Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 639, Trouble and the Sword

Chapter 639, Trouble and the Sword

"In my opinion, a better way to deal with it is to take it seriously than completely sealing it up and banning it as a taboo.

"Incorporate it into the normal social system and carry out standardized management.

"For example, giving the corresponding soul human rights.

"If someone creates a soul, the soul created by him will automatically regard it as a relative and enjoy its inheritance rights. The growth of the soul and the consumption of life integrated into the society must be deducted from the offender's property, or specially for this Tax fines."

Mrs. Xiang said: "Then what if the criminal is an unsupervised person like a monk? If the criminal uses the soul as a material, there are still some ethical and moral issues.

"It's not that simple."

Qingzhu said: "As for the first article, this is exactly what we have to do, if it is the true heart of heaven, even monks will be shrouded in it.

"As for the problem of abuse, this is unsolvable, even if it is completely banned, it will still exist, and it will even become more out of control.

"There is no need to talk about morality..."

Mrs. Xiang shook her head: "Okay, let's not talk about these useless things, we haven't written a word yet, let's save the long-term things for the future."

"That's right, let's talk about the results of the experiment..."

Speaking of this, Qingzhu threw the processed Chechen-style bearded soul puppet in his hand, like materials, towards the big ball of meat.

The big meatballs are collected as ordered, swallowing and wrapping them like a liquid.

According to Mrs. Xiang's observation, after undergoing the same transformation as the aura material, the puppet became life-sized and soaked in the muddy water in the cavity.

There is also one of the flesh and blood pipes on the inner wall of the cavity, which is flexibly connected to its stomach like a snake.

And controlled it could not help curling up.

Then I saw the puppet's body beating slightly, and this frequency gradually overlapped with the frequency of the wriggling of the big meat ball.

Until a certain moment, an inconspicuous but heart-palpiating moment, the puppet's mouth gradually secreted some data that had fluctuations similar to the soul, without any logic or subjective information.

These data are combined with the muddy water-like basic data particles in the cavity, gradually brewing a special kind of data.

It is similar to the light of the mind, but it is pure light of the mind without any "I"—the source quality, which is formed when the fetal soul is conceived in reality, and has the same fluctuation.

Not long after that, it was the same as what was recorded in the experiment record of '23' seen before.

Those special source qualities are mixed together and turned into a beam of pure colorless light, which is pure soul data.

Immediately afterwards, the light gradually transformed into a genderless human baby.

At the same time, it can be clearly seen that the baby's eyes are not at all immature like a normal baby.

It is very mature, or in other words, vast and inclusive, as if it contains everything in this world, full of divinity, as if it is related to an unknown and great existence.

"This is the Holy Child..."

"Our experiment was successful, and a standard human common soul was really created."

Mrs. Xiang didn't know whether she should be happy or sad, but no matter how complicated it was, the reality shouldn't be for her to struggle slowly.

There is still trouble to be dealt with - the destruction of this holy baby.

This is the step of '23' designing the experiment at the beginning. I don't know why. It is to prevent the Holy Infant from going out of control in the state that seems to be related to the way of heaven.Or is it to prevent being discovered because of this?
Although it is not clear for the time being, it is like the seemingly useless steps in the operation of many construction machinery. In order not to make mistakes, it is better not to make random deletions, but to follow suit.

In the experiment of '23', this step is to solve and eliminate it through the strong connection between the mother and the Holy Child, but the factory at this time obviously does not have such a convenient means.

Can only rely on human assistance.

Mrs. Xiang suddenly came to the cavity, in front of the Holy Infant, looking at this strange baby, her delicate hands gently landed on its abdomen.

"Supernatural power: origin of chaos..."

Thoughts are running fast, calculating the soul core of the target's multiple dimensions through a logical system composed of a complex and weird formula.

For the core data that exists, the most fundamental destruction is carried out.

There was a loud bang from the depths of the soul.

The Holy Infant fell, exploded, and the wreckage scattered.

Mrs. Xiang gathered it in her hand, and she could clearly feel that there were uncoordinated and familiar fluctuations hidden in it without careful consideration.

Then he couldn't help but turned his head to look at Qingzhu, who was looking forward to the outside of the factory, and nodded with a smile, "I think we can already consider how to install an automatic processing module for the Holy Infant in the factory."

"Good... good..."

Qingzhu laughed, but the next moment her throat seemed to be pinched, the smile stopped abruptly, and she looked around vigilantly.

At the same time, Mrs. Xiang also appeared beside him, and she was equally vigilant.

In the perception of the two.

In the surrounding chaos of unknown depths, a looming, invisible, but palpable net that snares everything quietly emerges.

All of a sudden, I seemed to see the trembling eyes of the gods in ancient costumes, as if they were about to wake up from their deep sleep... Shenguang Kagura began to flow.

"This is the instinctive reaction that triggered the net..."

"Why? Where is it exposed? Why is there such a change? We are just doing such an experiment at the moment, and the steps are careful enough. How did it become like this..."

I really can't figure it out, and I don't have time to think about it carefully. The important thing now is how to face it.

Zhang Baoren was not very worried about his own safety, because the other Dao fruits did not suffer any abnormalities at this time.

And the last experience at the cost of his life also told him that the heaven and earth network cannot be connected to other Dao fruits through himself, so at most, he would die once and complete the cutting.

The key is Qingzhu, this guy is an earth fairy, he only lives once, if he dies, he will really die...

There is also this factory that has taken so much thought, and what is contained in it, the experiments and behaviors of myself and others must be exposed...

"How to do?"

"do not know."

"I can try to see if I can send you out, but the factory has nothing to do."

"The factory is much more important than me..."

"no way."

When they were communicating with each other, the two of them suddenly felt a strange infection in their hearts that meant 'Zheng/Feng Rui/Chilling'.

But in the surroundings, in the real Da Luotian, there is no trace of transmission.

It seemed that the sound of the sword's cry sounded directly in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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