Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 628, Investigation

Chapter 628, Investigation

"But there's another question, if the target is a bite, then why are we kept in the dark and don't know anything?
"If you say this is to hide Suzi, why was it discovered by Lingshan?"

Wang Lingdao: "This may be related to Lingshan's identity, Lingshan is different from ordinary people.

"It is the core organ god of one of the five major systems of God's armed forces, one of the five emperors.

"It's normal to feel something about the central deity 'Quan Xi', which is closely related to me and was originally the more important core of God's armed system. After all, it can be said to be an original part of it."

Mrs. Xiang shook her head: "But a clue may be a line of code, how can it be sensed..."

Wang Lingdao: "What if it's not a clue, but 'Quan Xi' itself?"

Mrs. Xiang said: "This is even more impossible. I have had very essential contact with several core God's armed forces. Among them, the gods are indeed magical and powerful, but they are too conspicuous.

"As the core 'Quan Xi', even if it is different from others, it is impossible to be too different due to technical limitations, and it is impossible to hide it secretly.

"It's like an elephant can't fit in a pocket."

Wang Lingdao: "From Suzi's previous description of the 'Secret of Quan' that exists on Yellen's shadow, the 'Seal of Quan' is determined through the accumulation of a certain amount of source quality data.

"We can learn that the 'Quanxi' has a characteristic compared to other God's Armed Forces, which is purely woven with source quality data as the core.

"Is it possible to make it have the 'invisible' characteristic like the Dao of Heaven?"

Mrs. Xiang frowned and thought for a while: "With the mysterious unknown of source quality data, this possibility is not impossible.

"Besides that, I really can't think of any other more reasonable reasons.

"Of course, what's more important is that now that everything has passed and things have been destroyed, it really doesn't make sense to look into it carefully.

"The real problem at present is that if it is as we expected, things are acquired by Lingshan by accident, and what we really want to give is a bite.

"Then what is its cause and effect?"

Wang Ling glanced at the mouth that had stopped quietly at some point, and said: "This is really troublesome, just based on the current relationship between 'Quan Xi' and Yellen, if someone I know, I'm afraid it will be another punishment from God."

Mrs. Xiang asked, "One bite, do you have any memories of the past after recovery, do you have any impression of Yellen or related affairs?"

Shaking his head in a daze as before, he said, "It's still blank, I don't know anything."

Wang Ling said aside: "Don't engage in such metaphysics, the memory is lost, how can it be possible to remember without traces of the hard disk of the brain and cloud storage?

"It's just useless to recover?
"If you want to figure out what's going on, you have to look for it based on external clues."

"Although it has been a long time since the incident, because of the special circumstances, the traces will not disappear.

"Every move of Yellen's situation at that time was closely watched, everything was under observation, and all the causes and effects arising from it could not be concealed from the monitoring.

"Even if it has the ability to clone thousands of copies, it can theoretically hide from the monitoring of everyone and carry out some secret operations in other places.

"And at the same time, it has indeed done so. It secretly arranges it in a place where no one is aware of. This is where the connection is.

"But Yikou, on the other hand of cause and effect, is not an unknown person, not a product on the assembly line, nor is it an independent smart thing created casually, with a specific brand.

"This means that its R&D and manufacturing must be traceable."

"So if there is an intersection between the two, we will certainly be able to investigate it."

Mrs. Xiang nodded: "Based on the information of the fruit factory's research and development laboratory at that time, and the whereabouts of all the intelligent robots at the specific time Yellen existed, it can indeed anchor the cause and effect between the two.

"The question is how do you get that information?"

"As a century-old enterprise, the fruit factory does not have the absolute dominance it used to have, and some of them cannot keep up with the times, but this is more about the technological content, and the service is still very good.

"For example, in terms of information security, the protection of relevant user information is very strict, not to say that it is perfect, but compared to many friends and businesses, it has always existed beyond the times.

"It's not very friendly to people with bad intentions.

"This is also one of the selling points that it has been able to maintain so far without going bankrupt.

"I'm afraid it's not so easy to investigate their high-end user lists decades ago, as well as the reports of scientific researchers, even monks."

Wang Ling said: "Leave this to me."

Facing Mrs. Xiang's gaze, Wang Ling explained, "I have a good relationship with Miss Lei Yufeng of the 'Robbs' family, who is currently in charge of the fruit factory. no problem."

Mrs. Xiang said: "It also needs to be noted that with Mr. Yellen's powerful information advantage that surpassed the times, it is entirely possible to secretly distort the key internal data, making it impossible for people to find it."

Wang Ling smiled and said: "The reality has been deduced to the present point, the unknowable is also a trace, and the distortion is also obvious.

"In the end, there are only two possibilities.

"If Yellen does it herself, the fruit factory is not a small factory, and risking being discovered means that the relationship must be significant.

"If there is a problem with the fruit factory itself, active concealment can also explain the problem."

Mrs. Xiang nodded: "In that case, I'll leave it to you."

That's all.

Then the two sides couldn't help but fell silent.

It's just that before the silence brewed, he suddenly said: "I feel that the atmosphere is not right..."

Ding Ding replied: "If it's not as expected, this is about to talk about some formal and serious things..."

Puzzled: "Aren't the things I said before not formal enough?"

Ding Ding said: "It's official, but it doesn't touch the soul and bring about complex changes in the soul, so in some human logic, it doesn't seem so serious to some extent."

Nodding seriously: " that's the case, you know a lot."

Ding Ding: "This is the analysis of the "High Emotional Intelligence Logic Template" that Wang Ling bought for me some time ago. Through this logic, I have an extremely essential and clear view of human beings in the world."

Take a sip: "Really? It's really enviable..."

Ding Ding: "Don't be envious, what I say now, she will buy it for you later, this is a kind of compensatory psychology."

Take a sip: "Thank you..."

As the two robots spoke, the faces of the two people beside them became stiff unconsciously.

Wang Ling glanced at the two robots, "You two go play with me, don't even think about having any plug-ins, and don't even want the one you have."

The two robots flew away in a flash...

Then the two took advantage of the broken atmosphere.

Wang Ling said seriously to Mrs. Xiang in front of her, "That's all the troubles. They've been dealt with, and then there's your problem."

"The blow you received before made me very painful, and I was angry and calm thinking that I would definitely investigate and take action for this.

(End of this chapter)

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