Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 593, advance payment

Chapter 593, advance payment

The woman cried bitterly, but the sound of begging for mercy could not bring any relief, it would only make the perpetrator more excited.

Punching and kicking, strength penetrated from the most delicate and fragile places, and the muscle distortion caused by the pain made her twist on the ground like an earthworm, dancing, but with a smile on her face, losing all face.

The little old man and the old lady were not beaten because of their poor physical ability due to their age, but were chased and teased by a man like a cat and a mouse.

While yelling and dodging in panic, the black man kept pressing the button on the personal terminal on his wrist, wanting to use the emergency alarm program set by the system to call for help.

Emergency services were connected and the call was automatically forwarded to the nearest police officer.

Then beep, beep... the bell rang on the person who was being violent.

He turned his head and looked over.


The black man yelled and wanted to run away, but someone chased him and pulled out his snow-white teeth bit by bit.


At this time, on the top of the Federal Bank building hundreds of meters above here, standing behind the floor-to-ceiling windows, Teacher Feng in a Tang suit and a decent He Bo Zhang Baoren looked down at the chaos downstairs.

He Bo Zhang Baoren frowned, "These guys are really unscrupulous. They even used this kind of direct violence, which was not in our original plan."

"So our luck is really good..."

Teacher Feng's voice with a little joy came from the side: "As originally planned, it will trigger a conflict with the pawnshop to build momentum. It's really true that the pawnshop is so shy and cunning. It won't bring much explosion.

"The sudden appearance of such a group of powerful, cruel, and lawless officials-like people has solved our worries at this time.

"This kind of conflict is like sleepy coming to give pillows, playing in the middle of his arms, creating momentum for us for free, and the result may be better than imagined.

"It seems that we really hit a sore foot this time, which made them anxious."

He Bo Zhang Baoren sighed: "It's just a pity that these people will suffer a great crime for nothing."

Teacher Feng said: "It can't be said that it is for nothing, the suffering at this time is all to accumulate strength for us.

"The more we suffer, the more painful we are, the more energy we store, the easier it will be for us to operate in the future, and the more likely we will get our money back.

"So everyone's hardship can't be said to be suffering, but to be said to be a blessing, a blessing, and suffering is a blessing..."

Hebo Zhang Baoren said with emotion: "You are worthy of it."

The chaos downstairs continued. Facing the black-clothed people who were far more powerful than themselves, the members of the Money Losers Alliance were deprived of their mobility without any struggle. They were thrown to the ground and endured the brutal beating Lessons.

People of different genders, ages and identities, dressed in different clothes, were lying on the same huge open space at the door of the pawnshop, lying on the ground unable to move, twitching all over in pain, but unable to yell out, they could only smile distortedly, His eyes were flushed blankly.

The person who barely managed to slow down murmured: I was wrong, I was wrong...

It wasn't until everyone agreed to admit their mistakes in this way that they were picked up one by one, brought back to the hundreds of armored vehicles, and taken away.

Hebo Zhang Baoren turned his head: "Currently, public opinion has been regulated on the Internet, all video information sent by information recorders around the instrument has been deleted, and related public opinion has also been suppressed.

"When will the counterattack begin?"

"Now." Teacher Feng said: "To be precise, we are not fighting back, but breaking through the obstruction of evil forces and exposing the truth."

After speaking, he turned and left the high-level VIP room on the top of the bank.

And at the same time, real and intuitive ruthless methods of the man in black, as well as the captured video clips of the chaotic scene appeared in various sections with more active traffic on the Internet.

"Shocked! Black and white impermanence is killing 1000 people in front of the bank!"

"The perpetrator's martial arts has surprises."

"It turned out to be the largest underworld organization."

"Is it killing chickens to warn monkeys, or is the devil in the world?"

"At this moment, I feel sad for human beings!"

Although in the past, the most popular official media did not make any movement on any hot issues, especially on events related to some celebrities.

However, as countless network individuals are attracted to gather, they forward, disseminate, and disperse this information toward their own circle of relationships and toward their own range of activities.

And the chain reaction continued like this, and public opinion began to ferment.

Countless people filled the official website to question and vent.

After the comment section was shut down, this anger was vented everywhere else.

He Bo Zhang Baoren found out by tracking this public opinion incident from beginning to end.

Some netizens who were disgusting before often had relatively irrational and irrational language and behaviors that made people doubt their age.

In the end, it still plays a more important role in such things.

These people who can't rationally consider the interests, the overall situation, the impact, and the true meaning of a thing are more effective than the rational people who like to meet when surfing the Internet and communicating with others.

Think about it, stop talking about those useless things, just rush and finish.

With this incident, there is a tendency to form a phenomenon-level discussion.

All of a sudden, all the discussions and hot search topics related to this disappeared overnight, as if they had never appeared before.

Most of them were cleared, and a small part was deliberately left to evade the important and confuse the public, but the hidden ones can only be found by hard searches.

Hebo Zhang Baoren contacted Teacher Feng.

Got the attention of a higher level of power, and asked for an answer to calm down as soon as possible.

He Bo Zhang Baoren: "Then what should we do with our demands? We are at the top of our game now. If we can't really win, all previous efforts may be wasted."

Teacher Feng: "The other side said that they will give an answer and solve it."

He Bo Zhang Baoren: "Really? I hope so, I hope I can get what I want."

Not long after that, the federal officials conveniently issued an announcement explaining the incident.

They first fabricated a fraud group "Duxie" who was proficient in hacking techniques, and then pushed everything on it, claiming that these guys did it with their own super hacking techniques.

It also implied through language that the victims were all rich people who were closely related to the current stock market crash and played a certain role in it.

And these people gave up some safer operation methods in order to maximize the pursuit of benefits and increase leverage. This is the ultimate reason.

Then he went on to add that he was extremely saddened by this continuous accident, and felt sorry for the person who encountered it.

In line with the attitude of being responsible for all federal citizens, we decided to rescue some victims of loss first...

(End of this chapter)

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