Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 654, serious business

Chapter 654, serious business

As a result, many people can speak Japanese - the former traditional language of our region.

Grandma suffered a great loss in language after arriving in District 0 at that time.

So after settling down, I had the opportunity to learn some Japanese with the elders and grandfathers nearby, which happened to be useful at this moment.

Then there was a small episode on the way to leave for the 28th district.

Because the airport was attacked and the traffic to and from the island was blocked, grandma and those who chose Run at that time could only use fixed boats as a means of transportation.

The speed of the cruise ship is relatively slow, and the advantage is that it has a relatively large space, with special suites and restaurants, so that people can move around during the long journey.

Grandma's appetite has been very good since she was pregnant. She was a little hungry during the rush, so she went to the restaurant to have a long-distance afternoon tea.

Then, when they were leaving near the passageway passing through the luxury suite after eating, they had a glimpse of the big man who had forced them not to continue to gain a foothold in District 0, and passed by...

Just pass by.

Of course, nothing happened, such as being discovered, being caught again, or running away. Not to mention that grandma had put on makeup, even if she didn't wear makeup, the other party would not know her. When she provoked her before, she had never actually met her.

Maybe he didn't even know about it, so the two of them had to choose to flee.

But because of this sudden war, they got on the same boat and were able to stand together, which has to make people feel a little bit emotional.

After arriving in the 28th district, grandma did not choose to continue her previous practice of cheating.

I have just arrived here, and I am still in the stage of getting familiar with this place. I really don't know much about the social situation, and I don't have the conditions to cheat. In addition, I don't have my grandfather as a partner, so there are not enough staff.

Of course, the most important thing is that with my mother, and with concern in my heart, I can no longer be unscrupulous, and must truly settle down.

At that time, the financial market in the 28th district, especially the real estate market, was in a panic.

Because of the war in Area 0, the power of Area 51 has shrunk from East Asia, which also affects Area 28, and the Okinawa base has been withdrawn.

Although the 28th district peninsula does not have the complicated situation of the division of the 0th district, but because of the events of decades ago and the artificial panic created by some people, many people are worried that the 1st district will come. is withdrawing.

Grandma took this opportunity to invest in a street-facing house in the suburbs of Tokyo with some of the little savings left over after years of deception and some bank loans.

There are three floors in total, rented together, and opened a small flower shop on the first floor with free time, as a serious business.

Originally, she wanted to open a restaurant, but the Chinese restaurant was quite famous. If it was done well, there would be no shortage of business, and this would not waste her innate status at that time.

But when it comes to cooking preparations—grandmother didn’t intend to hire a chef, she only planned to sell some daily classic snacks, such as shrimp dumplings and steamed buns, it’s really not worth it to find someone specially, and find someone here It's not easy to be an authentic Chinese cook, so it's better to do it yourself.

Grandma watched a lot of food-related videos on the Internet, bought various professional recipes, a lot of related kitchen utensils, and even spent money on training courses.

It took many times more thought than deceiving people, but in the end I found that no matter how hard I tried, the things I made always felt a little unsatisfactory.

I can also attest to this.

I also ate her cooking when I was a child, and it was really unsatisfactory...

Grandma is not the kind of person who can't recognize her weight at all and is very confident. Because of the limitation of this talent, she stopped thinking about opening a very warm, small shop like a "late night cafeteria".

Then I decided to find another simple business that I liked and didn't have to worry about.

At this moment, she unconsciously thought of Grandpa. After she met Grandpa, whether it was just acquaintance or established relationship, as long as they separated and met again, he would always bring a flower, and there was no fixed variety. .

Roses...lilies...carnations...chrysanthemums...even sunflowers, whatever.

Driven by curiosity, she also asked about the specific reason, but there was no special romantic reason in the suspicion.

That guy just bought it casually out of habit, just for the purpose of learning how to be handsome in movies.

Of course, this goal was not achieved.

No one thinks it's cool to be presented with a strange flower in an out-of-life pose while eating in a formal restaurant.

It just feels weird and embarrassing.

But now, it is still embarrassing to dig out these embarrassing things in memory again, but every time we meet, every flower is so clear and so interesting.

Then grandma opened a flower shop without hesitation.


A florist in the middle of nowhere…

This is really not a good choice.

You don’t even need to do user surveys. Just think about it and you will know that flower sellers in today’s society either send sick people, dead people, lovers, or flower baskets for marriage and shop opening.

This also means that if you want to do this business, unless it is a place that is closely related to the above scenes, such as near a hospital or a cemetery.

It is only in some conspicuous place, people saw it, and bought it by the way.

A place that has nothing to do with the above.

This is not a restaurant or a convenience store. It can survive only by doing nearby business. Not surprisingly, it is naturally Monroe Keque.

There were only two customers in three days, one bought a rose and talked about the price for a long time.

The other was originally here to rent a house, so he ran to the flower shop thinking he had gone to the wrong place, and didn't know how to refuse, so he blushed and bought a flower.

Watching the clusters of delicate and fresh flowers piled up in the small shop gradually lose their moisture.

No matter how obsessed grandma is with the past, she has long since awakened from her imagination and returned to reality.

She had to start looking for other sales channels, such as online sales, or developing offline... But everything was not satisfactory, and she was almost arrested.

Day by day, the petals of some fragile flowers gradually dry up, rot, and lose their original color, in order to prolong the life of the flowers as much as possible.

Grandma had to try her best to remove the dead leaves and rotten leaves, to prune the flowers that had become a bit unfavorable, and at the same time to match them together, rearrange them, and cover them up. Live flaws.

Because she has been trying to sell on the Internet, the pictures related to these works of hers have also been shared through her account, and unexpectedly, she has received a lot of praise and praise for it.

(End of this chapter)

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