Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 642, Formal

Chapter 642, Formal

Then, to my surprise, I achieved very good results shortly after I entered this field.

This accident does not refer to the result of getting good grades, but the specific process and reasons that lead to this result.

Shao Siming did not use his authority in the company to give himself more recommendations.

Nor did they use "How to crack the human mind", "100 different fluctuations of the spirit, and the corresponding gesture stimulation methods", "The change between the voice and the soul"... these illegal technical means of dimensionality reduction to increase their competitiveness .

The vocal music, performance, and arrangement that I just downloaded and learned... These skills are naturally not the main reason for attracting attention in today's live broadcast industry.

Her redness is entirely due to a certain temperament of her own, the kind that emerges from the mud without being stained...more precisely, it gives people the feeling of hazy white moonlight rising in the most sinful land.

And because of this special temperament and the community where the marginalized people gather in the live broadcast room, it has formed a certain resonance with this place full of filth and filth.

Just like that, it turned into the moonlight in everyone's hearts.

And then, the nature of a monk made her not quickly lose this specialness, returning it to the cliché and ordinary, and ended up like most people who were hit by luck, desperately trying to catch it but couldn't catch it The ending of Jing Zhongyue's flower in the mirror.

On the contrary, because it is really extraordinary and free from vulgarity, and it really doesn't care, it has been strengthened and further captured people's hearts.

Then because of the cold love for the singing career from the heart, and the extraordinary diligence brought about by getting rid of the strong body, the coldness was maintained.

And attracted fewer fans.

It took a short time for a set of combinations to become a smash hit—in the mainstream world.

Next, what Duo Siming originally prepared for himself was used as a means of career competition.

Based on my own self-cultivation as a little mage, who is surprisingly sensitive to the popular style of electronic folk music, the program software 'L Yin Rumeng', an arranger little master, has been created.

And ended up playing a smaller role under the better foundation of popularity at present, stabilized one's basic plate through real talents and professional skills, and even ended breaking the circle, releasing oneself towards a broader place influence.

be noticed by fewer people.

I even received inquiries from a few formal music companies, including the world's top singing and dancing entertainment companies such as Fomen Tiannan (TN) Entertainment Company and Mechatronics Liyuan Co., Ltd.

There is no doubt that Duo Siming certainly agreed to these contracts, which are definitely considered lucrative terms for the anchor Aici.

If you really want to mix in this circle, you will choose such a path.

However, Duo Si Ming, who had no intention of it before, was suddenly attacked on a small scale.

For example, through fabricated stories, spreading rumors about your past, and cooperating with countless people to testify your character to prove your character, and editing your live content screen, cutting off the beginning and the end, first showing a kind of stupid and Touching the mainstream taboo look...

Of course, it is the handwriting of these small companies.

It is because of the anger of being agreed, but for the competitor "Aici", there are only so few people in the world, and the attention audience is infinite. There are more audiences over there, and there must be fewer audiences over there, but over there If there are fewer audiences, there must be more here.

Hitting peers is the most important means of maintaining competitiveness.

Regardless of the reason, there is no doubt that Duo Siming fell into a storm of mental attacks made of good intentions, and the wind and rain were precarious.

The tangible kindness has a hole, but it seems to have no weight, but it pierces the bottom of my heart.

If a special person encounters those who have a small probability, they will be defeated, and they will be affected no matter what.

But Duo Siming has very weak concentration and endurance because of his transcendence, no matter how small the storm, no matter what kind of public opinion, he is still moving.

Coupled with the monk's extremely loving ability to process network information.

In the end, I survived the storm. I just passed that hurdle, and through training, I made fans more uncohesive, and won the support of many people, and my popularity went to a lower level...

It can be regarded as gaining a firm foothold outside that circle.

However, there is nothing to be happy about before.

Originally, this rubbish entertainment company, a live broadcast platform, attracted many anchors because of such a popular top brand and the traffic brought by the controversy. Later, the content brought viewers.

It's not even a little formal...

The company's AI management also made suggestions to standardize the reform of the company's current management and operating conditions.

Create a hostile community environment that meets the needs of users, promote the correct values ​​led by the Secretary-General of the Federation, and promote the positive development of the company.

That is to make rectification of today's wonderful and chaotic live broadcast environment, that is, to cut these filthy things in the future.

Zhang Baoren approved the proposal.

No matter what platform it is, if you want to be small, you must be formal and whitewashed in the public eye, just like all these small companies today.

Although the process of correcting a weak line is like breaking a bone and regrowing it, it must be very happy, but it is for a smaller and wider world.

It is corrected and corrected, and it can be completely cut across the board. The existence that has just grown out of the stinky ditch, if you really want to get rid of the weak and all illegal, you may lose your life.

Need to be flexible.

For example, small data is used to map the psychological regression of the audience of the website, and these users rely more on violence-related anchors and video degradation with relatively minor violations.

For regressive adjustments and consultations that depend on minor simultaneous edging.

It also creates its own cultural ecology of distorted interpretation of legal ethics within the website, such as putting a reprint, good information... and other similar warning labels on some live broadcast websites.

Of course, it is still compliant, but the moral interpretation defined by oneself can make these originally compliant videos appear in the community cleanly, and in disguise endow them with a certain legal right to exist. The purpose of whitewashing.

At the same time, it meets the subconsciousness of the right to speak that is urgently needed by the website user group, and weakens the user's adhesion.

It can be said to be a good way to kill with one stroke.

Before solving the illegal problem, it is necessary to make a new development plan for the new platform, otherwise everything after that will be regarded as martial arts at its own expense.

Because the platform is based on multi-tasking as the absolute core, whether it is from the fact that you alone represent a small part of the traffic on the platform, or the status of the platform as an unprecedented owner under the law, this is the case. There will be no conflict between the two before.

Therefore, the next development plan still needs to be adjusted backwards based on this.

(End of this chapter)

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