cultures and civilizations were born.

"Then with the development of early human civilization, they gradually expanded their living range, and the originally isolated people came into contact with each other again.

"And then there is war because of the possessiveness of creatures for territory, and there is also communication because of the trade that arises from demand.

"Communication makes a difference.

"As a result, the stable state formed by each is broken, and new chemical reactions are produced, so that science can be born with a skeptical mind.

"This is also one of the reasons why Eastern civilization has not become the birthplace and breeder of modern science.

"The special landform makes the social ecology in that area too stable, and there are no different objects to communicate with around. It brings about changes. The only thing is hardness, and it is still difficult."

"The problem we have now is that the space has been greatly shortened due to the development of modern technology, and at the same time, the original sky has become a smooth road, and the human beings who were originally isolated by nature have once again merged into one.

"Never mind which individuals are discriminating against and attacking each other because of their skin color, race, or region, or for one reason or another.

"Whether they or anyone admits it or not, from a civilized point of view, from a real point of view, all of us, black, white, yellow, red, Asian, European, African, all human beings have been Modern civilization merged into one.

"Even earlier, more than 100 years ago, when globalization was first completed, we couldn't find another different person."

The master suddenly paused as he spoke...

"Hmm... There seemed to be some back then. At that time, we used to protect different civilizations and customs and respect different living habits as an excuse.

"And some primitive tribes that have not been integrated into modern civilization for various reasons are protected in nature like precious animals.

"For the modern senior people living in civilization to rest after busy work, it brings some strange experiences and experiences, as well as self-touching.

"At the same time, it brings some samples of primitive social observation experiments for some humanities research."

"But now even these rare animal samples are gone."

"Whether it's the Brahmins in District 1, the civilian area in District 3, or the sinful place in District 51, or the place of armed war in Africa...

"No matter how different the external environment is.

"In terms of specific habits, logical thinking, scientific knowledge learned, appreciation and cognition of beauty, music, fashion...these most basic cognitions are all the same.

"There may be a difference in height and length, but there is no difference in essence.

"It's as if some people run 10 meters and others run 1 meter on the same track, but they are also on the same track.

"Too homogeneous will not produce any new changes."

"According to the normal development law, we need to expand our scope of activities again at this time, looking for new changes, civilizations that can bring new stimulation, fighting, communicating, advancing...

"Just like it did before.

"But also because we're unlucky enough to live in a barren corner of the universe.

"Belonging to the San people in the deserts of Southwest Africa, the Pegmies in the Congo rainforest in West Africa, the Papuans in Australia, the Andamans in the eastern islands of India, the Inuit in the North American Arctic, or the North Pole in Eurasia, which have been forgotten by the modern civilization of the universe. Uralic-speaking people…

"Is imprisoned in the primitive civilization zoo.

"Or it's just that the universe is too big, and civilizations are far apart.

"Although this vast and infinite space on the scale of astronomical units makes everything possible, we know that there must be aliens.

"But we also know that the universe is so vast that civilizations rarely meet."

"Whatever it is, what is certain is that we are in a deadlock."

"Countless people think about how to break the situation, and finally think, or part of them think, that instead of expecting a miracle, it is better to work hard on their own."

"Modern technological civilization is the result of the collision of human civilizations in several river basins in the petri dish of the earth.

"It is the final result of natural evolution, but it is not the only possibility.

"Whether it is the butterfly effect or the multiverse of parallel spaces, it tells us that sometimes a small change can bring different results.

"And this is true for life, for any force, and for any civilization.

"We are naturally in countless variations."

"If the Greeks hadn't started to think about logic thousands of years ago, would there have been any changes in the subject that ultimately shaped modern civilization?
"If the pharaoh dynasty in ancient Egypt has not collapsed, the pyramids are inserted in the four poles, and astronomical altars are built, can cyber sacrifices bring us in touch with alien gods, and can they go to the universe?
"If the ancient Indians didn't invent Arabic numerals, so they weren't spread to the world by the Arabs, and they used another kind of mathematical symbols, would it change mathematics?

"It's not that it affects 1+1=2, but it affects thinking, which leads to different imaginations and guesses about mathematics, and different formulas.

"For another example, in terms of engineering, if the earliest mechanical engineering was designed and built with mortise and tenon technology as the core, what results can be obtained now.

"Even when the earliest ancient humans came out of the African continent, something happened..."

"If we promote the possible results of such changes to reappear, although they are not as good as aliens, they are of the same origin, and can also bring new stimuli to modern civilization and carry out a new round of progress."

Master '23' looked at Xiaoye, the female researcher who was kept by Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren, with deep eyes, as if he had seen through some appearances.

But Xiaoye Wenyan, a newly promoted female researcher whom he was looking at, frowned and said, "But how should we do these specific things?"

"I want to give birth to different technological civilizations among the current human beings.

"The only possibility is to create conditions that can produce this kind of change through experiments.

"Just like the different branches of our civilization at the beginning, some people are isolated and cultivated and developed under natural conditions.

"But not to mention the probability of experiment failure, even if it is assumed that the experiment must be successful, how long will it take to finally get the result, and how long will it take to complete the evolution?
"Even if we figure out a way to speed up the process so that it can be done in a short amount of time, we still have to take into account our needs.

"With our current level of technological development, it doesn't mean that cultivating a primitive civilization can bring us changes and take off.

"At least there must be a level of communication that is indistinguishable from ours, so that positive stimulation and feedback can be carried out.

(End of this chapter)

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