Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 587, see also

Chapter 587, see also

As we approached the destination, we could clearly feel that there were fewer vehicles and people in the original stream, as if this place was specially avoided when the road was designed.

Hebo Zhang Baoren turned his head to look at the lights and shadows in the distance, and felt the tranquility around him.

Continue to move forward, and when you reach the gate of the golf course, the only living creatures around you are the rare chirping of insects and birds, as well as the heavily armed omnic guards.

He Bo Zhang Baoren felt that many sensory detection devices were locked on him.

Then the door opens automatically...

Then He Bo Zhang Baoren stopped suddenly, and he frowned and thought for a while, as if he had thought of something, he immediately turned around and went back the same way.

After not walking far, I came to the nearest roadside store and bought something.

No matter what the reason is, whether you know each other or not, it is the basic etiquette to bring a gift when you are a guest. Of course... in the current situation, I am not too particular, so I bought two catties of fruit and carried them in plastic bags.

Then it came to the gate again and entered it.

Just at the beginning, there is a wide isolation belt composed of big trees. When you pass through it, your eyes will suddenly open up, and a flat lawn with a faint fragrance of soil will come into view.

At the same time, a figure can be seen holding a golf club and gently tapping a small ball on the grass.

Unsurprisingly, this was the goal.

As he approached, the appearance of the figure gradually became clear. This is a man, not tall, with handmade pants and a handmade white Tang suit, with handmade cloth shoes on his feet, and his expression has the charm of ET.

It was Zhang Baoren's old acquaintance, Teacher Feng.

"I didn't expect '88' to be this one."

He Bo Zhang Baoren was a little surprised, but thinking back to the previous competition for the lungs armed with God, it was not a surprise to meet him now.

But if it is this teacher, with his roots in the world for hundreds of years and his influence in every corner of the world, maybe he can really know something that others cannot know.

Can't help but look forward to what's next.

Thinking it's getting closer...

Teacher Feng hit the white ball with an eagle shot, turned his head and looked at He Bo Zhang Baoren with a smile, "I have been waiting for you for a long time..."

Looking at his hands again, "Here I come, and I also carry two catties of oranges."

As he spoke, he took it and put it aside.

Hebo Zhang Baoren said enthusiastically with a standard smile: "I didn't expect it to be you, Teacher Feng. I also said who can make an appointment here, who can know what ordinary people don't know..."

Teacher Feng waved his hand: "Some common names are really unnecessary."

After the greeting, He Bo Zhang Baoren asked straight to the point: "I don't know what happened to the news you said earlier, Mr. Feng."

Teacher Feng took out a golf club from the bag on the ground and handed it to He Bo Zhang Baoren, "Don't rush to talk about this, just play with me first."

He Bo Zhang Baoren reached out to take the club, but shook his head and refused, "I don't know anything about this kind of thing, so I can only apologize.

"Also, in terms of health, golf is not really a sport that is good for physical and mental development."

Teacher Feng looked at him as if he was looking at a certain young man: "It's just that your realm is not enough, and you haven't realized the true meaning of this sport.

"Only speaking about the body, for the exercise of the flesh and blood, this exercise is really not very useful, it is better to practice foreign martial arts twice.

"However, in terms of spirituality, it is very self-cultivating. Few sports can compare with it."

He pointed around, "What is this place you should know?"

"As the most expensive place in the entire 28th district, it can even be said to be one of the most expensive places in the entire world, it is not an exaggeration to say that the position is gold.

"In such an extremely luxurious place, to build such a large piece of natural grass, this feeling of trampling on precious things is so refreshing.

"Stepping on the grass, it seems that every step is stepping on the hearts of those who have worked so hard to buy a small piece of real estate folded in a high-rise building, and even can't buy it, it is so soft and buoyant, every step It's like stepping on a cloud.

"There is no other behavior in the world that is more self-cultivating than this."

Living in a rented house nearby, He Bo Zhang Baoren, who had just come all the way, could not feel the feeling of cultivating his mind at all.

Teacher Feng continued: "Do you know what is better?"

"What's even better is that no one can accuse me of this kind of behavior, saying that I am extravagant and wasteful, and I am the enemy of everyone. I should hang/street lights.

"Because this place does not actually exist for the luxury of a few people, but for urban greening, to create a beautiful city, and to bring a better environment for everyone.

"And this is not a private matter under the banner of greening. This place does not belong to the individual's private property, but to the common property of mankind, which belongs to the Federation and belongs to everyone.

"At least in name."

He Bo Zhang Baoren said: "What about the fact?"

Teacher Feng smiled, "In fact, there are a series of legitimate reasons supported by law, such as the confidential research on the ecological environment of the grassland, watering and pruning grass, mosquito and insect killing periods, fire drills, etc., supporting that this place will not Open to the outside world.

"However, in the spirit of no waste and artistic design, the grass must be transformed into a golf research exhibition hall."

"And I contracted the right to manage this place, although the essence is not owned by me, I just manage, just a hardworking and simple gardener.

"But I can manage all the time and be able to manage.

"Even the Federation will give me a management fee."

"Doesn't it feel weird?
"Take everything away, snatch it away, and distort the mind, so that he has to be grateful, and the gods and believers are nothing more than that.

"This is a truth that I only realized after a blow a long time ago.

"If you live, you will die, but if you die, you will live forever. It doesn't matter whether you die or not, the important thing is to live forever.

"It doesn't matter who owns it, what matters is who is in charge..."

He Bo Zhang Baoren said: "Are you implying something?"

Teacher Feng smiled and said, "You know what I mean."

He Bo Zhang Baoren shook his head: "I don't know, I can't even understand what you are talking about."

Teacher Feng stared at him seriously, and said: "Whether you know it or not, there is no room for you not to know it now.

"Didn't you come here this time just to ask where our money went, I can tell you that those people took it, you know those people.

"I have no evidence for this, but this is the greatest evidence in itself. In this world, only those people can make me unable to find out the truth, influence the way of heaven, and distort the basic rules.

"Of can choose not to believe it."

He Bo Zhang Baoren frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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