Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 603, temporary conclusion

Chapter 603, temporary conclusion

With a swipe of Yunzhongjun's sword, Huigen broke through the air and moved towards the 'SSS' like a frightened bird.

The eight mechanical scalpers screamed one after another, shook their heads, and spit out a black magnetic field tuning ball one after another.

The powerful magnetic field takes the globe-like magnetic ball as the core and twists it. Eight different magnetic balls and magnetic fields combine together to form an incalculable magnetic field trap that wraps around the carriage.

The flying sword cut into it, could not help being disturbed, and began to fly around without track.

But I don't know whether it was an accident or a coincidence, because of the pull and repulsion of different magnetic fields, Fei Jian jumped through the magnetic field and headed towards the carriage...

"Heaven and earth are born with me, all things are one with me..."

At this moment, an electronic sound with erratic echoes and layer upon layer sounded in the carriage. It seemed to be the sound of sacrifices from the past. The special psychological hint made people seem to see generations of ancient ancestors. The scene of offering sacrifices to heaven and earth.

The carriage in front of him became an altar, and the operation of a special intelligent program became a ceremony.

In an instant, Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren felt a certain great existence, a great will, suddenly approaching reality, with the carriage as the core.

This will gives people the feeling that it is somewhat similar to the "Day of Heaven" that I came into contact with not long ago, but it is not very clear through a layer of hazy things.

God's will is connected with a certain existence in the carriage.

Then the will that became extremely vast and powerful began to be used in a complicated way.

The world began to become abnormal.

Dashes of golden sunlight shone like arrows, piercing through the thick dark clouds, and a round of warm and dazzling sun emerged from them. The dark clouds were completely torn apart, and the whole world was illuminated transparently and brightly.

Suddenly, there was a fragrance and sourness of vegetation and soil in the salty and astringent breath.

A small grass grew on the deck under his feet, and then it continued to spread towards the surroundings, covering the entire ship, and then spread into the water.

In the blink of an eye, the boundless sea turned into a boundless picturesque meadow.

Immediately afterwards, there was another bud pushing up the soil, and the branches were growing rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the branches were already intertwined like a horned dragon, and the tender green leaves were full, and then there were clusters of pink peach blossoms, followed by countless The peach trees form a peach garden with no end in sight.

A gust of wind blows, and the petals in the sky are like rain, stretching in mid-air, filled with fragrance...

The ends of the earth suddenly became a paradise.

Without waiting to be intoxicated, a shocking murderous intent suddenly fell from the sky, destroying this peaceful and natural scene, and thousands of trees and peach blossoms withered one after another.

Looking up, I saw all the virtual gods in the sky appearing in the sky and laying a net, full of murderous aura.

I don't know if they projected into reality, or they fell into illusion. I don't know when reality and illusion blend together, and it is difficult to distinguish each other.

It only ended up with all kinds of supernatural powers, the catastrophe rolled down, and the whole Xanadu was destroyed together.


On the other side, on the outskirts of Kyoto, on the 44th floor of the Future International Building, food court No. 0003.

In the spacious indoor space filled with rich food seasoning and pyrotechnic atmosphere, there are endless bustle and bustle. Some people are still picking and making up their minds, some people are already eating, and some people are wiping their mouths after eating...

Between coming and going, in an inconspicuous Indian-style shop, Da Si Ming, who was sitting in front of the stove and seemed to be dozing off, suddenly opened his eyes.

At the same time, the din of people outside suddenly stopped.

Da Si Ming turned his head to look, and saw the figures who were still alive, but suddenly froze in place.

If it weren't for the steaming food, the firelight jumping in the stove, and the breath that still exists, it would really seem that time has been frozen.

Immediately afterwards, all the people stood up very mechanically as if being controlled, and walked outside in a dull but orderly manner.

Not only customers who eat, but also chefs with knives and shovels, and cleaning robots responsible for cleaning.

Soon the entire food city became empty, except for Da Si Ming...

Da Siming said: "The practical application of group psychological distortion, the results that can only be obtained by the ultimate study of psychology, only the people of the Buddhist Group and some illegal organizations have such technology.

"But to use it so unobtrusively, you must have a Zen mind that is free from greed, anger, and ignorance, free from all attachments, and empty of everything.

"I wonder which great Bodhisattva it is?"

"Namo Tulingshou Buddha, Liaokong has seen a layman."

With the sound of the Buddha's horn, a headless monk in a black carbon fiber cassock came from the door.

The head was not lost, and the neck was smooth and level, without any trace of later creation.

It is born without a head, and there is no trouble arising from it.

The surface of the cassock on his body is printed with weird and absurd runes that can make people turn a blind eye, and suddenly make people distort and indulge in it.

Walking step by step, every step seems to disappear in the empty space, and it seems to be born out of thin air.

It seemed neither fast nor slow, but in fact, he suddenly came to Da Si Ming, clasped his hands together, and said compassionately: "Please ask the benefactor to die..."

"Hmph...Master Liao Kong, I remember."

Chief Commander Zhang Baoren clasped his hands and slammed them hard on the top of his head and forehead.

With a loud bang, the skull collapsed downwards, blood oozed out of the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose, and electric sparks flashed in the skull along with the blue smoke.

And the whole body knelt down on the ground without any strength, completely paralyzed.

"Blessed... Blessed..."

The headless Master Liao Kong sat cross-legged on the ground, took out his economics, and recited the electronic mantra of rebirth...




at the same time.

A traditional style tea room in the 28th arrondissement.

a table.

A man and a woman were kneeling on both sides, facing each other. The man was dressed in a suit, with a thin figure and a somewhat feminine expression.

The woman's figure is graceful, tightly outlined by the dress, heroic and charming.

There is some resemblance between the eyebrows of the two, and it is more like a kind of despair and dead silence contained in it, as if looking in a mirror.

Mrs. Xiang: "They're all dead. It's a good way to clear everything in the blink of an eye."

Mr. Xiang: "Taoism, Buddhism, federal officials, and some monsters, ghosts, and snake gods, all kinds of forces, who have nothing to do with each other, and even those who had business conflicts in the past, were tit-for-tat with each other, and now they all reached the same tacit understanding.

"Why? In terms of the current value and importance of the root cause of this matter, 'Day of Heaven', it is not worth such a big fight.

"It's not that the 'Day of Heaven' is unimportant. As a human being who controls all the city's public intelligence, financial rules, and personal identity information... the Dao fruit of human beings deeply involved in the operation of society, the 'Dao of Heaven' cannot be overemphasized.

"But it won't be so united and valued by these guys who are full of their own calculations and don't have many moral integrity."

(End of this chapter)

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