Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 613, Referral

Chapter 613, Referral

"It's like Lingshan back then.

"Simply put, the enemy of an enemy is a friend."

Mrs. Xiang: "In this case, let's try this way of thinking.

"How to get in touch with Mr. Ma, like Miss Suzi, through the reverse operation of heavenly secrets, to perform broadcast-style praying and worshiping Buddha?"

Mr. Xiang: "Ahem...Although Mr. Ma claims to be free of speech, we are asking for something at this moment. We should not be so rude when facing a partner who has the initiative.

"For such a formal matter, it is best to introduce it through acquaintances."

Mrs. Xiang: "Recommended by an acquaintance? When did we meet? How can we have such an acquaintance?"

Mr. Xiang: "Why not, Martial Saint · Leverage Master · Runner · Feng Qingyang · Teacher Feng.

"Whether Mr. Feng is the same ancient god, or the position we have seen in our personal communication before, or what we learned from the relevant research laboratory of God's Armed Forces earlier, the affiliation of the Lantern Buddha proves that They are together."

Mrs. Xiang: "When this man ran away early in the previous incident, He Bo had completely cut off contact with him."

Xiang Jun: "Our relationship with this teacher is more than that, don't forget the laboratory.

"The Bird's Nest laboratory base that the laboratory has now returned to is his real estate, and the partner that 'R' is working with is Mr. Feng, an old acquaintance.

"With our current state of taking over the laboratory, we can directly contact this face-to-face."

Mrs. Xiang sighed: "I said how did we get to this point, and after a long time, we finally stood with these guys. Are we really good people? I doubt it."

Mr. Xiang: "If they are not standing together, they are the same people. Those who are swept into the garbage dump by the gods and Buddhas all over the sky are called monsters. Pigs, deer, cows, horses, dragons, phoenixes, and kunpeng may exist.

"In addition, thinking about it, these guys are not qualified to have the same position as anyone. If we wanted to stand together more than 100 years ago, we would not even be able to stand together, and we would not even dare to think about it.

"This is the blessing we have cultivated for 100 years."

Mrs. Xiang: "Hurry up and get in touch."

After the matter was settled in this way, Mr. Xiang sent an e-mail to the boss in a standard procedure through the already controlled laboratory system.

【Teacher Feng, are you there? 】

Recipient: 88 Boss.

Sender: [email protected]
[email protected]: [Suddenly seeing you using Dongjun's mailbox still makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

At this time, how is your talk with Miss Suzi going?For your request to adjust the personnel strategy of the laboratory, I fully approve it without any discount.

But correspondingly, you have to make your own commitment to bring new vitality and value to the laboratory.

Ms. Suzi is one of the few people who I believe can do this. Without her, no matter how we change, it will be difficult to succeed. 】

[email protected]: [Teacher Feng, I am not 'R', I am 'Hebo'...]


[email protected]:【He Bo, original questioning chapter... You monsters and perverts are really annoying, but since you survived the punishment of God by chance, you dare to come out without looking for a place to hide? "

[email protected]: [It is precisely because I survived by chance that I want to settle the matter.

You also know my situation, if you don’t understand the matter thoroughly, you will not be able to live comfortably in the future, but how can you clarify the matter?

And I didn't have any kindred spirits with the Buddha in the past, so I can only rely on your help to introduce me. 】

[email protected]: [This... hey... I really don't have the fruit status of the Buddha, but there is nothing missing in making a wish with the Buddha's incense.

It’s fine if it’s someone else. Since the previous discussion was pretty good, I’ll help you ask a question.

Also, since it's you, let's contact directly instead of email. I don't really trust the safety of this product. 】

[email protected]: [Okay. 】

after awhile…

88: "You're lucky. The Dimden Buddha heard about your case and expressed his interest and willingness to help. He happened to be in the 28th district at this time, so he wanted to invite you to discuss it in person."

Why do these ancient gods like to meet in person in reality? Is it because the subconscious wants to use all means to prove that they are still alive?
Xiang Jun thought about it and said, "Is the Dimden Buddha in the 28th district? When did he come? Such a coincidence?"

88: "A little bit of an accident occurred in the experimental plan for the reconstruction of the six pure kendos set by the World Honored One, presided over by the Qinglong Temple, so I came to help make the town."

6 clean kendo reconstruction plan?

Mr. Xiang remembered the time when he divided up the real body of God in Lingshan in the ruins of Chegang.

The "Robust Master" disguised as "Tai Yi" used the semi-finished product of this project.

Then he was hit by the Confucian and Taoist supernatural power "Red Earth" used by Jobs, and fell into the world of mortals and lost himself.

This is a direct blow to the logic at the lowest level of AI. As a non-primitive monk, the 'robust master' does not have many Dao fruits, so this move naturally represents a complete death.

And without such a rare kendo genius in Buddhism, who is considered a key figure, there must be some problems in the Liugen Qingjing kendo project.

But that shouldn't be much of a problem.

And there is a problem, what is the burning lamp Buddha doing here?
I was puzzled in my heart.

It suddenly occurred to me that the reason why Master Lu Bang had an accident was to cooperate with Teacher Wu Shengfeng and others in their plan to obtain lungs, and Teacher Feng and Teacher Ma were obviously the same way, which may be involved.

Of course, it is more likely that these are just a reason, and the real reason is that this feast caused by the wo foundation, Mr. Randeng Gufo Ma will also come to share a piece of the pie in person, and needs to personally manage it.

Then I agreed with Mr. Feng on the address.

Mr. Xiang directly fiddled with the secrets of the sky, and went to...

Eastern Kyoto.

Between the black skyscrapers that look like mountains and some kind of monsters, there is a lake that is as calm as a mirror.

The area of ​​the lake is as big as several football fields. The lake is dark and deep, and the bottom cannot be seen at a glance, as if it is connected to hell.

On the surrounding skyscrapers in the shape of ancient monuments that seem to go straight into the sky, the ancient seals are outlined in brilliant neon lights.

Going down this cold pool, you will find that you seem to have entered a huge well, which is bottomless.

Continue to go down, I don't know how deep I have dived, the psychological pressure of the heavy river water is about to reach the edge of losing control.

The next moment, the space suddenly brightened. is a word
(End of this chapter)

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