Chapter 649, War

Then the two passed a not-so-sophisticated plan, defrauding a large amount of money as expected, and of course they were also hunted down for it.

Hiding in embarrassment all the way, these two scumbags with no foundation of trust did not betray each other. On the contrary, they formed a kind of tacit understanding that was unclear, unreasonable, and inseparable.

In the end, they came together naturally.

"A liar, a whore."

"The watch and the dog."

"It's also a good combination."

Grandma said so.

After getting rid of the chase, the two relied on the money they cheated from the rich neighbor with cerebral palsy, and started a degenerate life of extravagance, luxury, expensive champagne, five-star hotels, furs worth a car, casinos, and yachts. ,parachute…

I don't know if it's because of poverty, or because of some sick factors in their hearts, they are consuming crazily and retaliating.

Looking for all the excitement in exchange for money.

Then without any surprises, all the money cheated before was quickly spent.

What should I do if I have no money?The appetite has been raised at this time, and it is impossible to return to the ordinary. In order to satisfy the desire in the heart, the hunting for money will naturally and logically start again.

With the previous first time, the following things will be more familiar.

Not even leaving any real clues...

And then again.

District 0 is not that big, and the circle of rich people is even smaller, and their tricks will fail after a few times, so they naturally aimed their knife at the other side.

Rich people in District 1, or corrupt officials, and their children... In short, anyone who can get money.

Why can't you see your compatriots?The little taboo in the face of real interests is really not worth mentioning.

Besides, the only way to make up for the trauma of being cheated so badly is to cheat again.

There was no robbery, and no poisoning...

In the face of the temptation of money, insisting on using only a few minor crimes is like a believer who abides by certain rules and regulations.

And in the capacity of those targets, this behavior can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

Grandma's memories and narration of the life after being with grandpa are extremely fragmented and chaotic, as if she was greatly stimulated and fell into confusion when she was lost.

It wasn't until I met a ghost after walking too much at night, and finally ran into a tiger while hunting, and accidentally provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked, that I woke up from this bizarre and chaotic dream.

Although he was lucky enough to escape with his life and was not directly beaten into the concrete, but District 0 couldn't stay any longer, so he planned to really leave.

Then the accident happened.

Because of the well-known incident at this time, with the order of the ambitious classmate born in the 80s, the war that had been brewing for a long time on the peninsula in District 0 broke out again.

According to the long-term preparations in the south where grandpa and the others were located, all men began to serve, and grandpa naturally did not escape.

Then, just as the war itself broke out suddenly and was not expected by anyone, the tragedy of the war also exceeded anyone's expectations.

Although the people on both sides, and the fans of the two sides, are quite tough on each other in their language on weekdays, and sweep away at every turn, but when the real war unfolds in front of them, there is only endless despair and cruelty.


At the beginning of the war, the north used missiles to saturate the military, industrial, and political centers in the south, and the main force of the army began to break through from the central part of Cheorwon County to the south.

He took the lead and caught the south by surprise.

But then the remaining government in the south came back to its senses and started its own counterattack, announcing that the country has entered a wartime state, all entertainment was stopped, scientific research personnel in universities were mobilized and assigned, the military industry system was fully operational, and the national male reserve was called up...

A huge modern industrial body has awakened and started to operate with war as its core.

The industrial capabilities in the south of the peninsula are unquestionable, and they can make achievements on the pinnacle of engineering achievements such as automobiles, large ships, and aerospace. To say it is weak, it is a denial of the engineering capabilities of the entire human race.

Just like Area 51 in World War II, the advantage shifts to this side as time goes on.

The question is how to stick to it?
The time when the war started was too ingenious and disgusting, and the disgust was for the south.

At that time, for some unknown reason, the military forces in Area 51 began to enter a state of contraction, and the garrison and anti-missile systems in Area 0 had just been withdrawn.

This is also the reason why the missile can hit it.

The entire army in the south was positioned with the garrison in Area 51 as the absolute core. The backbone was suddenly removed, and the military power was directly... not to mention half-paralyzed, but also plunged into a kind of chaos.

And the new national defense system has not been adjusted for a while, which is normal. This is not a game, or something that can be done in a hurry. If there is any problem, just change a few data and work overtime.

This is a very large system, a system of conventional weapons that match each other, training for weapons, combat thinking, war alternatives... It is very troublesome and slow to change.

It needs to be adjusted slowly.

Before that, there was a huge loophole in its military defense system. Of course, the southern authorities were well aware of this, but there was no good solution for the time being.

At the same time, it is also because of decades of peace that they put their hopes on the international situation, thinking that the mainland should not let the peninsula go to war for the sake of the economy.

But who knew the post-80s generation was so bold.

Grab this one and only opportunity in decades...

Of course, later people knew that he had to be so courageous. There were already big problems in the north, and there was an urgent need to divert the conflict.


" did you do it? Why did it suddenly start a real fight after everything was going well? Even the situation got so bad all of a sudden..."

"I don't know, I was planning to go to Jamsil to help the [thanksgiving girl], but I suddenly received a message and was pulled over, hey... I don't know if the girls will be in any trouble..."

" should still support me, little fat man, you are still a illegitimate fan who likes celebrities, right..."

"I'm not some illegitimate fan. I'm a normal fan. A illegitimate fan is a perverted kind..."

"Regardless of the crime or not, with the wartime state, the entertainment industry has fallen into silence. If a star is famous and has connections, he can be arranged by the propaganda department to promote it internally and externally.

"If you don't do both of the above, and your family doesn't have real strength, it probably won't be too good. You may be dragged to the military factory to step on the sewing machine, sew clothes or shrouds, but you are better than us, little fat man You still worry about yourself..."

(End of this chapter)

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