Chapter 657, chaos
Because of such an agreement, my mother began to fight for this illusory goal.

My mother recalled that it was really a full and crazy day, sleeping, eating, running, thinking about exercises and endorsements while running, attending classes, doing questions, doing test papers, sleeping...

Day after day, day after day repeats itself...

The whole person seems to be a learning machine, except for imprinting those boring knowledge in the mind, there is nothing else in the heart.

Only the sweet text message half an hour before going to bed squeezed out of bed time can relieve the tense spirit.

Grandma felt distressed and relieved at this. She didn't know the real reason for her precious daughter's reformation, she only thought it was because of herself.

But although I misunderstood in my heart, in reality everyone got what they wanted and was very satisfied.

Relying on the vigor that overwhelms everything and the learning methods taught by her former grandma's friend, my mother finally moved from the bottom three to the real top three.

Became a very publicity example for the school, becoming famous for the first time in a non-beauty way.

This also confirmed what she said, when she was a student, there was no brain disease caused by a disease, so there was no such thing as stupid and not enough brains.

time flows...

After sharpening the knife for thousands of days, I finally waited for the day of the selective assessment for higher education.

No surprises, my mother played steadily with excellent confidence, passed the two rounds of exams in one fell swoop, and finally got admitted to Dongda University as she wished.

Became the first college student in my family to be admitted to a top university.

That day grandma gave away all the flowers from the flower shop for free...

And my mother contacted that 'Yokota-kun' with all the joy.

After confirming that he also passed the exam, he immediately started the agreement.

With the coming of the final day.

As if she was going to get married, my mother dressed herself up very beautifully, and came to the ginkgo tree of Tokyo University early.

A real young girl with a spring heart, the long brewing and waiting, mixed with the result of never forgetting and finally seeing the echo, has gone through many obstacles and finally waited for the unveiling.

This psychological complexity is unimaginable to anyone, and it is difficult to describe it in words. My mother's body trembled.

But as time passed by, my feet became sore and my legs became tired, and the figures kept coming and going, but I still couldn't see the one I was waiting for.

The excitement gradually calmed down, and he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"Maybe you forgot?"

"Is something still delayed?"


"Will something happen?"

"Do you want to ask?"

"But what if I accidentally disturb you?"

"Could it be that Yokota-kun didn't pass the exam?"

"Then how can I encourage him?"

The thoughts in my heart were repeatedly entangled, and I don't know how long it took before I made up my mind.

Picking up the phone, carefully edited the words, contacted the already familiar person again, and found that I had been deleted.

All complicated thoughts disappeared, completely turning into dead silence.

The whole person seems to have lost the light.

I went back home blankly.

From now on, she will come here every day to have a look, wait a minute, after school starts, she will still come and sit under the tree every day.

Until the leaves all over the tree turned golden yellow as bright as fire.

Mom finally couldn't help howling and crying, crying for a long time, more sad than ever.

"What is this?"

"Who do you think I am?"

"Do you just want to play casually?"

"Or you want to experience the means of manipulating people's hearts with me."

"Or is it really dead?"

She will never understand that this matter has become a person and thing that will be engraved in her heart forever. As the whole person grows up and experiences continue to deepen, her thoughts on this are constantly changing, resentment, nostalgia , grateful, complicated…

But never let go.

Even when she was about to die, she didn't forget it. She said that if there was a next life, she must find this bastard and ask her a question.

But she said that although her mother was seriously hurt by this incident at the time, there is not only love in the world, and it is impossible to indulge in it forever. As long as people are still alive, life is more important, and they must be involved in it.

Just as Mom was going through her college career.

After several years of deliberation and accumulation, the number of foreign illegal residents in District 28 at that time became larger, and the social impact it caused was also greater.

And this effect is generally more negative.

Coupled with the changes in the world situation at that time, and there may be reasons that my mother did not understand, the atmosphere of the entire society in the 28th District began to become more and more right.

And this naturally affects universities as well.

The school is not only an ivory tower away from society, but also the sharpest projection of reality.

All social changes and movements are brewed from the school, from the university that has all the enthusiasm and vitality, has a deep understanding of society, and is not temporarily worn down by life.

At some point, the peaceful campus began to be divided into two types of people based on the more extreme standpoints brewing in society.

For or against.

Someone publicly raised the flag of the sun, openly quoted scriptures, and re-examined the previous war that was characterized.

Even organized to pay homage to the shrine in an absurd and imitative way.

Some people criticize and fight against it.

Because of her own identity and the influence of her grandma, my mother certainly did not support those extreme positions, so she was naturally rejected by her supporters, and at the same time began to approach people with the same position.

Everyone formed a group and named it 'World Peace, Everyone Helps' to discuss this and participate in parades and demonstrations together.

Contradictions began to intensify.

Even from the collision and drawing of boundaries above language and thought, it has evolved into a real conflict.

Once, when my mother and others held leaflets and started anti-extremism and anti-war propaganda, they were attacked by unknown elements and were beaten badly.

Before the injury on my body healed, I received news from my grandmother that the flower shop that the family had opened for more than ten years was destroyed, the window glass was smashed, the flowers in the flower basket were thrown on the ground and trampled, mixed with A mess of green leaves and dirt.

Those guys, the ones she objected to started investigating her identity.

and retaliated against it.

And it's not just this kind of threat through the destruction of life and property.

And the real murder of life.

Grandma said that once when she was out of the house, she was suddenly attacked by an injection gun filled with deadly toxins—a similar gun used to anesthetize large animals, firing needles like bullets, but the needles were not anesthetics but deadly toxins.

(End of this chapter)

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