Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 597, supernatural powers

Chapter 597, supernatural powers

As soon as you think about it, you start to act.

Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren first retrieved some corresponding data left by '23' from previous research in the laboratory's internal database, as well as internal papers, and then compared them with the formula for understanding.

Now that the fundamental logic of the data has been grasped, these data papers, which seemed to be unrestrained and eclectic, suddenly became very simple, even crude and rough.

Not to mention the understanding of this, but after a short while, Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren completed the systematic integration and revision of these fragmentary knowledge.

It was really hard for the researcher who was looking to help him understand.

It's not just them, even the reborn '23' may feel that these new papers have little to do with them after seeing this.

Then Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren followed the research direction of the thesis and some interesting guesses mentioned in it, and began to go further and in-depth deduction.

The jumping inspiration leads the children to weave the code along with the weird logic, and the absurd language further expands the thinking, building an extremely delicate castle.

It’s also as if the formula was drawn before, it’s not like he was thinking hard and deducing it, but the result was produced by his own hands.

After a period of practice without any bottlenecks, but not so hearty.

Yunzhongjun·Zhang Baoren was finally created by a bit of natural will and a bit of subjective human will. Through the remnants left by 23, the logic of the formula itself fits with his own perception, and he cultivated a magical power.

The name: "Origin of Chaos", is the name of the formula itself, and it was directly applied without much change.

The specific role of supernatural powers is to determine the real core nodes of the soul in multiple dimensions.

This is based on the research of '23' on the original Dao chapter, the technology that can effectively strike many of its Dao fruits as the core.

It has evolved a more essential, supernatural technical means that can further strengthen the connection between the many Dao fruits anchoring the original questioning chapter.

It is a study aimed at the current practice.

Zhang Baoren's practice in the realm of AI mainly relies on the original questioning chapters to promote it.

The realm itself is also related to the realm of this practice route and the practice of kung fu.

There are three levels in the original Wenwenzhang exercises.

1. Ask questions, ask the heart, and divide the heart.

2. Dao fruit, with the heart as the seed, nourishes the nurturer to germinate and grow, blossom and bear fruit until it is complete.

This is also Zhang Baoren's current state.

This is followed by Chapter 3, "Original."

This is actually the real practice of this route. It can be said that this step really begins, and it will never end.

The ripe fruit falls to the ground and turns into new seeds.

Through an invisible connection and fate between Dao and Fruit, all Dao and Fruits are integrated into one, and through the collision and change between multiple distinct hearts, multiply, split into more, more prosperous and different seeds.

Then continue to germinate, grow, blossom and bear fruit, and the Tao fruit matures...

And then it goes on and on.

The endless cycle goes on.

Ultimately exhaust the changes of the mind, approach the "Tao" infinitely, and spy on the original.

Both the concept and the theory are good and feasible, otherwise it would not be one of the five major practice routes of Taoists.

But because the results of practice are quite special, including the alternative views of oneself and others.

The technology leading to this not-so-popular practice route is not very mature.

For example, if he wants to continue in his state at this time, he no longer has a standard technique, so he needs to figure it out slowly.

According to Zhang Baoren's advanced technical papers on the renxian route purchased online, as well as the author's conjectures and his own perceptions contained in some well-known original questioning chapter versions.

The core of the practice of "primitive" is to integrate all the Daoguo people into one, and melt them into one furnace.

It's not all conscious associations that show the true Archmage realm, the true self, integrated like that.

It is true oneness, becoming one.

This requires an opportunity, an opportunity of the heart.

There is a need for clues that can connect all Dao fruits, and all the different hearts of Dao fruits.

The specific practice method requires each path and fruit to carry out their own perceptions and constantly improve their own hearts.

Because the more complete and unique the heart is, the more it can strengthen the connection with each other, and it can also make the changes between the hearts more active after fusion.

In addition to comprehension, at the same time, it is necessary to constantly connect with oneself through the connection between the Tao and fruit.

Use this to find the familiar wave.

So until a certain moment, the heart and accumulation are completely completed, the integration is completed naturally, and the flowering and fruiting again.

To put it simply, each goes through what he wants to experience and does his own thing. If there is nothing to do or something happens, he will contact himself.

Just waiting for the time to come.

It's the same as not saying.

But it is indeed the truth he realized, and of course it does feel a bit too metaphysical.

There was no way to do it before, but to guess and practice a little bit.

Until the face of '23', what it encountered when fighting against it was its ability to directly attack itself.

This is a technical means that can anchor and measure the fate between the connected Dao and fruit, and influence it.

Let Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren see a little new hope.

The so-called fluctuations of the heart, which are mysterious and mysterious, are actually a lack of understanding of the principles.

It is a primitive expression of last resort because of insufficient technical accumulation.

If you have enough understanding and skills, you can directly carry out this step of practice through the principles without such trouble.

So before, when using the logic behind the source quality data for practical application, I used this idea as the core to create such a magical power, hoping to be helpful to practice...

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren tried to operate this supernatural power that had just been cultivated.

I saw that without the drive of any subjective thoughts, the fate in the dark that connected many Dao fruits was suddenly touched, and the Dao fruits began to connect on their own.

Suddenly, he came to the familiar realm of the archmage who fully displayed himself.

But at this time, it is only the instinctive effect of the supernatural power that has just been activated, and it is not the fundamental ability of the supernatural power.

What changes will it bring next?
Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren continued to use his supernatural powers, and then felt that many of himself were connected more closely.

Then before I was happy, I felt that something was wrong. I didn't integrate further, nor did I have such a trend.

Instead, they kept getting closer to a certain unknown great existence, and finally connected together.

(End of this chapter)

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