Chapter 652, Alive
"Whatever happened to you.

"My wife is just pregnant. If I die, my beautiful wife, the child I have never seen, and the money I have saved over the years will be cheaper for others..."

After speaking, he unloaded the gun and backpack, lay down in the pit where he was hiding, took out a cigarette from his clothes, lit it, and smoked silently.

The little fat man thought for a while, then sat on the other side, threw the gun at his feet, took out the energy bar from his backpack and ate slowly.

Time flies so...

On the battlefield not far away, gunshots and cannons kept ringing, and with an extremely fierce exchange of fire, the Southern Army's first attack was defeated.

The little fat man who secretly watched these with binoculars was puzzled, "How could this happen? We, who have superior equipment and numbers, lost..."

Li Xiuxiu next to him said: "It's okay, if there are more people with our thoughts, it may have an impact on the combat effectiveness of the army."

The little fat man's face was a little stiff: "If this is the case, those guys who died in the battle, compared with those who theoretically went all out to kill more people, are they also responsible for their deaths?"

Li Xiuxiu said: "Don't talk nonsense. They died because of the people who killed them. The more fundamental reason is the people who started the war, and even those who took advantage of this war to gain benefits. What does it have to do with us? We But nothing was done."

The little fat man said, "But if we do..."

Li Xiuxiu looked up at the sky, "We are the ones who will die now..."

The little fat man still couldn't calm down, "But..."

Li Xiuxiu interrupted him and asked: "Why are you so wordy, just to be honest, do you have a deep friendship with those guys outside?"

The little fat man opened his mouth and didn't speak.

Li Xiuxiu said: "As an adult male who was conscripted back from the south, you should have served in the military, and with your appearance, you should have been oppressed and bullied there.

"Could it be Stockholm Syndrome, which makes you feel that those days are unforgettable.

"Or is it that the arrogance of those regular soldiers during our training not long ago, and the companions you have known for a few days made you have a deep brotherhood?
"Those guys said it themselves, people should be superior, regular soldiers are worth more than temporary ones like us, and officers are superior to others.

"Have you forgotten all this? We have never been with them."

The little fat man said, "But we are on one side after all, if we continue to lose, if we lose completely, then what should we do?"

Li Xiuxiu didn't care, "If you lose, you lose. It's no big deal if you can. With such a small army on the opposite side, what can you do if you go deep alone, the most is to destroy the industrial park."

The little fat man continued: "But if the industrial park is destroyed because of the failure of this blockade, the whole war will be affected, and we will really lose."

Li Xiuxiu said: "Then find a way to get out... No matter how powerful the bumpkins in the north are, can they hit 'Vietnam', can they hit 'Dongying'?
"Even if the flames of war on the island expand again and spread to the whole world, and a world war breaks out, there will still be a 'pure land'.

"Wherever I am, I'm not going to do my best for these bullshit wars.

"Everything in this world is fake, but my own life is real..."


In this way, under some kind of tacit understanding or concerted efforts of everyone, the situation that was originally crushed by strength was turned into an equal force.

No one expected that these reserve soldiers would be so bad.

I don't know if it's because of being corrupted by society, too much reality, or because the level of education is too high, and I became a soldier before I even started.

In the forecast before the battle, it is generally accepted that the morale of the soldiers in the north is not worth mentioning. As far as the economy and life are so poor, you can have some thoughts in the war, tens of hundreds of dollars a month, what kind of life are you fighting for? , I was afraid that I would have to run away.

And here, no matter what, he wouldn't want the bad side to take over him, and he would end up like that.

Even those born in the 80s would never have imagined that this situation would appear.

However, although people's hearts are scattered, the real advantage of the southern army in terms of military force and firepower is indeed great, and it will not be offset by any will.

In the end, this group of enemy troops who came to snipe was still resolved, but it took a lot of effort, and it achieved the purpose of delaying it.

Then the surviving recruits received new orders, joined up with other training bases to deploy support again, and the large forces headed towards the main force targeting the industrial park.

The fierce battle started again relying on the extremely sturdy buildings.

After another hard fight, fishing with various means, and paying a high price, the enemy troops in the industrial park were finally eliminated.

Those who survived felt alive at last.

But the war just joins in, unless the real victory never stops...

Then the recruits who had been sharpened by these two actual battles were assigned to the real front line because of the tightness of the front line.

Go to a crueler battlefield...

Seoul line.

I saw that the long battle line was like hell, and the scorched ground was covered with crooked steel thorns, devouring the fresh lives that were constantly pouring into it from both sides.

The dark and tired fat man was leaning in the trench, smoking a filterless cigarette, and said skillfully to the man opposite him: "Brother Li, I'm in trouble, because the cameras and drones responsible for monitoring the battlefield and supervising the battle have been blocked. We are devastated.

"Now the staff intends to equip those of us with tactical watches that can monitor our health and all positioning in depth."

Li Xiuxiu took a deep puff of cigarette, "MD, these guys have used high-tech technology for no good, and used it here.

"It's trying to put on the reins for us, what the hell does that shit watch hold?
"But I believe that as long as we wear it, everything about us will be presented under the eyes of the master. At that time, we have only three choices, either to die under the enemy's artillery fire, or to go to a military court, or to pray to the master to be kind as a dog. "

When the little fat man heard the words, a glint of sternness flashed in his eyes, "Masters can't be kind, and they won't lack dogs, it's just that they want us to die.

"Whoever wants to mess with us, we'll do it. We'll do it when the logistics arrive. It's not an accident that a few people died on the battlefield."

Li Xiuxiu shook her head: "The use of such naked methods in the future must be very dissatisfied with us, and at the same time, there must be corresponding precautions.

"If you want to solve the trouble, you must start from the root..."

The little fat man asked: "What is the root cause?"

Li Xiuxiu said: "Masters dare to mess around, the main reason is that after the unknown and chaos in the early stage, the upper echelons of the North and the South have reached a tacit understanding.

"Maintain the intensity of the war in ordinary offensive and defensive warfare of attrition, without using strategic weapons.

"Of course, this may also be due to the mediation of various forces around the world."


(End of this chapter)

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