Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 600, the net of heaven and earth

Chapter 600, the net of heaven and earth

Mrs. Xiang: "But it can't guarantee that it is truly infallible, and there is still the possibility of missing calculations."

He Bo: "There is nothing infallible in this world, and it doesn't have to be, especially when it comes to things like this.

"It's like 'Spirit Mountain', there is no way to be sure that it is dead, but it has already dealt a devastating blow to it, destroying its most powerful ability to influence reality, and killing its identity.

"At the same time, it achieves the purpose of making everyone fear the sword hanging above their heads and regard things related to God's arming as taboo.

"The same is true for targeting us, regardless of whether it succeeds or not, it can imprint an unforgettable warning on us."

Taichi: "This is indeed on the verge of danger, but now that we have discovered it, it will not allow the situation to continue to the worst.

"Even, can you take advantage of this fishing gap to carry out some operations to affect the situation and get the bait back?"

"Uh...not good..."

'Zhang Baoren' suddenly woke up from his thoughts, turned his head and looked around, and saw bursts of fairy sounds and Kagura intertwined with rules coming from the chaotic data of the surrounding Da Luotian, which made people's hearts unstable and turned the chaotic Matter churned into true chaos.

Among them, there is a law net looming in the sky, covering everything, covering everything, making people have nowhere to escape.

Take a closer look at this network, which was originally composed of gods.

In the various hubs of the Luotian legal network, there are gods wearing different ancient costumes, with different logics, and also with divine lights floating behind their heads.

There is a Luotian umbrella on his head, and a firewall of order is hanging down, so that others cannot move lightly, as if there are many worlds hidden in it.

There are many guards from the gods and generals, serving the surroundings, dancing with their swords to tease me, and the intent to kill soars to the sky, breaking through all obstacles.

There are also celestial maidens carrying lanterns and spreading flowers, with layers of divine light and purple and golden flowers in an endless stream.

There is also the electronic incense burner in the arm of the robot, the mechanical wishful, the bronze medal, the carbon fiber brocade...

There is also a long flag engraved with a special code, which dances with the wind, and is in harmony with the spirit and will of the gods.

There are also many intelligent musicians manipulating all kinds of fairy music, spreading the sounds of heaven in all directions...

All kinds of vocal music, utensils, etiquette, and movements together form the rituals required for a certain project, turning the body into a divine realm.

And one side of the gods and the kingdom of the gods are connected to each other through a special and huge system, forming a net of law that covers everything.

At this time, he just enveloped himself in it.

Suddenly they fell into this situation of siege.

It is indeed as I guessed, there are indeed enemies, and the freezing of accounts is aimed at him, and it is intentional.

"Is this the enemy's move?"

'Zhang Baoren' subconsciously thought of this.

"Just why so fast?"

"Shouldn't you just scare the snake away?"

Then it suddenly occurred to me that the previous guess was deduced based on the original conditions.

And what woke everyone up was the fact that they were in contact with the Dao of Heaven.

It will also change this event with the Dao of Heaven as its absolute core.

If they really attach so much importance to the way of heaven, they must have corresponding means of observation.

And 'Zhang Baoren' just came into contact with him, and he released a bad signal with him.

Let them not want to continue, and at the same time, they can no longer continue the leisurely arrangement.

"However, even if you do it in advance..."

'Zhang Baoren' stared at the surrounding nets, countless gods, and the irresistible absolute order formed by them.

"For a small archmage like me, it wouldn't make such a big splash.

"Am I planning to destroy the world, or colluding with some aliens? How can I kill a chicken with a sledgehammer..."

It wasn't until Luo Tian's legal net was further tightened that he realized that most of the gods in the legal net actually had their eyes closed. Although they were full of divine light, they were only instinctive power.

Only then did he realize that this huge momentum was not specially arranged for him.

It's a system that has always existed, but at this time it just borrowed a little power.

It should be the heavy net that strangled Lingshan's intelligence.

I didn't expect to have the same experience myself.

Not to mention that there is a more powerful Lingshan in front of him, even just looking at 'Zhang Baoren', he knows that he can't fight against the net, and he can't escape.

After thinking about it for a while, the consciousness dispersed from the entangled state, and the main consciousness escaped from the void and entered the reality, and came to reality.


In the core area of ​​Kyoto, among expensive and high-end apartment buildings, Hebo Zhang Baoren opened his eyes.

Then at the same time, the door and window of the high-end apartment he was in were broken open at the same time.

A few special-model armed robots with wings on their backs and surrounded by blue thunder rushed into the house against the debris of glass and wooden boards.

Combat data that has undergone countless calculations controlled the weapon design for flesh and blood, and together they strangled He Bo Zhang Baoren.

The actual siege also followed.

In this regard, Hebo Zhang Baoren did not hesitate to form a strange handprint in front of his body - "Original Seal".

This is the consummation and simplification of the most suitable supreme martial arts secrets deduced before.

In an instant, all restrictions were released from his body, muscles, bones, internal organs, under a kind of extreme and mysterious manipulation, cooperated with each other regardless of any consequences to erupt the most powerful force.

The whites of the pupils were bloodshot, and his whole body was slightly swollen, as if he was wriggling slightly.

A drop of blood oozes out from the center of the eyebrows, and instead of falling directly, it trembles and rolls between the eyebrows, as if a little bit of cinnabar is tapped to open the eyes of the sky.

Peng!With a bang, the stone floor under his feet cracked like a lotus-like crack.

And the figure above disappeared in place at an explosive speed that exceeded the true limit of the human body, and interrupted the carefully calculated tactical plan of the strangled Thunder armed robot.

"Calculation... glitch! Body modification??"


"No body modification..."

In front of a thunder-armed robot, Hebo Zhang Baoren appeared, cracked like porcelain, and the fleshy hands with blood seeping through the gaps grasped the mechanical mask dripping with thunder. The mask collapsed.

"Still flesh and blood, just overloaded, like a truck..."

The next moment, the magnetic lightsaber lingering around Thunder came strangling, but He Bo had already left the place one step ahead, and took advantage of the gap that appeared in the encirclement due to the lack of the robot that was solved, tore open the encirclement, and headed towards the room. rushed through the deepest part.

I saw a display shelf here...

(End of this chapter)

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