Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 647, leaving

Chapter 647, leaving

Because when she was picking up guests not long ago, she met the father of a classmate she used to know and like, a very gentle elder in her memory, but the real one seemed greasy.

This incident caused grandma's part-time job to be completely exposed among familiar people.

So I had a big fight with my parents.

Then it's business as usual and life goes on.

Without the hindrance of the school that has long been away, work is more convenient, and after everything has been laid out and clarified, it is also relieved.

Sometimes a real mother-daughter combination, a mother-daughter combination with an identity and household registration certificate, is even more competitive in the market. Of course, due to complaints from neighbors and peers and barriers in their hearts, such opportunities are not many...

Then, as time went by, the benefits of the reform began to emerge, and the country's economy developed rapidly. Compared with the previous decades, the world seemed to press the fast-forward button, or it was precisely because of those decades Accumulation finally ushered in the gushing.

High-rise buildings, busy traffic, flashing neon lights, various electronic products...

Those things that are familiar in cognition and represent the past are quickly eliminated and replaced because of backwardness, and become bigger, newer, faster, better, and everything becomes better.

Life is getting better for those who go with the times, and the people who serve them earn more.

Everything that had been lost in the family was refilled and even better than before, and everything was back to normal.

The past experience seemed to be a dream, a normal absurd and weird exaggerated nightmare, and now it is finally in the past.

And just this year.

Grandma's parents used gas... well, it is a mixed gas of hydrogen, methane, ethylene, and carbon monoxide, which is used as fuel for cooking. It has no toxicity, and they committed suicide through that poisonous gas.

Is it sad, it is indeed sad, but at the same time there is no feeling of relief.

Grandma lay with the dead body for a few days, but somehow she wanted to live a good life now.

I want to change to a new world, a world that no one knows, and live a good life.

So the parents' past life was arranged in a complicated way, and there was no funeral, just one person sent the two to the crematorium to be burned, the ashes were scattered back to HLJ, and they were buried at the bottom of the river.

She sold the house that she bought with great difficulty as her home, and she didn’t call anyone. Grandma just left District 1 and came to District 1, which is not far away.

They may find it a little funny listening to that now, running from District 1 to District 0...

As we all know, the current Area 0 can be said to be the smallest smuggling base in Area 1.

All the people in the world who long for the holy land of District 1 gather here, and even because of this, they have formed a broken smuggling industry chain, which has become a small pillar industry in District 0.

But at that time, your grandma did smuggle from District 1 to District 0 in the reverse direction, which is the same logic as it is now, because the economy in District 0 was relatively developed at the beginning, and people went to low places.

Hmm... Smuggling and prosperity are about the south.

Of course, in addition to the well-developed place, the reason why District 0 was chosen as the destination is that the medical and aesthetic industry there is also more professional.

It’s always better to make a complete change, otherwise, if things like this happen when you enter the school and are smashed, all the things that were reborn and rebuilt will be destroyed.

No matter how high the odds are, you can still take such a risk...

At that time, there was no trouble in going abroad, which was language and communication. At this time, whether Chinese was well-known all over the world and became a special language in the world.

Each region has its own language.

Although there is no official language of English, this is not something you can master in a big place and drop out of school.

So before you reach this familiar society, all survival is very dependent on fellow overseas Chinese.

That also planted the seeds of disaster, so that all the money under him, the money accumulated from the family's youthful work, the money from selling the house, and the money prepared for the operation were all cheated out.

If it was because the boy was rolling around in the wind and dust, he would not be vigilant, and if he ran away at a critical moment, his life might even be ruined.

Grandma once said that when she was a child, she lived undisguisedly in front of you as a child, which made you still hate deeply when you think about it now: fellow villagers are the worst people, and there are no more people like that Worse.

What I mean is that when you encounter something, you become ill-intentioned, and you do wrong things because you are blinded by your interests.

As long as I know that he came from the same place and that he is one of my own, then I will specially think about harming you.

In front of these locals, these people are obedient, obedient, and sensible, just like slaves, but when they harmed him, the methods were cruel and unimaginable.

He must be careful of his own people when he goes out.

You hate and fear when you say that.

You have searched for relevant records online based on the questions you mentioned, and found the covered up cruelty and coldness among these examples used to promote the beauty of the nation, these naked and primitive kindness, extortion, and organ trading , human body trading...

It really makes people shudder.

Of course, you have to explain first, which ethnicity or race you are targeting alone, so as to prove your inferiority.

In your investigation, you found that people of all nationalities, countries and regions are surprisingly consistent in that point, and the white gangs in Italy, Mexico, Russia... have nothing to do with their own people.

The specific reason may be that he knows whether he has any foundation, so he is unscrupulous.

If there is no money, living in a foreign country will be easier. Grandma was forced to become a beggar and wandered for a long time. During this period, thanks to the help of public welfare organizations, I only learned a few words of Korean.

Then I found the opportunity to find a hard job and reintegrate into society.

Then you took advantage of your spare time while working hard to master the language, while using all your means to secretly handle the identity.

After a few years, it can be regarded as settled down.

Just in the past few years, District 1 has been rapidly developing from poverty, and it is a myth of constantly creating wealth. Grandma took a fancy to that opportunity and opened a Chinese cram school by virtue of her innate skills.

But not long after it opened, it was taught a solid lesson by a group of locals.

Before you taught this group of students responsibly and seriously, these guys thanked you respectfully, but before they left the door, they turned their backs and sued grandma to the education department.

Saying that your education is formal, while teaching the language, it is mixed with some stances and things that should not be, and believe that there are no qualifications.

Of course, grandma may bring some private goods after class, and at the same time, all the documents of the cram school are complete, but according to these students, in the case of whether there are class records at that time, it is necessary to investigate yourself and your past experience …

(End of this chapter)

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