Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 570, confrontation

Chapter 570, confrontation

Xiaoye nodded with some comprehension and excitement, and finally understood the fundamental goal and design ideas of the laboratory.

Also smiled and bowed with the master: "So that's the case, thank you for your guidance."

However, he saw that Master was still looking at him, as if waiting for a response, um... To be precise, he was not looking at him.

Instead, he looked deeply at the position of his left chest pocket, just staring at it, as if there was something in it.

She couldn't help being slightly taken aback, thinking wildly in her heart, could it be that the series of exchanges and interactions that Master 23 had with her before were not aimed at herself.

Subconsciously, I will refute this absurd idea in my heart.

But the next moment, there was a voice coming from the position in front of his chest.

"This is the source of the source quality data?"

Xiaoye froze in place in an instant, looking at the surrounding researchers and colleagues who cast surprised and puzzled eyes, eager to look down and search for what was going on.

But because Master 23 had already understood it and looked very serious, he didn't dare to move.

At this time, the voice on the body sounded again, with a little doubt in the tone: "I wonder when fellow daoist '23' discovered me?"

The Master smiled and said, "It's very early, as long as you just came in."

"It seems that all my prudence has become the behavior of a naked clown. It's ridiculous."

Following the sound, Xiaoye suddenly felt itchy in her chest, and saw a tiny robot the size of a beetle crawl out of her pocket.

It first grabbed onto the clothes with its mechanical legs, nodded in a very humane way towards itself, then flapped its wings, suspended in mid-air, and turned to look at the opposite Master.

Master looked at the miniature robot and shook his head: "It's not your problem, it's because I've been waiting for you for a long time, fellow Taoist should also find that I don't have a single monk on board."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren said, "I thought it was for keeping secret."

The Master said: "If it is a secret, why sell the software containing the secrets of the laboratory at a very low price to gangsters who are likely to expose the secrets?"

"The reason why there are no monks is that the experiment process is not complicated and does not require the participation of monks. More importantly, it prevents ordinary monks from interfering with the line of sight.

"And that's why those software are thrown out, in order to filter to the real target."

"Screening...original question chapters...reconstruction of original data and future deduction institute..."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren thought about it in his heart, nodded and said: "So that's the case, only the original questions can find the problem and find the place according to the problem, and there are no monks on the boat to confuse.

"Sure enough, I have been prepared to wait for a long time."

"I even guess that the outer layer of defense of this ship may be specially designed so that only the original question mark can pass through it easily."

Master 23 just smiled without answering, then looked at him and asked again: "After such an investigation, now you know the details of the experiment, what do you think?"

The tiny robot shook the tentacled worm head, "I don't think much of it."

The Master said: "This is a very great event, which can bring about innovations to the future of mankind, and you, a rare person who has achieved success in cultivating the original question chapter, can play a big role in it."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren said: "Great things, huge things,'s not civilization, it's human beings, or the's really great.

"You who are doing these things are also powerful people, great people.

"But I'm just a teacher. Even though I'm a monk, I'm still just a teacher. I can only look in front of my eyes."

As he spoke, he looked at the experimental subjects curled up in the glass ball, "I'm only here for these pregnant women, for these missing students, and to bring these people back safely."

The Master said: "If you want to take these people away, then take them away..."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren said: "In addition to these students, there are all the students who came here before, and I will take them away."

The Master's expression froze slightly, "Are you denying what I did? Are you denying the necessary sacrifices for these great experiments concerning the future?"


"Why? Out of pity?
"According to what you have to do, take them to the school that has no future, and teach them things that are useless.

"Is it good to send them to another dark furnace in the end, and then repeat this process over and over again?

"You should know that what we have done is certainly sinful and dark, but this behavior is for a brighter future.

"If your heart is really full of pity, you should approve of our actions.

"It's better to work together with us for the future, otherwise, it's just narrow self-impression and hypocrisy born of barren morality."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren shook his head and said: "As for the idea you put forward and the results obtained from this experiment, what usefulness may it have for the present or the future, I can't offer any opinions on such theoretical things that are left to be verified in reality.

"I just hate the act of sacrificing, and sacrificing other people.

"It's not that I fell into a narrow self-movement. This character is you. You can only see things in the distance, but you can't see the people in front of you. No matter how nice the words are, they have no power."

The master said coldly: "I bury my head in the sand and dare not face the real ostrich, and use my wings to stop the real warrior.

"I don't want to make progress, but I want to prevent others from making progress. It is because of you people that this world has become such a ghost."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren: "It's because of you."

The Master sighed and looked at him: "One day, you will understand that I am right, and take my spear and stand behind you."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren shook his head: "Maybe, but before that, I will make you pay the price."

"What do you want me to pay for? This meaningless determination and anger?"

The master pointed to the tiny bug-like robot in front of him.

next moment.

There was a loud bang, and the entire laboratory or the entire big ship where the laboratory was located suddenly shook violently.

It's like hitting a rock.

But at this time it was clearly in the ocean.

The researchers in the research room screamed and scattered towards the surroundings. Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren and his master who were facing each other seemed not to be affected by anything, but turned their heads with different expressions.

His eyes seemed to pass through many obstacles and looked outside.

(End of this chapter)

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